Power.House Hybrid Pilot Study

Markham study explores feasibility and benefits of home-based energy generation

The pilot, Power.House Hybrid: Minimizing GHGs Emissions and Maximizing Grid Benefits, will evaluate how 10 Markham homes can both generate and store clean energy and optimize electrical and thermal technologies to minimize green house gas (GHG) emissions.

The pilot will explore how homes with deep energy retrofits can help lead the transition away from the current large, centralized power generation sources to decentralized, home-based cleaner power generation. Data from the pilot will help optimize system configuration and design for future installations and the learnings can be used to further educate Markham residents considering energy retrofits. Finding will be shared upon project completion.

Will these retrofitted homes be able to create energy from cleaner sources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lower operating costs all without sacrificing comfort? Stay tuned to find out how this exciting pilot study unfolds throughout the coming year!

This study is a partnership between Alectra Utilities, Enbridge Gas, Ryerson University and the City of Markham and has been partially funded by Natural Resources Canada.

View Markham’s Municipal Energy Plan (MEP) – Getting to Zero, a comprehensive long-term city-wide energy plan with the objective of net zero emissions by 2050.

To learn more about home energy retrofits visit yourvoicemarkham.ca/home-energy-retrofits.

home-based energy generation