Sustainability Tips
Global change through local action
We encourage you to learn about climate change and the ways that you can take action to help protect the planet. The resources below outline a variety of activities and programs on ways to begin making an impact.
Celebrate greenMarkham with us and take a stand to live a more sustainable lifestyle all year long.

- How You Can Participate & Take Action
Reduce your carbon footprint by purchasing locally produced ingredients
Support local businesses during these challenging and unprecedented times caused by the global pandemic
Reduce your energy consumption by unplugging any unused electronics or switching power bars to eliminate phantom power, turning off lights when you leave the room, and taking shorter showers
Organize a cleanup in your neighbourhood
Each year, thousands of community members are keeping Markham beautiful by cleaning up litter on our streets, walkways, ravines, parks and public spaces
Organize your own cleanup with members of your immediate household
Make sustainable home improvements
Improving the energy efficiency of a home can save money, improve home comfort and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Most homes use fossil fuels such as natural gas, oil and/or propane for thermal (heat) energy needs
Certain measures can help reduce and/or avoid the use of fossil fuels, lessening the impact on the environment.
Consider the following retrofit options: air or ground heat pumps, air sealing (building envelope, ducts and Windows, Doors) Energy Star water heater replacement, smart thermostats with zone control, high efficiency furnace (Energy Star), Solar PV options with battery storage
Related links:
Smart Thermostat Rebate — Enbridge Gas
Home Winterproofing Program — Enbridge Gas
Energy Saving Rebate Program — Environment and Climate Change Canada
Energy Affordibility Program — SaveOnEnergy
Natural Resources Canada (NRCAN) – List of financial incentives
Canada Mortgage &Housing Corporation (CMHC) – 25% back on the CMHC mortgage loan insurance premium
Enjoy environmental films, books and more from Markham Public Library
Read the latest children’s book Adventures of the 905 Green Team: Exploring Markham’s Energy , written by Markham youth.
Sort your recycling, organics and garbage properly
Use our What Goes Where search tool
Sign up for personalized alerts and reminders so you never miss another collection day
Access your recycling and garbage collection schedule online or on the Access Markham mobile app
Plant a tree
Markham supports residents in planting trees with LEAF Backyard Tree Planting Program, including a contactless delivery option and discounts
The Markham Tree Preservation By-law 2023-164 protects the urban forest. Contact the City before you prune or cut down trees
Try a plant-based meal
Cut down on food waste
Learn about the meaning behind “best before” dates and how to reduce food waste at Love Food Hate Waste
Additionally, review the advice offered by York Region Food Network for their Good Food Challenge
Create an action plan
Our lifestyle choices often translate into greenhouse gas emissions
Calculate your carbon footprint , foodprint , and plastic consumption to identify ways you can reduce your impact
Shinrin Yoku is the Japanese practice known as Forest Bathing or Forest Therapy
Deepen your connection with the forest by visiting a self-guided Shinrin Yoku trail in the City of Markham
There are so many easy ways to reduce your water use indoors and outdoors
Protect the environment, our water supply and keep your water bill down
Fats, oils and grease (also known as F.O.G.) should never go down the drain
Avoid sewer backups and costly repairs
Pack your work lunches and snacks in reusable containers
Buy bulk or bake snack at home so you don’t have any wrappers
Clean out your closet
Don’t let fashion go to waste
Drop off your unwanted textiles to one of Markham’s textile donation bins so they can be recycled into new products
Shop sustainably
Save money and reduce waste by purchasing second-hand from a local thrift store or organizing exchanges between friends and family
Avoid purchasing magazines, books, movies, and other media content that can be accessed for free at the Markham Public Library
Use less plastic while shopping by bringing reusable bags and refillable containers (bulk stores) on your trips
Get outdoors for some exercise and enjoy our open spaces
Drop off items at one of Markham’s Recycling Depots
These locations accept items for recycling that are not collected at the curb (Styrofoam packaging, batteries, plastic bags, metal and more)
Do your part and help keep items out of the landfill
Watch Markham Teen Arts Council Eco-Inspired 24-Hour Film Challenge
One of the Markham Teen Arts Council’s signature events that unites youth across the city to celebrate the art of film-making
Be Creative
Create eco-art from foraged or repurposed materials
- Sustainability Grants
The Markham Environmental Sustainability Fund Program supports innovative and leading environmental initiatives. It provides financial support for projects in Markham that promote environmental responsibility, enhance the protection of natural resources and supports the vision for a greenMarkham.
The purpose of the program is to provide demonstrable, widespread, and lasting environmental benefits to the Markham community through:
Markham Environmental Sustainability Fund Funding for groups, association and schools
Sustainability Neighbourhood Small Grant Funding for resident-led project
- Environmental Conservation & Green Programs
Environmental Conservation & Green Programs:
Leaf backyard tree planting program Discounted trees
- Markham Sustainability Highlights
As a leader of sustainable practices in North America, the City of Markham prides itself on its eco-friendly infrastructure and facility improvements, its 80% curbside waste diversion rate, the Greenprint – Markham’s Community Sustainability Plan and its commitment to educating, enabling and inspiring members of the community to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.
Many of the City’s programs and initiatives have become leading examples for change that other communities worldwide are implementing. This is just another way that Markham’s work is having a positive global effect!
Follow #greenMarkham on Twitter to learn more about Markham’s sustainability highlights.
- Additional Educational Resources
Movies and Series (Free Streaming)
Free videos by Netflix on YouTube
Additional resources on YouTube
Canadian Programs
Big Blue (CBC Kids)
The Superfood Chain (TVO)
VeraCity: The Fight for Tomorrow (CityNews)
Streaming Services
A Plastic Ocean
The Biggest Little Farm
Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet
Brave Blue World
David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet
Kiss the Ground
Life in Colour with David Attenborough
My Octopus Teacher
Mission Blue
Our Planet
Amazon Prime Video
10 Billion – What’s on your plate?
Arctic Drift
Before the Flood
Climate Change: Ade on the Frontline
Wild Weather: Our World Under Threat
For Children
Arctic Tale (Amazon Prime Video and YouTube)
Big Blue (CBC Kids)
The Lorax (Netflix)
Wall-E (Disney+)
Websites for Youth
- Hinterland Who’s Who and the Canadian Wildlife Federation: online resources to help understand the impacts humans have on our environment, and how they can help to conserve Canadian wildlife (Grade level: K-12)
- Related Links
101 Town Centre Boulevard
Markham, ON, L3R 9W3
8 AM to 5 PM