Open Data Licence - City of Markham

(Version 1.0)

The Corporation of the City of Markham (the “City of Markham”) wishes to use this Open Data Licence (“Licence”) as a tool to enable the use of Information under a common open licence. You are encouraged to use the Information that is available under this Licence with only a few conditions.

Using Information under this Licence

You are free to:

If You choose to provide credit, please acknowledge the source of the Information by including the following credit statement in a suitable location: "Contains public sector Information made available under the City of Markham’s Open Data Licence".

You must, where you do any of the above:

These are important conditions of this Licence and if You fail to comply with them the rights granted to You under this Licence will end automatically.


This Licence does not cover the use of:

No Warranty

Governing Law

This Licence is governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario and the applicable laws of Canada. Legal proceedings related to this Licence may only be brought in the courts of Ontario.


In this Licence, the terms below have the following meanings:

“Information” information, data or Records protected by copyright or other information, data or Records that are offered for use under the terms of this licence on or through the City of Markham’s website.

“Personal Information” has the same meaning as set out in the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Ontario).

"Records" has the same meaning as set out in the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Ontario)

“You” or “Your” means the natural or legal person, or body of persons corporate or incorporate acquiring rights under this Licence.

About this Licence

This is Version 1.0 of the Open Data Licence for the City of Markham. The City of Markham may, from time to time, issue new versions of the Open Data Licence for the City of Markham’s Information. However, you may continue to use Information licensed under this version should You wish to do so. Notices of new versions of the Open Data Licence for the City of Markham will be posted on the City of Markham’s website.