Recycling & Garbage
Collection Schedule
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#WasteTipTuesday – Replace and Recycle
When you set your clocks ahead this weekend, it’s a good time to test the batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, too.
Recycle Your Batteries
Properly disposing of used batteries has a positive impact on the environment by keeping them out of landfills. When you recycle your batteries, valuable materials are extracted that can be used in the making of new products, including new batteries.
Drop off your batteries for recycling at any of Markham’s four Recycling Depots or the York Region Household Hazardous Waste Depot.
For more information, visit our Battery Recycling page.
Winter Set Out Rules
What you can do to keep collectors safe and help with snow clearing efforts:
1. Keep bins back from roadway to prevent spillage or possible damage by snowplows.
2. Ensure materials are easy to reach and visible. Do not place on top of snowbanks.
3. Put material out the morning of your collection day, not the night before.
Important reminders:
Do not bag recyclables. Items must be loose in your blue box; bagged material can not be opened and recycled.
IMPORTANT NOTICE - Effective March 4
As of March 4, light bulbs will no longer be accepted at Markham Recycling Depots.
Light bulbs can be dropped off at the York Region Household Hazardous Waste Depot for safe, proper recycling, at no charge to you.
For more information and additional drop off locations, visit our Household Hazardous Waste page.
What We Recycle
- Community Resources and Education