Langstaff Master Plan Project (2011)
Location/Area Context
Langstaff is bounded to the north by Langstaff Road, to the south by the Holy Cross Cemetery, to the east by Bayview Avenue and to the west by Yonge Street. The Langstaff study area has a total area of approximately 47 hectares (116 acres).
Background & Purpose
After the Yonge North Subway Extension was first proposed in 2007, along with changes to the land use and policy contexts of the Langstaff area around that same time period, it was clear that the City needed to provide a new direction regarding the appropriate course of action to guide redevelopment of the area, in consultation with landowners, developers and the public.
In 2008, the City embarked on a process to create a Master Plan for the Langstaff area, which is bounded to the north by Langstaff Road, to the south by the Holy Cross Cemetery, to the east by Bayview Avenue and to the west by Yonge Street, with a total area of approximately 47 hectares (116 acres). A consultant team of Calthorpe Associates (lead), Ferris + Associates, IBI and MMM were retained to complete the Master Plan, who released the Langstaff Land Use & Built Form Master Plan in 2009.
With changes to land uses in the surrounding area, the evolution of the policy context, the advancement of landowner and developer interest, as well as the announcement of proposed extensions to the Yonge Subway, it is clear that the City needs to provide a new direction regarding the appropriate course of action to guide the redevelopment of the Langstaff area, in consultation with area landowners and the public.
Langstaff Gateway Planning District
The City then proposed an Official Plan amendment and Secondary Plan to the 1987 Official Plan, which would create the Langstaff Gateway Planning District. The goal of the Planning District is to implement the vision of the Master Plan, transforming the Langstaff area into a compact, sustainable, complete, vibrant, well-integrated and well-designed high density community that will serve as a regional urban growth centre.
The Official Plan amendment (OPA 183) and Secondary Plan (PD 44-1) came into effect on June 30, 2011, upon being approved by York Region Council. You can access the text of both the amendment and the Secondary Plan from the following links:
- Part 1 — Introduction
- Part 2 — The Official Plan Amendment
- Part 3 — The Secondary Plan
- Part 4 — The Appendicies
Current Status
The Official Plan Amendment and new Secondary Plan were approved by Region of York Council on June 30, 2011 and is now in effect.
The updated Secondary Plan, including Region of York modifications, is available at the Development Services Counter at the City offices.