In 2019, the City completed a study and energy audit to find low-cost energy saving opportunities at the Flato Markham Theatre. This was completed in preparation of replacing five (5) heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) units and the building automation system (BAS).

The findings and recommendations from the study were used in the design and planning documents. Using the study’s estimated savings, the City applied for incentives and developed a measurement and verification (M&V) plan.

In 2020/2021, many upgrades were completed:

The results speak for themselves:

We would like to thank all staff involved with this project.

Project leads: Jason Vasilaki (Project Manager), Aaron Cheung (BAS Coordinator), Andrew Rosenfarb (Production Facility Manager)

Project support: Amanda Martin (Manager, Corporate Energy)

Team members and internal advisors: Gary Restoule, Darius Cheung