Celebrate Markham Grant

Celebrate Markham Grant Program
The City of Markham is happy to support community events and programs through our Celebrate Markham Grant Program.
The Celebrate Markham Grant Program gives funding to not-for-profit organizations in Markham. Review the eligibility criteria below as each category has different requirements.
This grant:
- Supports community events and program
- Encourages community inclusivity
- Enhances Markham’s reputation as a destination City for visitors and tourists
You can apply for the following grants:
- Cultural Events and Programs: $5,000
- Major Community Festivals: $10,000
- Sports Events: $10,000 (Note: for International/World level sports events: up to $20,000)
- Seniors’ Clubs: $3,000
Celebrate Markham applicants selected to receive City funding, must provide proof of all necessary permits, approvals, insurance and other details as required by the City, prior to funds being issued.
- Eligibility Criteria
The Celebrate Markham grant is for not-for-profit organizations (either incorporated or unincorporated) based in the City of Markham. Not-for-profit organizations operate without financial gain for its members or directors. Applicants must be able to demonstrate that their organization is not-for-profit. Please note that individuals and “for profit” organizations are not eligible.
The following applies to all applicants:
- Events, activities, and programs must take place in the City of Markham
- Events, activities and programs must not be eligible or funded through other City of Markham funding programs
- The organization must be supported by a volunteer Board of Directors, Steering Committee or similar body
- A majority of the organization’s Board of Directors must be residents of the City of Markham unless significant community benefits can be demonstrated as part of the application review process
- Applications are required to be completed and submitted by the Celebrate Markham Program deadline
- Applications must be made through the official application process
- Only one grant will be awarded per organization per funding cycle
- Subject to extensions granted by the City of Markham, the event/activity/program must be completed by the date as stated on the Application form, otherwise the funding must be returned
- Recipients must submit a Project Outcome/Financial Report for approval within two (2) months from the stated Project completion date. New grant applications that have received funding in the past will not be accepted unless the Project Outcome/Financial Report is approved and the organization is in good standing with the City of Markham
- Membership in the organization and the organization’s activities must be open to the public.
Each of the four possible categories have different criteria in order to be eligible. Review the categories below to determine which one applies to your event, activity or program.
- Cultural Events are projects that enable City of Markham residents to participate in activities, events or programs that promote engagement through the arts, heritage and culture. Groups must have a mandate to provide cultural activities, or customarily provide a cultural activity as part of their services. Examples include cultural celebrations, community theatre productions, music, choir or band concerts, exhibits, reading or spoken word events, folk arts and craft guild activities and art exhibitions.
- Major Community Festivals are major community-based festivals and events, open to the public, which contribute to the vitality of local communities. These events and festivals must have a primary theme or focus on arts, heritage or culture. They would be capable of attracting over 10,000 attendees and generally are held over several days. They must demonstrate sources of revenue other than the City of Markham and appropriate organizational infrastructure. Examples include art festivals, heritage festivals and cultural celebrations, tourism initiatives and fairs.
- Seniors’ Clubs provide social, cultural, recreational and educational activities and events to City of Markham senior residents. These activities reduce isolation and promote social interaction; promote physical and mental well-being; support the participation of seniors in their communities and recognize their contributions; and strengthen friendships and community connections. Examples include the planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating annual events and programs, such as wellness and active living; bingo; volunteer recognition; celebration of seniors; and holiday concerts.
- Sports Events are sport events that take place in the City of Markham and are hosted by community sport groups. These events raise the City of Markham’s identity as a sport destination and bring recognition as an active city. These events support the Sport Tourism Strategy that the City of Markham is developing. Applications may be submitted by a not-for-profit organization that is operating as a community organization, club or association, and which is registered with a Provincial Sport Organization (PSO) or National Sport Organization (NSO). An application is eligible for funding only if the grant will be used for event costs for hosting a regional, provincial, national, international or world sport event. Additionally, the event must: take place in Markham; be sanctioned by an appropriate, recognized organization (PSO, NSO, International Federation (IF), etc.); be identified as part of the PSO’s and/or NSO’s Canadian Sport for life implementation plan.
- Project Application Timeline: 2025-2026 Funding Cycle
Thank you for applying for the 2025-2026 funding cycle of the Celebrate Markham Program. We are thrilled by the overwhelming response, which has garnered a significant increase in applications this year. Your enthusiasm and dedication to making Markham a vibrant community are truly inspiring.
As we carefully evaluate each application, we want to ensure a fair and thorough process. While we typically announce the application status by the end of March, we are delaying this timeline by one month to accommodate the high volume of submissions. You can expect to hear the results by the end of April.
Thank you for your commitment to our community, and we appreciate your patience and understanding.
Thank you for your interest in the Celebrate Markham Grant Program. Application period for the 2025-2026 funding cycle had closed. Application dates for the 2026-2027 funding cycle will be posted in August 2025.
Applications for the 2025-2026 funding cycle for Sports Events : August 26, 2024 at noon to September 20, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.
Applications for the 2024-2025 funding cycle for Cultural Events, Major Community Events and Seniors Clubs : September 23, 2024 at noon to October 23, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.
Applications will be accepted through the Markham Grants portal click on the "Apply Now" button on the right hand side of the screen. If you already have a Markham Grants account click on the "Log in" button.
The approval process from application deadline to the decision is between 3 to 5 months. If a grant is successful, an organization will be advised that a grant is offered. Payment of the grant is made after the grant conditions have been accepted/fulfilled.
Applications will not be accepted after the application period has closed.
- Program Guidelines and Outcome Reporting
For general information, please read the Celebrate Markham Grant Program Guidelines [PDF].
A Project Outcome/Financial report is required for all projects, following completion. Depending upon the amount of the grant, the following additional financial information must be provided.
Grant Threshold
Reporting Requirement 1.
$5,000 or less
Income statement and balance sheet of the organization prepared by the organization and signed by the Board.
$5,001 - $10,000
Compilation Engagement prepared by a Licensed Public Accountant outside the organization. One document that contains financial statements for the 2 separate fiscal years (the most recent fiscal year and the previous year).
$10,001 & over
Audit Engagement prepared by a Licensed Public Accountant outside the organization. One document that contains financial statements for the 2 separate fiscal years (the most recent fiscal year and the previous year).
- Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the Celebrate Markham Grant Program?
This is an annual grant for project-specific grants to non-profit community organizations for arts, culture, sports and seniors’ programs. Applicants are strongly encouraged to cost-share, or seek assistance from other funding sources.
2. What is the amount of the Fund?
Total Celebrate Markham Fund for 2024-2025 is $370,000.
3. What types of grants are available?
There are 4 different grant categories with specific fund amounts and different funding/eligibility criteria. Each has its own application form available online.
- Cultural Events and Programs* (max. grant per recipient is $5,000);
- Major Community Festivals (max. grant per recipient is $10,000);
- Sports Events (max. grant per recipient is $10,000); for International/World level sports events: up to $20,000;
- Seniors’ Clubs (max. grant per recipient is $3,000).
* Up to 50% of the Cultural Events and Programs category allocation is available to new organizations that have not received funding from the Celebrate Markham Fund in the past three (3) years for events, activities and programs that promote the objectives of the City of Markham’s Culture Plan, as determined through the Application assessment process.
4. Who is eligible for a Celebrate Markham grant?
The fund is intended for not-for-profit organizations based and/or operated in the City of Markham. Not-for-profit organizations operate without financial gain for its members or directors. Eligibility requirements are contained in the “General Criteria for All Fund Categories” in the Grant Program Guidelines posted on the Celebrate Markham webpage. Individuals and “for profit” organizations are not eligible for funding through this program.
5. When are applications being accepted?
Applications information can be found on www.markham.ca/celebratemarkham.
The approval process from application deadline to the decision is between 6 months. If a grant is successful, an organization will be advised that a grant is offered. Payment of the grant is made after the grant conditions have been accepted/fulfilled.
6. Where are completed applications submitted?
Completed applications are submitted online on the Celebrate Markham Grants Portal.
7. Will you be penalized if you miss the deadline?
Yes. Applications are required to be submitted by the deadline date and time, as specified; otherwise they will not be accepted. Deadlines are applied to all applicants to ensure a fair process.
8. What if the organization has a project that falls under more than one category?
Applicants must select the category that best fits their proposal. Only one application is accepted per organization per funding cycle for Cultural Events, Sports Events and Seniors Clubs.
9. Our project does not fall under any of the fund categories. Can I still apply?
No. To be considered, all applications must align with the Celebrate Markham Grant Program.
10. How many applications can an organization submit?
Applicants must select the category that best fits their proposal. Only one application is accepted per organization per funding cycle for Cultural Events, Sports Events and Seniors Clubs
11. Which faith based organizations can apply?
Faith-based organizations that are registered charities, or incorporated nonprofits, are eligible to receive City of Markham grants for the delivery of programs or services that serve the broader community in which they are located and that are not religious activities.
12. What does a workplan include?
This plan should clearly identify implementation steps, show that the scale of the project is realistic, provide a schedule for completion, identify monitoring and evaluation data and show that there are attainable targets to be accomplished.
13. Is there a description of the grant review process I can see?
A full description of the grant approval process is included in the Grant Program Guidelines which are posted on the Celebrate Markham webpage.
14. How long does the review process for Celebrate Markham applications take?
The application review process from application deadline to the decision is approximately 6 months. If the application is successful, an organization will be advised that a grant is offered. Payment of the grant by the City is made after the grant conditions have been accepted/fulfilled and 2 months prior to the project start, as stated on the application form. Please note that proof of insurance and articles of incorporation/letters patent, or equivalent documentation confirming that an organization is a non-profit, will be required prior to release of funding.
15. How does Markham evaluate Celebrate Markham applications?
An Interdepartmental Staff Review Committee will review all applications against all assessment criteria. Your application is reviewed for eligibility, completeness, and how well your project fits with your chosen category. Key considerations include:
- Organization readiness;
- Project merit;
- Community benefits and impacts that result from your project;
- That you have a clear plan to achieve results;
- There is sound financial management of the project; and,
- You have other sources of revenue than just the City of Markham.
Applicants must ensure they meet the criteria, and be clear and precise when answering the questions in the application.
16. Will grant recipients be identified on the Celebrate Markham webpage?
Grant recipient’s names, their project and the amount of their grant will be posted on the webpage on an annual basis following grant awards. An email will be sent to fund recipients following approval, advising of the grant award and identifying any additional information/conditions to be met prior to cheque issuance.
17. Is there an appeal process for applications that are declined?
There is no appeal process. All decisions of Council respecting Celebrate Markham applications are final.
18. What are the reporting requirements?
A Project Outcome/Financial report is required for all projects, following completion. Depending upon the amount of the grant, the following additional financial information must be provided.
Grant Threshold
Reporting Requirement 1.
$5,000 or less
Income statement and balance sheet of the organization prepared by the organization and signed by the Board.
$5,001 - $10,000
Compilation Engagement prepared by a Licensed Public Accountant outside the organization. One document that contains financial statements for the 2 separate fiscal years (the most recent fiscal year and the previous year).
$10,001 & over
Audit Engagement prepared by a Licensed Public Accountant outside the organization. One document that contains financial statements for the 2 separate fiscal years (the most recent fiscal year and the previous year).
19. What if I have additional questions or comments?
Email us at celebratemarkham@markham.ca.
- Recent Grants
Here are some grants recently given to organizations in Markham:
- January - March 2016 - Celebrate Markham Grant Allocations and Totals [PDF]
- April 1, 2016 - March 31, 2017 - Celebrate Markham Grant Allocations and Totals [PDF]
- October 1, 2016 - March 31, 2017 Celebrate Markham Grant Allocations and Totals [PDF]
- April 1, 2017 - March 31, 2018 Celebrate Markham Grant Allocations and Totals [PDF]
- April 1, 2018 - March 31, 2019 Celebrate Markham Grant Allocations and Totals [PDF]
- April 1, 2019 - March 31, 2020 Celebrate Markham Grant Allocations and Totals [PDF]
- April 1, 2020 - March 31, 2021 Celebrate Markham Grant Allocations and Totals [PDF]
- Contact Us
Contact us at celebratemarkham@markham.ca