Love Your Hydrant - Community Program

Love Your Hydrant is a public education program that began in 2013 as a joint initiative between the Waterworks and Fire Departments. The goal was to educate and inform residents about proper care of neighbourhood hydrants by keeping them clear of snow, shrubs, and debris. It was also to encourage residents to report unauthorized use (water theft), damaged or vandalized hydrants.
Fire hydrants are owned and regularly maintained by the City of Markham Waterworks Department. Hydrants are connected to watermains allowing our Firefighters to access the water supply in emergencies.
In 2015, we started to promote this education campaign regularly throughout the year with major pushes in the winter and summer months. We use social media, the City’s website, posters at City facilities/community centres, and mobile signs. In 2017, we also did a piece on Fair Child TV to further promote the Love Your Hydrant initiative.
What You Need to Know:
- Hidden, broken and damaged hydrants can delay firefighting efforts and can lead to serious consequences.
- Water theft poses a serious health risk and this can cause contamination of our drinking water supply.
- Those found tampering/damaging/vandalizing hydrants and stealing water can be charged and/or fined.
What You Can Do:
- Report theft, damage, tampering by calling 905.477.5530
- Keep clear of snow, grass, shrubs, debris. (1.2 metres)
Remember: Only the City of Markham Fire and Waterworks Departments can use fire hydrants. Any others can be charged and/or fined.