Cornell Centre Precinct Plan
The Cornell Centre Precinct Plan was initiated by the City of Markham in 2011. The purpose of the study was to provide further planning and design direction for the growth and evolution of Cornell Centre. This goal was to be achieved by confirming and refining the directions of the 2008 Secondary Plan, aligning development proposals and infrastructure requirements with the 2008 Secondary Plan, and providing greater policy details and certainty through an effective development framework and design guidelines.
With the completion of the existing Cornell Secondary Plan in 2008, many of Cornell Centre’s landowners began to plan new development opportunities, such as mixed-use residential development (as envisioned in the Secondary Plan and the Precinct Plan), some of which have since been completed, approved or are still in various stages of refinement.
While the 2008 Secondary Plan provides detail planning direction for new development, the Precinct Plan was intended to ensure further consistency between various development approvals and provide a higher level of detail to support built form, transportation and other urban design considerations. Many of the developments proposed by landowners are consistent with the Secondary Plan and were incorporated into the Precinct Plan, however some of the ideas and concepts included in the Precinct Plan were unique to its final comprehensive vision, intended to ensure that the 2008 Secondary Plan’s planning principles and objectives are upheld.
City staff presented a final draft of the Cornell Centre Precinct Plan in 2012. While Markham Council never officially adopted the Precinct Plan, it is one of the most important documents which have informed and guided the current update to the Cornell Centre Secondary Plan that was initiated in 2024.
Reports & Presentations
- February 5, 2013 - Interim Report on the Cornell Centre Precinct Plan [PDF]
- November 26, 2012 - Final Draft Cornell Centre Precinct Plan [PDF]
- October 25, 2012 - Open House, Presentation Panels [PDF]
- September 19, 2011 - Open House, Presentation Panels [PDF]