Diversity Action Plan Progress  

Diversity Action Plan 2010 to 2019 - Everyone Welcome

In 2010, the City launched its ten-year Diversity Action Plan 2010 to 2019 - Everyone Welcome as part of Building Markham's Future Together.

Most of the recommendations in the Diversity Action Plan 2010 to 2019 - Everyone Welcome are either complete, in active development or underway.

Diversity Action Plan Review  2021

As part of the Diversity Action Plan update, the City listened to its communities' and stakeholders' needs and insights through extensive public consultation in the fall of 2021. 

In 2021, we endorsed the Diversity Action Plan and the Eliminating Anti-Black Racism Action Plan. In the fall of 2021, the City of Markham began updating its Diversity Action Plan. We sought input from residents, community leaders, Advisory Committees, community and service organizations, business owners and entrepreneurs, and individuals working in Markham through discovery meetings, community consultations, and an online survey.

Diversity Action Plan Review 2022

On July 13, 2022, The City of Markham in partnership with Ted Rogers School of Management’s Diversity Institute, officially launched Markham’s Diversity and Eliminating Anti-Black Racism Action Plans at Aaniin Community Centre.

In partnership with Ted Rogers School of Management’s Diversity Institute the City of Markham consulted with members of the public and with more than 200 community entities. It contains 68 recommendations to strengthen the City's commitment to diversity and inclusion and ensure everyone can live to their potential and have equitable access to spaces, services, programs and opportunities. 

The updated Diversity Action Plan will provide the City with a framework, recommendations and actions that support policies, programs, services, spaces and decision-making that are inclusive, fair, accessible and equitable.  

The updated Diversity Action Plan will focus on 2021 to 2031 and the needs of the City's communities and stakeholders.

Diversity Action Plan Update – 2023 - Current

The City understands the ongoing and critical need to ensure that inclusion, social cohesion, respectful dialogue as well as the ability to live life to one's potential free of discrimination, prejudice, stereotypes, racism and systemic racism is essential for the City to uphold and strengthen. 

We are updating our action items and Diversity Strategic Plan to support fulfilling the Diversity Action Plan 2021 or 2022 recommendations.

As part of the Diversity Action Plan, the City will continue to undertake and influence change within our municipal jurisdiction and sphere of influence and proactively partner with other entities to help create sustained change.

Diversity Demographics, Statements and Progress Updates

Diversity Demographics