
Leading the way together to liveable neighbourhoods, healthy communities and continuing prosperity.
As early as 2008, the City of Markham has been a leader in building healthy, vibrant and sustainable communities with the launch of our strategic plan – Building Markham’s Future Together.
In 2011, we published our groundbreaking Greenprint, Markham's Community Sustainability Plan [PDF] to improve our natural environment and enhance the quality of life in our City. The Greenprint is a 50 plus year plan with a bold vision and a strong leadership commitment to make Markham one of the most liveable and sustainable communities in North America.
Climate change is a real and present threat to our global community. Recent reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) show the need for urgent action to limit global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius by the end of the century.
The Sustainability Office champions the Greenprint and leads efforts to achieve net zero energy and emissions by 2050 in Markham. Through our sustainability reporting and outreach programs, we strive to build awareness, educate and engage with the community to become more sustainable.
Our focus is to develop corporate and community initiatives that promote:
- energy conservation and efficiency
- green technology
- food security, and
- environmental enhancement.
Together these innovative programs have dramatically reduced Markham’s carbon footprint and improved our natural environment.

Our Goal
Protect the public and respect the natural and built environments through excellence in sustainable community, planning, and infrastructure management programs.
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