Cycling Facilities, Signs and Pavement Markings

The City of Markham has a network of on- and off-road bicycle routes. This bike network consists of different types of cycling infrastructure, signage and pavement markings.
- Cycling Facilities
Cycle tracks are separate lanes for bicycles that are nearby the roadway, and is physically separated from vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
Multi-use pathways are extra-wide concrete sidewalks within the boulevard designed to be shared by pedestrians and cyclists. Multi-use pathways can be found on one or both sides of the roadway.
Bike lanes are dedicated space for cyclists located in the traveled portion of the roadway for one-way cyclist traffic where motorists are not allowed to park, stand or drive on.
Shared roadways, including signed routes and sharrow (pavement markings), are preferred routes for cycling, but no physical changes are made to the roadway.
Paved shoulder are portion of a roadway which accommodates stopped and emergency vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists. They are usually found on rural roads. A paved shoulder enables more separation between the cyclist and motor vehicles on a shared roadway.TRAILS
Trails are completely outside of the road right-of-way and often pass through parks or other green spaces. These trails are designed for pedestrians, cyclists, in-line skaters and skateboarders, in locations where the trail surface permits these activities. These trails are not illuminated and not maintained during winter time.- Cycling Signage & Pavement Markings
Pedestrian and Bicycle Crossing Ahead
Cyclist get off and walk bicycle in a specific area
Bicycle path crossing side street
Share use lane single file
Reserved bicycle lane
Watch for pedestrians and be prepared to share the road
Yield to cyclists
Do not pass pedestrians
Reserve bicycle lane markings
Cyclists yield to pedestrian
Designated bicycle route
Cyclists follow pedestrian signal
Motorists and cyclists must shared the road
Combined pedestrian and cyclist crossride pavement marking
These lane markings (sharrows) assist cyclists with lateral positioning in the shared curb lane.
Note: Sharrows are not separatedMix pedestrian and cyclist crossride pavement marking (Stop-controlled side street & unsignalized driveway)
Shared pathway
No cycling on sidewalk
- Left-Turn Bike Box
This two-stage left turn back log box is a designated area at a signalized intersection that allows cyclists to safety wait while making a two-stage left turn movement from a right side bike lane. You can find them at several intersections on Highway 7. The feature is also known as “Copenhagen Left”.
How does it work?
- Cyclists proceed straight through the intersection in the right or bike lane, and wait in the specially designed queuing area for signal to change.
- Position bicycle to the right side of the bike box to make room for cyclists.
- When the light turn green, right straight through intersection to rejoin traffic, not the cross walk.
We must understand that our roads are shared and that motorists and cyclists have equal rights and responsibilities to use the road.For more information, visit York Region - Left Turn Bike Boxes