Blue Box Recycling
Community Mailbox Flyers
Be a good neighbour and bring home all your mail including those unwanted advertising flyers. They simply go in your blue box for recycling.
Flyers left behind, stuffed in between mailboxes or on the ground creates litter that makes its way onto your streets and into your parks.
Although, community mailboxes are owned and managed by Canada Post, picking up street and park litter is done by City staff and dedicated residents. Reducing litter reduces waste going to the landfill.
Consumers’ Choice Program
If you no longer wish to receive all those unwelcomed flyers, Canada Post can help, it's your choice!
Learn more about the Consumers' Choice program.
- Blue Box Guidelines
Blue box material is collected every week on your regular collection day.
Place your blue box at the curb by 7 AM on your collection day or after 7 PM the night before. Recycle Right, Recycle More - Watch the video to learn how!
- Do not bag. Items must be loose in your blue box; bagged material can not be recycled.
- Plastic bags and Styrofoam are not accepted in the blue box. Recycle them at any Markham Recycling Depot for recycling
Prevent your blue box material from becoming litter
High winds can be challenging at the curb, knocking over bins, blowing recyclables into the streets, and ending up in the parks.
Follow these windy day tips:
- Put your blue box out in the morning of your collection day, not the night before.
- Don't overload; keep material below the rim; stack blue boxes if possible.
- Bundle newspapers and place them on top of the lighter items.
- Flatten and bundle small cardboard boxes (e.g., cereal, tissue boxes)
- Write your address on your blue boxes in permanent marker — this makes it easier for them to be returned if they blow away
Common items accepted in the blue box:
- All glass bottles, jars, jugs
- All paper products
- All plastic food trays, containers
- All plastic jugs, jars, bottles (#1-7)
- Aluminum foil/trays/plates/packets
- Cans
- Cardboard (bundled 2’x2x’x1’)
- Drink boxes/cartons
- Egg carton (paper/plastic)
- Milk cartons
- Paint cans (empty, lids removed)
- Spiral bound containers (chip can)
- Water bottles
- Yogurt containers (clean)
What Happens to my Blue Box Material?
The Region of York processes Markham's recyclable material. Find out what happens to your recycling once it leaves your curb.
- Unaccepted Material
Some items are recyclable but not in curbside blue box, see below where to drop off.
Markham Recycling Depot:
- Batteries – also accepted at Markham community centres and libraries
- Styrofoam - Learn more about Styrofoam recycling.
- Plastic grocery bags, bubble wrap, milk pouches
- Textiles - also at a Markham textile donation bin located across the City
- Metal pans
York Region's Hazardous Waste & Electronics Depot (HHW):
- Electronics
- Motor oil, transmission or brake fluid containers
- Paint, cleaners, soaps
Clear bag garbage:
- Plastic cutlery, drinking straws, coffee cup lids
- Broken plastic toys or lawn furniture - donate items in good condition
- Wax paper
Other problem items:
- Shredded paper - green bin
- Get a Blue Box
You can buy blue boxes at any Markham Recycling Depot.
Exchange Policy
Broken or damaged Markham-branded blue boxes can be exchanged at the Markham Recycling Depots only. $5.50 fee applies. Kitchen containers cannot be exchanged.
Blue boxes are also available for purchase at these locations: (No exchanges)
- Community Centres
- Angus Glen Community Centre
- Centennial Community Centre
- Milliken Mills Community Centre
- Thornhill Community Centre
80 litres - $17.50 (prices effective Jan. 1, 2025)
Recycling Depots and Community Centres accept cheques or debit/credit cards.
The Civic Centre accepts cheques, debit/credit cards and cash.