Municipal Service Agreement (MSA)
Municipal Services Agreement (MSA) is applicable law under the Ontario Building Code. All developments requiring Site Plan approval, within the City of Markham (City), must execute a MSA before a Building Permit can be issued.
The construction of external works on public right-of-way to service the proposed development (Municipal Services) cannot begin unless the MSA is executed. Municipal Services include, but not limited to, infrastructure upgrades, entrance(s), lighting, water, sanitary sewer and / or storm sewer system connections, tree planting or other related works external to the site.
Application Submission
Following issuance of the Pre-Application Consultation (PAC) Checklist by the City, Development Engineering staff will advise the applicant if a MSA is required. The applicant will then email a completed Application Form to the Development Services Commission ( for a Development Technician to open an ePLAN file.
MSA Application Form [fillable PDF]To apply via ePLAN, the applicant will complete their ‘Applicant Upload’ task, a Development Technician will conduct a preliminary ‘Pre-screen Review’ to ensure that required plans and documents have been uploaded. The Development Technician will also check to make sure that all submitted plans and documents meet the City’s requirement criteria in Appendix ‘A’ of the PAC Checklist.
For further information and details, please contact the City’s Development Engineering department.
Once the application has passed our pre-screen review, the Development Technician will circulate the file to an assigned Development Engineering staff and applicable internal departments for review.
Staff Review and Comments
Development Engineering staff will work with the applicant to resolve issues identified during the review. If applicable, the applicant will revise and resubmit plans and documents for review.
Approval / Post Approval
- Development Engineering staff provides required information to the City’s Legal Department for preparing the MSA;
- City issues draft MSA to the applicant;
- City issues final MSA for execution by the applicant;
- Applicant applies for Building Permit; and
- City assumes the Municipal Services (external works).