Markham Now (May 9, 2024)

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Varley Art Gallery of Markham Summer Exhibitions Opening Reception!

Kick off your summer season at the Varley with our Summer Exhibitions Opening Reception.
Meet the exhibiting artists, join in guided tours, enjoy food and music, and get hands-on with family-friendly craft workshops and board games. Plus, don't miss the chance to meet a Star Trek-themed cosplayer as she roams the venue!
Event details:
Summer Exhibitions Opening Reception
Saturday, May 25 | 1:30 PM to 4 PM Varley Art Gallery of Markham, 216 Main St., Unionville
The event is free and registration is not required.
Don't miss this year's Markham Cycling Day!

Hit the pedals and explore the City of Markham!
Join us on Sunday, June 9 for Markham Cycling Day at Markham Centre (10 Aviva Way).
Come to York Region’s largest single-day cycling event and enjoy 15km, 30km and 60km group rides, children’s bike races, entertainment, snacks and more!
For more information and registration, please visit

Main Street Markham and Carlton Road Traffic Calming Public Consultation

The population of the City of Markham is growing rapidly. As our roads become busier with more pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles, it is important for us to address traffic safety concerns and improve overall community safety.
We are conducting a traffic calming study for Main Street Markham between16th Avenue and Bullock Drive. We invite you to share your feedback and ideas at our community engagement meeting.
For Main St Markham between 16th Avenue and Bullock Drive:
Time: Thursday, May 23, 2024 from 6 – 8 PM
Location: Markham Village Community Centre, 6041 Hwy 7, Markham
If you couldn’t make it to the public consultation in person, you could also visit our website for project updates and provide feedback at
New Traffic Management Measures for Markham Civic Centre and Flato Markham Theatre – May 15 to 30, 2024
Are you planning to visit the Markham Civic Centre and/or Flato Markham Theatre from May 15 to 30, 2024 between the hours of 8 to 9 AM and/or 2:30 to 3:30 PM Monday to Friday? If so, you will see some new traffic management measures in place to assist with the flow of traffic and to prioritize safety.

School-related traffic: all vehicles must access the school parking lot and drop-off area from Wallis Way.
Visitors and staff to Markham Civic Centre and Flato Markham Theatre: it’s recommended that all vehicles enter the parking lot entrance at Cox Boulevard and Town Centre Boulevard.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation, and please plan your travel accordingly.
Markham Off-Leash Dog Areas Open House

Hello, Markham residents! Are you interested in learning about the future of Markham’s off-leash dog areas? Do you want to have your voice heard?
Join us on May 21st at Markham Civic Centre in the Canada Room, there will be an open house about Markham’s Off-Leash Dog Areas Policy and Implementation Plan.
This session will allow Markham residents to provide feedback on key issues and opportunities for Markham’s off-leash dog areas based on the research gathered for the Policy and Implementation Plan.
We are paws-itively excited to see you all there! For more information, please visit PopUpDogParks

- May 14
9:30 AM - 1:00 PM - General Committee Meeting 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM - Development Services Public Meeting - May 15
1:00 PM - 4:30 PM - Council Meeting 7:00 PM - 11:45 PM - Electronic Committee of Adjustment Meeting - May 21
9:30 AM - 3:00 PM - Development Services Committee Meeting
Members of the public have the option to attend either remotely via Zoom or in-person in the Council Chamber at the Civic Centre. Learn how to participate in meetings, email a written submission or request to speak.
Committee of Adjustment mainpage has general info on how to participate in virtual meetings and COA Meeting Agendas, Minutes & Staff Reports page which would provide specific meeting date information and materials.

- May 19 to 25 – National Public Works Week
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101 Town Centre Boulevard
Markham, ON, L3R 9W3
8 AM to 5 PM