Official Plan
The City of Markham’s Official Plan provides a long range vision for the growth and development of our community. It identifies how we intend to build complete and sustainable communities that meet the environmental, economic, and social needs of Markham. Our vision for the community is based on four key themes: protecting the natural environment, building complete communities, increasing transportation mobility options, and maintaining a vibrant and competitive economy.
The Official Plan identifies where we will build (and where we will not), where we will focus residential, commercial, and industrial development and how we intend to provide transportation and servicing infrastructure, schools, places of worship, greenspace and community/recreational facilities. The preparation of the Official Plan is guided by provincial policies and plans, the City’s strategic and capital plans, and input from the community and stakeholders. The Official Plan is adopted by City Council and is regularly reviewed and updated to meet the community’s needs.
Official Plan Review
As required by the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, C.P. 13 as amended, the City is required to review and update Markham’s Official Plan, 2014. With insights and guidance from the community, Official Plan policy updates will reflect current issues and conform with provincial legislation.
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The Markham Official Plan, 2014
The Markham Official Plan, 2014 (the “Official Plan”) was adopted by Markham Council on December 10, 2013, and modified and approved by the Regional Municipality of York on June 12, 2014. The Official Plan was appealed to the former Ontario Municipal Board (OMB Case No. PL140743). On November 24, 2017 the Ontario Municipal Board issued a Partial Approval Order, which partially approved the policies, maps and appendices within the Official Plan. Additional decisions of April 9, 2018 and April 9, 2019, issued by the former Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, brought outstanding City-wide appeals concerning the environment policies and the Countryside policies of the Official Plan into force. For those policies and land use schedules that remain under appeal on a City-wide or site-specific or area-specific basis, and for certain areas in the City that require more detailed planning in the form of secondary plans, the City’s 1987 Official Plan remains in force.