The following is a list of most frequently requested by-laws as they relate to licensing by-law and regulation by-law of property standards; parking control; animal control; fees; permits, by-law enforcement, etc.

Name By-law Number
Administrative Monetary Penalty System in Markham
Animal Protection and Service By-law 2018-91
Appoint Screening Officers and Hearing Officers for the Administrative Monetary Penalty System 2015-94
Appointment of Municipal Law Enforcement Officers 2018-74
Backflow Prevention Bylaw 2012-27
Building Standards see below, Building Applicable By-law
Cannabis By-law To prohibit the smoking or vaporizing of recreational cannabis in public places in the City of Markham
Chief Administrative Officer - To Appoint 4-2000
Community Benefits Charges  To establish Community Benefits Charges 2022-48
Comprehensive Zoning By-Law  2024-19
Conditional Permit Agreements - To Delegate Authority to Staff to Execute 128-93
Decks - Specifications of Residential (for urban expansion areas, see Regulations of Decks By-law 177-96) 142-95
Delegation of Development Approval Authority - To Provide for the Delegation of Development Approval Authority 2002-202 | 2023-19 | 2023-39
Development Charges see below, Development Charges By-Law
Emergency Management Plan 2017-73
Emergency Service - To Set Fees for Services Offered by 2002-181
Explanatory Note - A By-law to Amend By-law 177-96, as amended
Extended Driveway/Front Yard Parking 2006-96
Fees - To Impose Fees or Charges on Services Provided by the City of Markham 2002-276
Fence - Cost and Height 277-97
Firearms & Bows - To regulate & prohibit the discharge of 2012-233
Fire Service - To Set Fees for Services (Emergency & Non-Emergency) Offered by 111-98
Fires - To Prescribe Times for Setting of 85-97
Garbage - To Establish a Method for Collection and Disposal 32-95
Garbage - To Regulate the Dumping or Disposal of Refuse, Domestic or Industrial Waste 126-72
Home Occupations - To Regulate the Size and Nature of 53-94
Idling Control - Prohibiting Unnecessary Idling within the City of Markham 2005-192
In-Fill Construction By-law – Being a By-law to Address In-fill Construction Activities
Keep Markham Beautiful (Maintenance) - To regulate and prescribe standards for the maintenance of private property and municipal boulevards within the City of Markham. 2017-27
Low-Income Seniors Property Tax Assistance Program
Licensing, Permit and Service Fees - To Establish 2012-137
Mobile Business Licensing - To Provide for the Licensing and Regulation of Owners, Operators, Drivers and Brokers of Mobile Businesses. 2022-20
Municipal Services - Prohibit the use of land or the erection or use of buildings or structures unless municipal services are available 2023-106
Noise - To Regulate 2017-74
Occupancy - To Provide for the Registration of Two-Unit Residential Occupancies 308-97
Parking Control - To Govern and Control the Parking of Vehicles in the City of Markham 2005-188
Parking Standards - Office consolidation comprised of By-Law 28-97 and amendments 28-97
Parkland Dedication - Conveyance of Land for Park Purposes 195-90
Parks - General Management and Regulation of 167-92
Patio - To Regulate Outdoor Patios Associated With Restaurants 71-96
Planning Applications - Fees for Processing 211-83
Pre-Application Consultation By-Law - For development proponents prior to submission of applications 2023-107
Procedural - To Govern the Proceedings of Council and Committees of Council 2017-5
Property Standards - To Establish Standards for Maintenance and Occupancy of Property 2017-26
Public Nuisances A By-law To Prohibit And Regulate Public Nuisances
Purchasing - To Establish Regulations and Policies 2017-8
Retention of Records - To Establish Schedules of Retention Periods for all Records Kept by the City of Markham 2017-151
Right of Access For Maintenance 2014-116
Road Occupancy By-law - A By-law to regulate the use, alteration, and occupancy of Highways within the City of Markham 2018-109
Satellite Dish - Provisions for Placement of
Secondary Suites  A By-law to Register 2018-57
Sewers - Public/Private - To Regulate Use of
Shopping Cart - To Prevent and Control the Abandonment on Public Lands 2008-37
Signs - To Prohibit and Regulate Signs and Other Advertising Devices, and Posting of Notices 2002-94
Site Alteration - To regulate or prohibit removal of topsoil, placing or dumping of fill, and alteration of the grade of land within the City of Markham 2011-232
Site Plan Control - To Designate the City of Markham as an Area of 262-94
Smoke Alarms - Installation of 107-94
Smoking - York Region By-law visit York Region website for more information
Speed - To Authorize Speed Limits 2017-104
Stationary Business Licensing - To Provide for the Licensing and Regulation Stationary Businesses 2018-90
Swimming Pools - A By-law to regulate the enclosures for privately-owned outdoor pools within the City of Markham 2015-96
Tax Reduction - Heritage Properties - A by-law to provide tax reductions in regards to heritage properties. 2003-341
City-Owned Property - To Regulate the Conduct of Persons Using the Grounds at 279-96
Tree Preservation - To regulate or prohibit the injury or destruction of trees within the City of Markham 2023-164
Water - A By-law to Enact Rules and Regulations Covering the Construction, Operation and Maintenance of a Waterworks System within the serviced area of the City of Markham 2019-53
Zoning  - Urban Area 177-96