Condominium (CNDO)
The Condominium Act permits the creation of different ownership types for a multi-unit development. The Act allows for the following types of condominiums:
Standard Condominium (most common where individual owners own the units and have a share of the common elements)
Common Elements Condominium (freehold units with common elements including the lands and structures of the condominium corporation (e.g., roads, recreational facilities, parking garage, hallways)
Vacant Land Condominium (units are vacant lots rather than units and includes common elements such as roads).
If an applicant wants to sell individual units as condominium units, they must obtain a Plan of Condominium approval (CNDO). Generally, condominium approvals mirror the approval process of the Plan of Subdivision. The Condominium application process would take six to eight months on average to complete.
- Application Submission
The applicant submits an application via ePLAN.
After receiving an application, the Development Technician will conduct a preliminary ‘Pre-screen Review’ task to ensure that the required plans and documents have been successfully uploaded. The Development Technician will also ensure all submitted plans and documents meet the City’s ePLAN Submission Standards and the application fees have been determined and confirmed.
Note: The submission does not become an application with the benefit of a review timeline until it passes the City’s ‘Pre-screen Review’ process, and the application fees are paid.
For more information on how to submit an application, please refer to the Condominium ePLAN Quick Reference Guide. For the application fees, please refer to the City’s Fee By-law.
- Application Circulation
After a successful ‘Pre-screen Review’ process, the Development Technician will circulate the file to the assigned Planner and internal and external agencies for review.
- Staff Review and Comments
Staff will work with the applicant to resolve issues identified during the review. If applicable, the applicant will revise and resubmit plans and documents for additional review.
- Approval
Approval of the application is staff delegated and includes conditions.
The City prepares the Condominium Agreement, if required.
Clearing the conditions of approval is the responsibility of the applicant, which is followed by site inspections conducted by the City’s Urban Design and Engineering Staff.
- Registration
Upon clearing the conditions and passing inspections, the City issues final release for Registration of the Condominium.