MappiT Disclaimer
This is the disclaimer for the use of the City's MappiT viewer
The City of Markham provides the information contained on this website to the general public and has not customized the information for any specific purpose. The information was generated from GIS data maintained by different sources and agencies. This data is for informational purposes only and should not be used for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. This data is for the user's own internal business and personal purposes. The user may not re-sell, sub-license, or operate a service bureau using the data or otherwise reproduce, publish or disseminate the data for commercial purposes.
The City of Markham provides the information contained on this website with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be correct or complete, and conclusions drawn or decisions made from such information are the responsibility of the user. The City of Markham assumes no responsibility for its use. All information contained on this website should be confirmed with City of Markham Staff. Additional information regarding zoning may be obtained by using the City of Markham's online "Zoning Search" request. Additional information regarding heritage properties may be obtained by using the City of Markham's online "Register of Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest".
Links from this site to external sites are presented as a convenience to users. The City of Markham does not accept any responsibility for the content, accuracy, reliability, or currency found on external sites.
© First Base Solutions Inc., 2009 Orthophotography
The Information provided herewith contains mapping data sublicensed to the City of Markham by The Regional Municipality of York. This mapping data and any written materials associated therewith are provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties statutory or otherwise of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality, accuracy, currency and performance of the mapping data is with the user of the data. First Base Solutions Inc. and/or The Regional Municipality of York and/or the City of Markham do not warrant, guarantee or make any representation that the mapping data will meet the users requirements or that the operation of the mapping data will be uninterrupted, complete or error free.