Diversity Action Plan and Eliminating Anti-Black Racism Community Consultations

Throughout the Fall of 2021, residents, community leaders, Advisory Committees, community and service organizations, business owners and entrepreneurs, aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs and individuals who work in Markham from all backgrounds shared their feedback with us through a series of discovery meetings, consultations sessions and an online survey.

The City of Markham’s virtual public conversations were offered with keeping the intention of creating a safe space for dialogue.

The schedule below lists the sessions dates and titles.

Session 1 – Tuesday, November 16

Black, African Diaspora and Caribbean Community Perspectives

Session 2 - Combined with Session 10 on Wednesday December 1

Black, African Diaspora and Caribbean Economic Empowerment (business owners, entrepreneurs and aspiring business owners)

Session 3 – Monday, November 22   

Racialized, Indigenous and Racialized Immigrant Perspectives (session conducted in English, Farsi and Tamil)

Session 4 – Tuesday, November 23  

Chinese Community Perspectives - (session conducted in English, Cantonese & Mandarin)

Session 5 – Wednesday, November 24         

2SLGBTQ+ Community Perspectives

Session 6 – Thursday, November 25

Seniors, Persons Living with Disabilities and Mental Health Perspectives

Session 7 – Friday, November 26     

Youth Perspectives (Age 15 – 29)

Session 8 – Monday, November 29   

Faith, Religious and Spiritual Perspectives

Session 9 – Tuesday, November 30

Community Service Agencies, Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture

Session 10 – Wednesday, December 1

Economic Empowerment Perspectives (business owners, entrepreneurs and aspiring business owners)

Session 11 – Thursday December 2

Close Out Session - Sharing What We Have Learned from the Community     Thurs. Dec. 2

Who reviewed the survey responses?

The survey responses were reviewed and analyzed by the City of Markham’s third-party partner – The Diversity Institute (Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University). Themes from the online survey and the public consultations will be incorporated into the updated Diversity Action Plan report and shared with the public.

Will I receive the results of the initial survey?

Themes from the online survey and the public consultations will be reviewed by the City of Markham’s third-party partner – The Diversity Institute (Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University) - and will be incorporated into the updated Diversity Action Plan report, which will be made available in the spring