Travel Options

There are many ways to get around the City of Markham!
You don’t need a car to move through Markham. You can take the bus, walk, or ride your bike!
- Cycling Maps
Markham is a bicycle-friendly community. A network of almost 400 kilometres of on and off road bicycle routes is being developed. When complete, the cycling network will include cycle tracks, in boulevard multi-use pathways, bicycle lanes and on-road signed routes.
There are many good reasons to cycle including to save on transportation costs, be active, reduce pollution, and have fun.
Download Markham's Cycling Map as a PDF (seventeen by eleven inch). You can also get a hard copy of Markham’s Cycling Map from the Markham Civic Centre and at many of the Community Centres.
York Region also has a Cycling Map. Visit York Region website for more information.
Please note: If you use this map, you’re responsible for your own safety. Use these routes at your own risk. See full disclaimer (PDF).
For any questions or comments regarding this map, please contact:
City of Markham TDM Coordinator
Phone: 905.477.7000 extension 2160- Common Bicycle Facility Signs
Common Bicycle Facility Signs
Reserved Bicycle Lane - On-road lane for the exclusive use of cyclists. Parking is not permitted in bike lanes
Bicycle Route Marker – Travel lane shared by cyclists and motorists with no pavement marking on road.
Share the Road - Travel lane shared by cyclists and motorists - use extra caution.
Common Bicycle Facility Pavement Markings
Reserved Bicycle Lane - Cyclist permitted only. Motor vehicles, buses, and motorcycles are not permitted to travel or stop in this lane
Sharrows - Assists cyclists with positioning themselves along the pavement to safely share the road with vehicles
Combined pedestrian and cyclist marking used at traffic signal controlled intersections
Mixed pedestrian and cyclist marking used at stop-controlled side street and unsignalized driveways