
The following is a brief and legal summary of the City of Markham's Parking and Anti-Idling By-law taken from the City's By-law Guide for Markham Homeowners.

It explains, in plain language and with information links, what residents must know about specific City services and operations, which may affect a Markham homeowners' property.

Parking and Anti-Idling By-law Summary

In Brief

Parking rules ensure that our streets are clear to accommodate traffic flow, emergency vehicles and snowplows. The Anti-idling by-law helps to reduce air pollution.

What You Must Know

Parking is not allowed on City streets from 2:30 AM to 6:00 AM. An exemption — temporary parking permission—is granted if residents are having driveway repairs done or visitors who need overnight parking. You must provide a description of the vehicle, the licence plate, property owner’s name, address and phone number.

All overnight exemption requests must be received before 1:00 AM. Exemptions are not granted between November 1st and March 31st when street parking will interfere with snow removal.

Call the Parking Control Office at 905-477-7000, extension 2050, to request up to 5 exemptions each year, or to leave a complaint regarding vehicles parked illegally on City streets. At night, leave a message; the officer will not call back but will respond to the need or complaint.

Signs are posted where Pay & Display machines are in effect. Parking fees are $1 per hour with a $2 maximum; fines are $20 for an expired meter. Remember to put your Pay & Display tag on your vehicle’s dashboard. Parking is not allowed in “No parking” zones on key streets to improve traffic flow.

Regulations regarding on-street parking, and details about fines, can be found in the Living in Markham Guide and online at Parking Enforcement.

How to Pay a Parking Fine

You can pay your fine in person (cheque, debit or credit card) between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM at the Markham Civic Centre, 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3. For cheques only (no cash), mail to this address or use the drop-off box at the Thornhill entrance.

Two other payment options include a $2.50 processing fee: for 24-hour phone service, dial 905-678-8465 (toll-free 1-877-678-8465); by internet at Pay Your Parking Ticket online.

To Dispute a Parking Ticket

Effective October 1, 2015, the City of Markham implemented an Administrative Monetary Penalty System, a new process for the enforcement of most of the City's parking by-law violations.

To reduce unnecessary vehicle emissions, air pollution and smog, the City has implemented a by-law that limits vehicle idling to a maximum of three minutes. Idling is when the engine is running but the vehicle is not moving. After observing a vehicle idling for more than three minutes, a Markham By-law Enforcement Officer may issue a ticket for $150.

This by-law is concerned with controlling unnecessary idling, and does not restrict the practice when conditions require it—such as in cold weather or during heavy traffic situations. It does not apply to vehicles involved in emergency activity or parades, or commercial vehicles that require idling as part of their operation, or idling as part of a vehicle repair. See Noise By-law Summary for more information about idling and operating vehicles in the City.

When in doubt, check it out! Help is always available.

For more information call the By-law Enforcement and Licensing Department at 905-479-7782 or email

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