Flood Control Program and Stormwater Fee
City of Markham Private Plumbing Protection Rebate Program
What is Markham’s Flood Control Program?
The Flood Control Program is a strategic, long term, City-wide initiative to improve storm drainage capacity and limit surface and basement flooding risks in urban areas.
Why is this program needed?
It is needed to achieve Council’s goal of providing a consistent levels of service for drainage across the City and to implement ongoing improvements identified in specific study areas.
Is the program intended to address climate change impacts (more severe storms)?
One benefit of the program will be to increase resiliency to more severe storms in older neighbourhoods.
What are the important benefits of the program?
Flood control improvements will help protect public and private property from flooding and make critical infrastructure more resilient to climate change. Projects will reduce flood risks on arterial roadways (e.g. Woodbine Ave. , Steeles Avenue East, Enterprise Drive, Highway 7), help protect sanitary sewers from backing-up by reducing inflows, and manage City liabilities related to capacity limitations.
Who will pay the new Stormwater Fee?
All residential properties in the City will be charged the Stormwater Fee, including single family homes and residential condominiums. All non-residential properties in the City will be charged a Stormwater Fee, including businesses and vacant lands.
My development is new and has stormwater protection already, why do I have to pay?
Stormwater fees will be charged City-wide recognizing broad community and environmental benefits.
Can the Flood Control Program be funded by existing funding sources (e.g., taxes) instead of new fees?
No, there is no existing funding source for approved flood control projects. Markham Council evaluated various funding sources, and following public consultation, a dedicated fee was selected as the most appropriate and transparent funding source, as opposed to taxes. The City has allocated Canada Gas Tax funds to cover a portion of program costs to reduce the amount of fees.
Can the Flood Control Program be funded by existing funding sources (e.g., water and wastewater rates) instead of new fees?
No, water and wastewater rates are dedicated to the purchase of drinking water from York Region, wastewater treatment, and operating and maintaining the local water supply system (including testing, water mains, fire hydrants etc).
What are the Stormwater Fee amounts?
The annual flat fee, effective January 2020, is $50 per residential property unit. The fee for non-residential property is $28 per $100,000 of Current Value Assessment (CVA), effective January 2020.
How have residential vs. non-residential fees been set (is there a difference in fees)?
To achieve an equitable distribution, fees are based on City-wide runoff potential for all residential and non-residential properties (60% residential and 40% non-residential) considering the runoff from these land uses.
Billing Information – Residential Stormwater Fee
How much is the residential Stormwater Fee?
The annual flat Fee, effective January 2020 is $50 per residential property unit. The residential property will increase by $1 per year, each year thereafter.
How will it be billed?
The Fee will be included on the tax bill for residential properties.
When will it be billed?
The Fee will be applied to the Final 2020 Tax Bill for each residential property owner in Markham.
How can I pay for it?
The Fee can be paid by any of the methods by which your property tax payments are made. Learn about your tax payment options
Who can I contact with questions on my bill?
For additional information about Markham’s Flood Control Program and the new Stormwater Fee, call 905.477.5530, or email customerservice@markham.ca
Billing Information – Non-Residential Stormwater Fee
In September 2019, Council approved the rate of $28 per $100,000 of Current Value Assessment (CVA), effective January 2020. The non-residential fee will increase by 2% per year, each year thereafter. This annual rate will be adjusted as required to compensate for the average change in City CVA. The fees will appear each year as a separate line item on the Final Tax Bill for each property.