Row Description Fee
3.1 Certificate of Completion $200
3.2 Compliance Letter $200
3.3 Provincial License Applications (without a permit application) $500
3.4 Provincial License Applications (with a permit application) $250
3.5 Spatial Separation Agreements $500
3.6 Zoning Preliminary Review – Low Rise Residential $300
3.7 Zoning Preliminary Review – Interior alteration (including parking calculations) $750 per unit
3.8 Zoning Preliminary Review — multiple-unit residential and non-residential projects $1500 per building
3.9 Zoning Preliminary Review — Land Division $1000 per lot
3.10 Zoning Preliminary Review — supplemental submissions $125 per hour
3.11 Zoning Searches $75
3.12 Pre-Permit Consultation — per discipline $800 for first submission
$300 for each resubmission
3.13 Reproduction of Documents $60 plus 110% cost of reproduction plus $125 per hour

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