City Departments
See below the list of departments and divisions.
- Assessment & Tax
Email: (please include the Tax Roll number or address in the subject line)
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
Phone: 905.475.4864
Fax: 905.415.7544
- Asset Management
The Asset Management Team develops and implements corporate asset management strategic plans that address growth, risk management and sustainability. Our objective is to optimize the life cycle value and performance of assets while continuously improving service delivery and customer satisfaction.
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
Phone: 905.477.5530
Fax: 905.479.7766
- Building Standards
We strive to enhance the quality of community life with particular emphasis on environmental, health, accessibility and life safety issues related to building construction.
This mission is accomplished by meeting or exceeding Provincially prescribed levels of service in a cost-effective and consistent manner within a corporate climate that is open, responsive, progressive and fair.
We are leaders in the promotion of technologies and practices that facilitate sustainable development, prevent building failure and satisfy our customers.
Our motto is: "Raising Standards...Meeting Needs".
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
Phone: 905.475.4870
- By-Law Enforcement
Markham By-law Enforcement Officers (Provincial Offences Officers) provide proactive enforcement services for all the City's regulatory and by-laws; except the Building Code. This division is also responsible for Enforcement of Parking Control.
As well as the formal complaints, staff also resolve a large number of issues over the phone, or at the counter, by providing details related to regulations.
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
Phone: 905.479.7782
Fax: 905.305.5980
- Contact Centre (Customer Service)
The Contact Centre is the City of Markham's centralized customer service centre. Call us with your questions or concerns regarding most City of Markham services.
Your inquiries are answered in a timely manner by knowledgeable and caring customer service staff.
If action is required we will take the details of your inquiry, open a file to track its progress and send it to the appropriate department for action.
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
Phone: 905.477.5530
- Corporate Communications & Community Engagement
The Communications & Community Relations Department, through its many services, is dedicated to supporting and promoting Markham's events and activities and communicating public information in a timely and accurate manner. We help build community awareness of municipal activities, monitor and manage issues, and promote accessibility to Markham's many features and activities among Markham's 310,000 residents and the residents of the Greater Toronto Area.
The Department also has responsibility for the overall coordination and updating of the City's website.
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
Phone: 905.415.7548
Fax: 905.475.4741
- Economic Development
Looking to relocate your business, start a business, grow your business or expand your business in Canada's High-Tech Capital? Markham has successfully attracted the largest concentration of high tech companies in Canada. The positive performance of the high tech sector has proven to be the key economic driver of the Markham's economy.
Visit website for more information
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
Phone: 905.475.4878
Fax: 905.475.4888
- Engineering
We promote excellence and innovation in the planning and delivery of infrastructure, transportation and environmental engineering.
Markham's Engineering Department is responsible for planning, approval and construction of essential services (sanitary sewers, watermains, storm sewers, storm water management, etc.) planning, approval and construction of new roads, bridges, sidewalks and streetlights transportation planning administration of construction within subdivisions answering lot grading inquiries service connections to residential and commercial buildings.
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
Phone: 905.475.4861
Fax: 905.479.7773
- Financial Services
We are the team of experts that coordinate and analyze all financial transactions to enable our customers and partners to make effective business decisions.
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
Phone: 905.477.7000
Fax: 905.479.7769
- Fire and Emergency Services
Address: 8100 Warden Avenue, Markham, Ontario, L6G 1B4
Phone: 905.415.7521 (8 AM to 5 PM, Monday to Friday) or 905.477.2011 (after hours, weekends & holidays)
Fax: 905.479.7770
- Flato Markham Theatre
Markham Theatre for Performing Arts is one of Canada's premier theatre houses serving the GTA and Markham residents. With over 300 live performances each year, the Theatre presents a performance calendar that showcases the cultural diversity of the community.
Live theatre, concerts, comedy shows and family entertainment provide an ever-changing array of performing arts. Markham Theatre continues to honour respected international artists and Canadian talent in performances offered throughout the annual professional entertainment season held September through May.
Live Arts Matters.
Address: 171 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 8G5
Phone: 905.415.7537 or 905.305.SHOW (Box Office)
Fax: 905.415.7538
- Human Resources
Human Resources supports the achievement of the City of Markham's goals by providing strategic human resources management solutions in the areas of recruitment and selection, employee and labour relations, compensation and benefits, training and development, and occupational health and safety.
Email: (via Contact Centre)
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
Phone: 905.475.4700 (via Contact Centre)
Fax: 905.479.7774 (confidential)
- Information Technology Services
We support staff of the City of Markham in their efforts to provide effective public services and maintain efficient government operations through appropriate and innovative application of Information Technologies.
We systematically, and cost effectively, implement enterprise GIS at the City of Markham which provides appropriate access to information and technology for all clients, simplifies data exchange amongst departments, minimizes data redundancy, and ensures suitably trained personnel are available to operate and manage GIS development efforts.
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
Phone: 905.475.4880
Fax: 905.475.4880
- Legal Services
Reporting to the Chief Administrative Officer, the Legal Department provides a full range of legal advice and support to Council, its committees and City staff. As a municipal corporation, the City is subject to all laws of the Federal Government and Province of Ontario therefore the City deals in all areas of law and public policy.
Please note that The Corporation of the City of Markham is our sole client and, as such, we cannot provide legal advice to the public or members of Council on personal legal matters.
Real Property External Requests
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
- Legislative Services (Clerk's Department)
The primary role of Legislative Services is driven by provincial legislation, most notably The Municipal Act, The Municipal Elections Act, and The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. We provide administrative support to Council and its Committees and ensures that all of the actions taken by Council are recorded and communicated.
Also known as the Clerk’s Department, we perform a variety of administrative and statutory functions for the Corporation. Services including Marriage Licensing and Wedding Services, Commissioner of Oaths, Insurance Claims, Records Management, Municipal Elections, and By-Law Enforcement and Licensing.
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
Phone: 905.475.4744
Fax: 905.479.7771
- Business Licensing & Standards
The City of Markham issues permits and licences as well as regulates the conduct of various activities, vehicles, trades and businesses to ensure that they comply with applicable by-laws.
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
- Business Licences —
- Vehicle Licences —
- Lottery Licences — 905.477.7000 extension 2300
- Marriage Licences — 905.477.7000 extension 2300
- Markham Museum
If you are looking for a unique family experience, Markham Museum offers 25 acres of parkland including an orchard and heritage gardens. Our site features a variety of buildings representing the on-going growth of our community. See mills, re-created businesses and family homes. Enjoy a personal tour and then stroll the village. Bring a picnic or pick up food at one of our many local establishments and find a quiet spot to unwind. Customized tours are available for families with young children except on special event days.
The historic church and outdoor pavilion are ideal for weddings and family or company picnics. Indoor rental space is also available.
Address: 9350 Markham Road, Markham, Ontario, L3P 3J3
Phone: 905.305.5970
Fax: 905.305.5971
- Markham Public Library
We proudly serve the Markham community through six branches. We’re one of the most visited library systems per capita and we check out more items per capita than any library system in the GTA. In the library industry we are known for our customer service initiatives and innovations in library technology, programs and services.
Address: 6031 Highway 7, Markham, Ontario, L3P 3A7
Phone: 905.513.7977
Fax: 905.471.6015
- Markham Small Business Centre
Markham Small Business Centre (MSBC) is an innovative public and private sector alliance providing a complete source of services and programs for Markham entrepreneurs and small businesses.
Funded by the City of Markham and the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, MSBC provides Markham's aspiring entrepreneurs and existing small businesses with high quality one-on-one management consulting, educational training and the business resources needed to sustain their growth in today's competitive marketplace. MSBC also works to encourage entrepreneurship as a career option for Markham's youth.
Visit Economic Development's website for more information
Phone: 905.477.7000 extension 6722
- Operations
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
Phone: 905.415.7535
Fax: 905.940.1550
- Parking Control
Responsible for enforcing the City of Markham's parking control by-laws.
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
Phone: 905.477.5530
- Parks Maintenance
We make Markham beautiful. We care for parks, natural areas and streetscapes. We promote an active and healthy quality of life by maintaining our parks and public green spaces, encouraging public access and fostering respect and appreciation of our natural environment. We work with and listen to our community and encourage public participation.
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
Phone: 905.415.7535
Fax: 905.940.1550
- Planning and Urban Design
We create civic pride through excellence in community planning and development. We plan for the future, and guide the delivery of the vision every day.
The Planning and Urban Design Department activities relate to long range strategic planning and current development control; formulation of plans, policies, regulations and guidelines on land use, development, urban design and growth management; processing and evaluation of development applications; data collection, analysis, research and monitoring on land use, planning policy and growth related matters; digital mapping related functions; community outreach, liaison and information.
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
Phone: 905.475.4861
Fax: 905.479.7768
- Purchasing
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
Phone: 905.475.4877 or 905.477.7000 extension 2222 (Automated Line for Tender Bid Results)
Fax: 905.479.7762
- Recreation Services
Recreation Services provides quality leisure services to create a vibrant community. Recreation For All! It is our belief that municipal recreation opportunities should be available to all residents.
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
Phone: 905.415.7535
Fax: 905.475.4710
- Roads Maintenance
We are dedicated to achieving the highest quality standards in the maintenance of our road, bridge, sidewalk and drainage infrastructure. We continually improve training and embrace new technologies, while remaining fiscally and environmentally responsible and caring of our customers.
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
Phone: 905.475.4866
Fax: 905.940.1550
- Sportsfields
Sportsfields require a permit and fee for use. For more information please visit our renting spaces page.
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
- Sustainability Office
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
Phone: 905.477.7000
- Traffic Operations
Traffic Operations oversees the safe and efficient flow of traffic on approximately 1800 kilometres of roads with 60 signalized intersections, and 200 all-way stop controlled intersections. We warrant and install all-way stops and traffic signals, establish posted speed limits, implement parking restrictions, conduct various vechicular and pedestrian traffic studies and oversee the administration of the School Crossing Guard and Markham Safe Streets Programs.
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
Phone: 905.475.4704
Fax: 905.940.1550
- Varley Art Gallery of Markham
The Varley Art Gallery of Markham features frequently changing exhibitions from the permanent collection as well as historical contemporary exhibitions drawn from local, national and international sources. New ways of seeing and appreciating art are enhanced through a broad range of dynamic hands-on art-related activities, including group tours, school programs, and studio workshops and lectures, and children's seasonal programs and camps designed to appeal to audiences of all ages and interests.
Address: 216 Main Street, Unionville, Ontario, L3R 2H1
Phone: 905.477.9511 (General Information extension 221)
Fax: 905.477.6629
- Waste and Environmental Management
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
Phone: 905.477.5530
Fax: 905.479.7772
- Waterworks
The Waterworks Department is responsible for the provision of safe water for domestic and commercial use throughout Markham. This responsibility includes the maintenance and repair of watermains up to the property line as well as the water meters inside the house. We are also responsible for the maintenance and repair of sanitary sewers and all appurtenances up to the property line.
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3
Phone: 905.475.4862 (Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM) or 905.477.7000 (after hours, weekends, holidays)
Fax: 905.479.7772