Core behaviours identify the skills, behaviours and knowledge needed by staff for effective performance and success at different levels of the organization.

There are seven core behaviours at the City – six for all levels/roles, and an additional one (“strategic thinking and planning”) for Managers and above. Staff of all levels are encouraged to learn, practice and demonstrate behaviours supporting the strategic thinking and planning core behaviour.

Core Behaviour Definitions

  1. Service Excellence
    Meets or exceeds the department and organization’s service standards for customers effectively, efficiently and responsively. Recognizes and responds to the diverse and evolving needs of customers in the community and the organization.

  2. Change and Innovation
    Demonstrates flexibility and a willingness to embrace change and to support others during change. Challenges existing practices and looks for innovative and new solutions to achieve the goals of the organization.

  3. Team Work and Relationship Building
    Works effectively with, and is inclusive of, others. Builds and maintains professional relationships, networks and partnerships across the organization and externally to remove barriers, build trust and to achieve the goals of the organization.

  4. Communication
    Communicates ideas and thoughts in an effective way and ensures that messages are clear, understood, and appropriate. Customizes communication to the needs of the audience. Listens effectively.

  5. Accountable and Results Oriented
    Aligns efforts and behaviours towards achieving defined goals and the delivery of high quality work in an efficient, effective and fiscally responsible way. Complies with City policies and relevant legislation and behaves ethically and with integrity. Aligns with City values, direction, department business plan and the Excellence Markham framework. Takes responsibility for problem solving.

  6. Management and Leadership
    Leads by example, keeps skills up to date and contributes to a positive, healthy and safe work environment. Manages and develops staff for today and the future using clear direction, learning strategies, coaching and mentoring, feedback and succession planning.

  7. Strategic Thinking and Planning (Managers and above)
    Takes a long-term perspective, thinks strategically and participates in the development and the planning of the City’s strategic direction. Ensures appropriate governance frameworks, risk management measures and policy frameworks are in place.