Open Air Fire Permit
All open air fires, including fire pits, fire drums and chimineas (even if they have a lid), require a Permit (By-law 85-97). Applications for Permits must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the planned burn.
The fee to apply for a burn Permit is $241.50 plus HST and is collected as part of the online application process. Permit application form can be found below.
Permits for open outdoor burning may be approved, but still require compliance with the By-Law, which outlines precautions that must be followed to help prevent the spread of fire.
The only outdoor burning that is permitted in a typical subdivision without a Permit is a fuel-fired appliance that is designed for the outdoors (propane or natural gas fired), that is regulated by TSSA and installed by a licensed contractor.
Any person who intends to set and maintain a fire in the open air for recreational or educational purposes on private or City-owned property with permission, must obtain a Permit. A Permit is required for each burn. The Permit also notifies Markham Fire and Emergency Services in advance of the day that the fire is planned. Most properties not designated “rural” will not comply with the provisions of the Permit.
Suitable equipment and resources, such as rakes, shovels, or on-site water need to be available at the burn site including a sufficient number of individuals to help control the fire.
Only clean wood, brush or vegetation may be burned and shall not exceed an area of 1.5 square metres at any time.
Note, burning Permits are not issued for locations South of 17th Avenue and West of 10th Line (Reesor Road), even if the By-law conditions are met.

North of 17th Avenue and East of 10th Line (Reesor Road):
- Recreational burning (corn roast, marshmallow roast, etc) may be permitted if all By-law conditions are met.
- Burning of vegetation from the site (tree clippings, small shrubs, etc) is permitted at the discretion of the Fire Prevention Officer.
- The use of chimineas, outdoor furnaces, etc for recreational purposes is permitted if all By-law conditions are met.
- Burning of construction and demolition materials is not permitted.
Please note, the submission of this online application does not indicate a valid Permit. Your Permit will not be valid until your request is reviewed and approved by a Markham Fire Prevention Officer. You will receive a separate notification once your Permit has been approved.
For more information, call the Contact Centre at 905.477.5530.