Common Bicycle Facility Signs

Reserved Bicycle Lane - On-road lane for the exclusive use of cyclists. Parking is not permitted in bike lanes
Reserved Bike Lane

Bicycle Route Marker – Travel lane shared by cyclists and motorists with no pavement marking on road.

Bicycle Route Marker

Share the Road - Travel lane shared by cyclists and motorists - use extra caution.
Share the Road Sign

Common Bicycle Facility Pavement Markings

Reserved Bicycle Lane - Cyclist permitted only. Motor vehicles, buses, and motorcycles are not permitted to travel or stop in this lane
Reserved Bicycle Lane -Cyclist permitted only. Motor vehicles, buses, and motorcycles are not permitted to travel or stop in this lane

Sharrows - Assists cyclists with positioning themselves along the pavement to safely share the road with vehicles
Sharrows – Assists cyclists with positioning themselves along the pavement to safely share the road with vehicles

Combined pedestrian and cyclist marking used at traffic signal controlled intersections
Combined Pedestrian

Mixed pedestrian and cyclist marking used at stop-controlled side street and unsignalized driveways
Mixed Pedestrian

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