Planning and Development Applications
This page is for property owners, developers, builders and others who are interested in obtaining development approvals with the City of Markham. It details the application types and outlines the City’s review processes and requirements that you will need to meet when submitting an application and seeking development approvals.
Before You Submit an Application
Before submitting a planning application to the City, you are encouraged to research your property using the following sites:
- Property Details Search to check the Zoning and Official Plan designation, and to determine if the property falls under any other approval authorities (such as TRCA, MTO, etc.);
- Heritage Property Register to see if your property is listed, individually designated or within a heritage conservation district;
- Zoning Search Request to check permitted uses and development standards under the Zoning By-law; and
- Official Plan to check the land use policies and applicable Secondary Plans.
- Development Application Review Fee By Law 211-83, as amended January 1, 2025.
- Terms of Reference
In addition to the above, you may also be required to apply for a Pre-Application Consultation meeting with City Staff to discuss your proposal.
Pre-Application Consultation
Before you submit a planning application, you may be required to apply for a Pre-Application Consultation Request with City Staff to discuss your proposal.
Applicants must follow the Development Notice Sign Protocols instructions found below. Prior to the Development Notice Sign productions, the File Planner must sign-off on the content and detail of the sign provide by the applicant.
District Teams
Development Services staff have geographically divided Markham into three major Development Districts (West, East & Central) to create a more efficient and effective structure for its overall operations. Special Heritage Districts corresponding to Markham's designated heritage areas have also been included and can be found within all of the major districts.
District Teams include staff from various departments and divisions within the Commission including Planning, Engineering, Urban Design, and Heritage.
Each team has in depth knowledge of activity within their districts and is responsible for all development applications, studies, special projects, and general inquiries regarding development in their district.
The 2025 Development District Map and Development Teams Chart identify City District locations and Team members.

Development Services District Teams
Main telephone number is 905.477.7000.
WEST | Manager | Ziad Yassi (7920) Lily Li (4055) | Mike Larbi (3746) | Rick Cefaratti (3675) Daniel Brutto (2468) Hailey Miller (4576) Nusrat Omer (2185) Jennifer Kim (2156) | Katie Henley (3249) | Yat Yee (3742) |
Vanessa Aubrey (2451) Trisha Sridharan (2059) |
| Manager | David Liu (3221) Lily Li (4055) Winnie Tang (2092) | Florence Yip (2358) | Melissa Leung Elizabeth Martelluzzi Barton Leung Brendan Chiu | South of Major Mackenzie Oscar Lam (2153) Christina Poulos (3299) North of Major Mackenzie Jennifer Zhao (2228)
| South Central Fei Yang (3741) North Central Tony Chiu (3013) |
Lorne Hellreich (5790) Trisha Sridharan (2059) |
EAST | Manager | Syed Sultan (2629) Teresa Yuen (2072)
| Sureshan Mailvaganam (3568) | Stephen Corr Carlson Tsang Brashanthe Mahoharan Aaron Chau | South of Major Mackenzie Alanna Covelli (2478) North of Major Mackenzie Jennifer Zhao - North East and North of Major Mackenzie (2228) | Lanston Lai (2526) |
Vanessa Aubrey (2451) Trisha Sridharan (2059) |
HERITAGE | Manager
| Peter Wokral Evan Manning | Alanna Covelli (2478) |