The Cornell Rouge National Urban Park Gateway is a transition area between Cornell Centre, Rouge National Urban Park (RNUP) and the hamlet of Locust Hill.
Cornell Centre is located at the western end of the Gateway and is planned to become the largest urban centre in close proximity to the Park. The development of this community as a high density, mixed-use centre can help support the Park’s objectives and create a unique visitor experience through high quality urban design, an animated public realm and by providing services that cater to both local residents and Park visitors.
The Rouge National Urban Park is the first and only National Urban Park in Canada and is the largest urban park in North America. The Park comprises 79 square kilometres in Toronto, Markham, Pickering and Uxbridge. The Park comprises over 16% of the total land area in Markham. The Government of Canada has tabled the Rouge National Urban Park Management Plan and are proceeding with the implementation of programming and park infrastructure throughout the Park including the construction of visitor centres and trails.
The hamlet of Locust Hill is located at the eastern end of the Gateway. Locust Hill is a small residential hamlet located on Highway 7 which traces its roots to the historic Locust Hill railway station. The Markham Official Plan seeks to protect and maintain the historic and rural residential character of these settlements.
The intent of the Cornell RNUP Gateway Study is to prepare a Streetscape Concept Plan to connect these varied land uses in a functional and aesthetic manner.

Purpose of Study
The purpose of the Cornell RNUP Gateway Study is to prepare a Gateway design that seamlessly connects the highly urban streetscape in Cornell Centre with the Rouge National Urban Park and the hamlet of Locust Hill by designing a highly articulated public realm and memorable space for local residents and park visitors.
The components of this study are:
- Prepare a Streetscape Concept Plan for Highway 7 to address pedestrian and cycling connectivity, enhanced public realm, streetscape improvements and potential traffic calming measures
- Prepare road cross sectional designs for Reesor Road to support a multi-use trail and improve the interface with the Rouge National Urban Park
- Support ongoing planning by Parks Canada to establish the future welcome area, trail alignments and other Park facilities
- Prepare an implementation framework to achieve the Gateway vision
In May 2018, the City retained SvN Architects + Planners to undertake the Cornell Rouge National Urban Park Gateway Study.
Project Updates
In January 2020, Markham Council endorsed the final Cornell Rouge National Urban Park Gateway Study. A link to the final study and accompanying staff report can be found below.
Meetings and Documents
- May 8, 2017 – Development Services Committee Minutes (Item #9)
- October 2, 2017 – Markham Sub-Committee Notes
- October 6, 2017 – Markham Sub-Committee Minutes
- July 9, 2018 – Markham Sub-Committee Minutes
- March 27, 2019 — Markham Sub-Committee Minutes
- September 30, 2019 — Markham Sub-Committee Minutes
- January 27, 2020 — Development Services Committee Minutes (Item #9.1 & 10.1). The final study and staff report can be found under item #10.1.
Lilli Duoba,
Manager, Natural Heritage
Phone: 905.477.7000 extension 7925