Administrative Monetary Penalty System
Administrative Monetary Penalty System

The Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) in Markham streamlines the enforcement of minor by-law infractions, reducing court congestion and promoting compliance. It shifts dispute resolution from the courtroom to the municipality, where Screening Officers can review, modify, or cancel penalties, and Hearing Officers provide final decisions. Penalty notices can be issued in person, by mail, email, or attached to vehicles for parking violations. The system offers a local, accessible dispute resolution process, encouraging adherence to municipal standards.
AMPS employs a tiered penalty system, escalating based on the frequency and severity of infractions to deter repeat offenses. By resolving disputes locally, it reduces the strain on the judicial system and allows for quicker resolutions. This efficient approach enhances accessibility, ensures fairness, and promotes better compliance with city by-laws.
For general inquiries as it relates to AMPS, please contact
- Screening and Hearing Process
You have 15 days from the date of the penalty notice to either pay the penalty, or submit a screening review:
Pay the Penalty Notice:
- Online;
- By calling 1.888.948.1408;
- In person at the Cashier's Office - Markham Civic Centre 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3 (confirm hours of operation;
- By mailing a cheque or money order (Do Not Mail Cash) to: The City of Markham - AMPs Division, 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3. Write the Penalty Notice number on the front of your cheque or money order and make it payable to: The City of Markham.
OR Submit a Screening Review
Step 1
Submit an online request for a screening review. Have the following information available:
- Penalty Notice Number
- Your Registered Vehicle Owner information (for parking infractions)
- The person/company named on the Penalty Notice (for non-parking infractions)
Submit an online request for a screening review here:
If you require an in-person or phone Screening Review, please contact
All in-Person Screening reviews are held at the City of Markham City Hall:
101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, ON
Screening Office – Thornhill Entrance
Hours of operation 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday-Friday- Failure to appear at your scheduled Screening Review may result in additional fees.
Step 2
Include the following in your review:
- Why you think your Penalty Notice should be cancelled or varied
- Why any fees should be cancelled or varied
- Why you require additional time to pay
- Authorized Agent Form (If you are not the registered owner of the vehicle)
- Include any supporting documents
Step 3
A Screening Officer will review your submission and email you the decision within 10 days
After receiving the Screening Decision from the Screening Officer, if you do not agree with their decision, you may choose to appeal the Screening Officer’s decision to the Hearing Officer, by requesting a Hearing Review appointment. This request must be made within 15 days of the date of the Screening Decision.
If you have not requested a Screening Review within the 15-day window, you may request an extension of time to review within 45 days after the Penalty Notice date by contacting . You must include the reason you are requesting the extension of time for the screening in your online request.
*Please note that you cannot request a screening by mail.
- Forms
- Authorization to Act as an AgentRequest for Disclosure
- Policies
- Conflict of Interest PolicyPublic ComplaintsFinancial Management and ReportingPreventing Political InterferenceFinancial HardshipExtension of Time to Request a Screening Review or Hearing Review Policy
- Procedures
Use these documents to help prepare you for your Screening Review or Hearing Review appointment.
How to Prepare for your Screening Review - 2024.pdfHow to Prepare for your Hearing Review - 2024.pdf- Frequently Asked Questions
- How is a Penalty Notice Issued?
A City of Markham Municipal Law Enforcement Officer can issue a Penalty Notice for a violation by:- Affixing it to the motor vehicle;
- Serving personally to the driver at the time of the violation;
- Delivering personally to the person as soon as reasonably possible;
- Sending it by registered or regular mail to the person’s last known address (which is considered served on the 7th day after it is mailed);
- Sending it by email to the person’s last known email address.
- I just received a Penalty Notice. What are my options?
If you have received a Penalty Notice, you must choose one of the two options below within 15 days from the date the Penalty Notice was issued to avoid late payment or other administrative fees.
Option 1: Pay the Penalty Notice within 15 days:
- Online;
- By calling 1.888.948.1408;
- In person at the Cashier's Office - Markham Civic Centre 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3 (confirm hours of operation;
- By mailing a cheque or money order (Do Not Mail Cash) to: The City of Markham - AMPs Division, 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3. Write the Penalty Notice number on the front of your cheque or money order and make it payable to: The City of Markham.
Option 2: Dispute the Penalty Notice by submitting a screening request within 15 days from the date of issuance.
- How can I dispute my Penalty Notice?
To dispute your Penalty Notice you must request a Screening Review with a Screening Officer by:
- Submit a request Online through the Ticket Portal at If you submit a Screening Review online, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from when the request has been received. If you do not receive your confirmation email within 24 hours of submission, it is your responsibility to follow up on the status of your request by contacting or by calling 905.477.5530.
- I need an Interpreter to assist me during my Screening Review or Hearing Review
If you need an interpreter, you are responsible for having a person to assist you during your Screening or Hearing Review appointment. The city does not provide an interpreter. - What if I missed the deadline to schedule a Screening Review?
Under extenuating or extreme circumstances (such as death or illness etc), you may be granted an extension to request a Screening Review appointment. Documentation may be requested. Call 905.477.5530 or e-mail for more details. - What if I don’t attend my scheduled Screening Review or Hearing Review?
If you do not attend your scheduled appointment, the Penalty Notice will be affirmed and the vehicle’s Registered Owner will be required to pay a fee for failing to attend the appointment as set out in the confirmation of appointment email. The fee for failure to appear at a scheduled appointment is $75 for a Screening Review, and $125 for a Hearing Review. - What if I am not satisfied with the Screening Officer’s decision?
If the matter is still in dispute following the review by the Screening Officer, you can request a review by a Hearing Officer on or before the payment due date listed on your Screening Decision Notice. At the Hearing Review appointment, you can provide evidence to support your claim. Hearing Review appointment, you can provide evidence to support your claim. The Hearing Officer's decision is final. - Can someone else act on my behalf during a Screening Review or Hearing Review appointment?
Yes. You can authorize another person to act as your representative during an in-person Screening Review or Hearing Review appointment. You must complete the Authorization to Act as an Agent Form prior to the appointment and send it to - I just received a Past Due Notice, now what?
If you received a Past Due Notice, this means that the City has not received payment of the Penalty Notice or you have not requested a Screening Review appointment within the required timeframe. You are no longer eligible to request a Screening Review appointment and must take action to avoid incurring additional administrative fees. - I just received a Final Notice, now what?
If you received a Final Notice, this means that the City has not received payment of the Penalty Notice. You must take action to avoid being placed in plate denial with the Ministry of Transportation (for parking related violations). For individuals who have not made payment and owe outstanding fine(s) and fees, the total amount could be added to your City property taxes (for Markham residents) or sent to a third-party collection agency, where additional fees will be added. - Are there any additional administrative fees?
Yes. Under specific circumstances administrative fees can be applied to your total amount due. For example, administrative fees are applied to late payments, failure to attend a scheduled Screening Review or Hearing Review appointment, and Ministry of Transportation (MTO) searches etc.
Below is a table of the applicable Administrative Fees:
Item Administrative Fee Ministry of Transportation (MTO) Search Fee $12 Late Payment Fee $25 Screening Non-Appearance Fee
(For example: failure to appear at a scheduled Screening Review appointment)$75 Hearing Non-Appearance Fee
(For example: failure to appear at a scheduled Hearing Review appointment)$125 Plate Denial Fee $20 - Types of Penalty Notices
There are two types of parking Penalty Notices that the City issues:
Computer version
Handwritten version
- How is a Penalty Notice Issued?
- Bylaws
The City of Markham By-law 2024-137 sets out the parking penalty, associated penalty amount and any applicable administrative fees.
The City of Markham By-law 2015-94 sets out the appointment of Screening Officers and Hearing Officers for the Administrative Monetary Penalty System.
The City of Markham By-law 2018-74, a by-law to repeal and replace Municipal Law Enforcement Officers Appointment By-law 2015-62.
The City of Markham By-law 2005-188, A By-law to govern and control the parking of vehicles in the City of Markham.
101 Town Centre Boulevard
Markham, ON, L3R 9W3
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM