Business Licence

Why Get a Business Licence in Markham?
- Legal Compliance: A business licence is a legal requirement to operate in Markham. Complying with local regulations ensures that your business operates within the law, avoiding potential fines and penalties.
- Community Trust: Obtaining a licence shows your commitment to being a responsible and trustworthy business in the eyes of your customers, clients, and the community.
- Access to Resources: A licensed business gains access to exclusive resources, networking opportunities, and support from the City of Markham and other local organizations.
Check for your licence type under the sections below and begin your application today.
For any inquiries please email us at
Please watch the video below on how to apply for a Business Licence online.

- Mobile Business Licences (Required Documents)
You will need a licence for your vehicle-based business in the City of Markham. The regulations are set out in the Mobile Licensing By-law 2022-20 [PDF].
Here are the required documents for each Mobile Licence category:
Taxi/Limo Brokerage
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Business Name Registration
- HST Registration Number
- Insurance Certificate
- Zoning Search (If Brokerage is in Markham)
- Vulnerable Sector Screening – obtained from the police service local to your residence (Dated within 30 days of application – If a Toronto Resident please email to receive a City of Toronto VSS Application Document)
- List of all City of Markham Taxi Plates working under said Brokerage
- Federal Radio Licence Call Sign and Frequency Number from Industry Canada
- Copy of Brokerage Taxi Driver Rules and Procedures
Taxi/Limo Plate Holder
- Provincial Vehicle Ownership
- Valid Ministry of Transportation Commercial Annual Safety Inspection
- Insurance Certificate
- Articles of Incorporation
- HST Registration Number
- Letter of Employment (Signed and Dated by Licensed Brokerage)
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Vulnerable Sector Screening – obtained from the police service local to your residence (Dated within 30 days of application – If a Toronto Resident please email to receive a City of Toronto VSS Application Document)
- Airport Taxi Plate Holders must also provide G.T.A.A – Assigned Permit Number
Taxi/Limo Driver
- Driver’s Abstract (Dated within 30 days of application)
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Letter of Employment (Signed and Dated by Licensed Brokerage/Licensed Plate Holder)
- Vulnerable Sector Screening – obtained from the police service local to your residence (Dated within 30 days of application – If a Toronto Resident please email to receive a City of Toronto VSS Application Document)
- Valid Class ‘G’ Ontario Driver’s Licence
- HST Registration Number and current year return
- Medical Fitness Certificate (Dated within 30 days of application) Taxi Driver Medical Form [PDF]
Driving School Instructor
- Provincial Vehicle Ownership
- Valid Ministry of Transportation Mechanical Safety Inspection
- Insurance Certificate
- HST Registration Number
- Provincial Driver’s Instructor Licence
- Letter of Employment (Signed and Dated by Licensed Driving School)
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Vulnerable Sector Screening – obtained from the police service local to your residence (Dated within 30 days of application – If a Toronto Resident please email to receive a City of Toronto VSS Application Document)
Refreshment Vehicle
- Driver’s Abstract (Dated within 30 days of application)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Insurance Certificate
- Business Name Registration
- Copy of Rate Sheet
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Vulnerable Sector Screening – obtained from the police service local to your residence (Dated within 30 days of application – If a Toronto Resident please email to receive a City of Toronto VSS Application Document)
- York Region Health Inspection Report
- HST Registration Number
Please review the application requirements listed above for your licence and gather all of the supporting documents listed on the application prior to application submission. For applications that are not listed please e-mail
Your application must include all the documents listed on the application form.
Partial or incomplete applications will not be reviewed. A licensing officer will contact you once your application has been approved to book an appointment, as walk-ins at the counter are not permitted and applications will not be accepted.
Please contact for further details and instructions on how to apply for a licence.
- Stationary Business Licences (Required Documents)
You will need a licence for your stationary business in the City of Markham. The regulations are set out in By-Law 2018-90 [PDF].
Here are the required documents for each Stationary Licence category (If the licensable business your are looking for does not appear on this list please contact
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Business Name Registration
- Articles of Incorporation
- Police Background Check – obtained from the police service local to your residence
- HST Registration Number
Billiards & Bowling Alley
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Business Name Registration
- Articles of Incorporation
- HST Registration Number
- Insurance Certificate
- Zoning Search
Body Rub Operator/Attendant
- Personal Identification (Driver’s Licence, Passport, etc)
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Vulnerable Sector Screening – obtained from the police service local to your residence (Dated within 30 days of application – If a Toronto Resident please email to receive a City of Toronto VSS Application Document)
- Medical Fitness Certificate (Dated within 30 days of application)
- Letter of Employment (Signed and Dated by Licensed Body Rub Establisment)
- Provincial Drivers Abstract
Driveway Paving Contractor
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Business Name Registration
- HST Registration Number
- Insurance Certificate (City of Markham additionally insured)
- WSIB Clearance Certificate
- Copy of Contract Form
- Vulnerable Sector Screening – obtained from the police service local to your residence (Dated within 30 days of application – If a Toronto Resident please email to receive a City of Toronto VSS Application Document)
- Driver’s Abstract (Dated within 30 days of application)
Driving School Operator
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Business Name Registration
- HST Registration Number
- Insurance Certificate
- Ministry of Transportation Driving School Certificate
- Vulnerable Sector Screening – obtained from the police service local to your residence (Dated within 30 days of application – If a Toronto Resident please email to receive a City of Toronto VSS Application Document)
- List of Driving Instructors/Vehicles operating within the City of Markham
Dry Cleaning Depot
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Business Name Registration
- HST Registration Number
- Insurance Certificate
- Zoning Search
Food Premises
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Business Name Registration
- HST Registration Number
- Insurance Certificate
- Zoning Search
- York Region Health Inspection Report
Golf Driving Range
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Business Name Registration
- HST Registration Number
- Insurance Certificate
- Zoning Search
Horse Riding Establishment
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Business Name Registration
- HST Registration Number
- Insurance Certificate
- Zoning Search
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Business Name Registration
- HST Registration Number
- Insurance Certificate
- Zoning Search
- OSPCA Inspection (after application submission)
Mobile Sign Installer
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Business Name Registration
- HST Registration Number
- Insurance Certificate
Personal Service Shop
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Business Name Registration
- HST Registration Number
- Insurance Certificate
- Zoning Search
- York Region Health Inspection Report
- Ontario College of Trades – Hairdressing Certificate (If applicable)
Place of Amusement
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Business Name Registration
- HST Registration Number
- Insurance Certificate
- Zoning Search
- Floor Plan – Including all doors, windows and machine locations. (If applicable)
Public Garage
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Business Name Registration
- HST Registration Number
- Insurance Certificate
- Zoning Search
Public Hall
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Business Name Registration
- HST Registration Number
- Insurance Certificate
- Zoning Search
- York Region Health Inspection Report
- Occupancy Load Certificate (Obtained from City of Markham Fire Prevention)
Retailers of Secondhand Goods
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Business Name Registration
- HST Registration Number
- Insurance Certificate
- Zoning Search
- Criminal Records Check (obtained from your local police service)
Salvage Yards and Shops
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Business Name Registration
- HST Registration Number
- Insurance Certificate
- Zoning Search
- Criminal Records Check (obtained from your local police service)
Tobacco Sales
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Business Name Registration
- HST Registration Number
- Insurance Certificate
- Zoning Search
- Tobacco Retailer Dealer’s Permit
Vape Sales
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Business Name Registration
- HST Registration Number
Please review the application requirements listed above for your licence and gather all of the supporting documents listed on the application prior to application submission. For applications that are not listed please e-mail
Your application must include all the documents listed on the application form.
Partial or incomplete applications will not be reviewed. A licensing officer will contact you once your application has been approved to book an appointment, as walk-ins at the counter are not permitted and applications will not be accepted.
Please contact for further details and instructions on how to apply for a licence.
Additional Supporting Documentation Information
To operate a business in Markham, you'll need to gather and submit several documents as part of your business licensing application. Follow this guide to understand the requirements and how to access each document.
Agent Letter
- Required if someone other than a Director of the Corporation/Owner is applying.
Corporation Documents/General Partnership Agreement
New businesses will typically fall under one of the three most common business structures:
Sole Proprietorship: Owned and operated by a single individual without incorporation.
General Partnership: Owned and operated by two or more individuals without incorporation.
Corporation: A legally separate entity from its owners, which can be incorporated either federally or provincially.
Incorporation creates a legal entity separate from its owners. Legal advice is recommended before incorporating. Incorporations can be done either federally or provincially.
Register online with the Government of Ontario as a Provincial (Ontario) Corporation
Provides name protection within Ontario and is generally simpler and potentially less costly.
Register online with the Government of Canada as a Federal Corporation
Allows operation under the same name across Canada, providing broader name protection and recognition.
- Current and valid information including a list of Directors.
- See below for examples of Provincial and Federal Certificates of Incorporation.
- Not necessary if a Sole Proprietorship.
Business Name Registration
A Business Name Registration (formerly known as a Master Business Licence) is required for entrepreneurs registering a sole proprietorship, partnership, or trade name for a corporation. Business names must be registered if they differ from the owner's legal name. Note that registering a sole proprietorship or general partnership does not guarantee exclusivity of the business name. Registrations are valid for five years and must be renewed upon expiration.
- Name Search: $8 to $26, depending on the type of records included.
- Name Registration/Renewal: $60.
Payments are processed through the Province of Ontario’s Service Ontario Business Registry website, accepting Visa, Visa Debit, Mastercard, or Mastercard Debit.
Application Requirements:
- Owner’s name (or Corporation name for corporate-owned businesses)
- Address
- Credit card or debit Visa/Mastercard
- A valid email address
Register your Business Name Online.
- See below for an example Business Name Registration/Master Business Licence.
Proof of Work Status
- The following identification can be used to prove age and employment eligibility within Canada:
- a Canadian passport
- a Canadian Citizenship card
- a Canadian Permanent Resident card
- an Ontario Photo card in combination with a Social Insurance Number ("SIN") card
- a Canadian driver's licence issued by a province or territory with a SIN card
- a Canadian Indian status card
- a Canadian work permit in conjunction with Canadian government-issued photo identification, such as an Ontario Photo card or Canadian driver's licence
York Regional Health Inspection Report
- Not the Green Pass Poster, but the full Inspection Report. To book an inspection, contact York Regional Health at:
- Phone: 1-800-361-5653
- TTY: 1-866-252-9933 (For the deaf or hard of hearing)
- Email:
- See example Health Inspection Report below
Zoning Search
- Confirmation from the Zoning Department that the business use is permitted. Request a Zoning Search
- $125.00 Cost
- See example Zoning Search letter below
Building Permit Number
- Required if any renovations have been or will be done to the unit/space.
HST Document from Revenue Canada
- Shows that the HST number is attached to either the Corporation and/or Operating Name. For more information, visit the Canada Revenue Agency
- See below for an example of what can be submitted to confirm GST/HST Registration.
Proof of Insurance
- Minimum $2,000,000 General Liability Coverage.
More information
The Markham Small Business team offers dedicated support to those looking to start and grow their business. Contact them at
- Personal Service Establishment - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
In line with our focus on public health and safety, our staff are engaging with businesses mentioned below, advising owners on business licensing requirements. We are now prioritizing the need for businesses to be properly licensed to operate in the City of Markham, while also addressing the growing number of complaints regarding illegal and unsafe operations of the same nature.
It is important to note that certification and a business license are distinct. Certification indicates that you are qualified to provide certain health-related services, while a business license is required to offer these services in the City of Markham, in accordance with the Stationary Licensing By-law.
As per the Stationary Licensing By-law 2018-90, as amended (Page 48):
1.1 “Personal Services Establishment” refers to any individual or business offering personal care services, including but not limited to: nail care, shoe shining, shoe repair, tattooing, aesthetics, micro-pigmentation, laser hair removal, electrolysis, body piercing, ear piercing, and tanning. It does not include body rub parlours.
Please note that this definition includes a broad range of services beyond those explicitly listed, reflecting several types of personal services permitted within the City of Markham. Business licensing requirements have always been mandatory for these services, but due to past circumstances, we were unable to reach all business as initially intended. We are now reaching out to inform these businesses of the need to apply for a license.
We are currently seeking to licence businesses offering the following services:
- Acupuncture
- Aromatherapy
- Aesthetic Services (e.g., makeup, permanent makeup)
- Body Contouring (e.g., cellulite reduction, cupping)
- Eyebrow and Eyelash Services
- Hair Services (e.g., hairdressing, barbering, hair removal)
- Head Spa Services (e.g., hot stone massage, lymphatic drainage)
- Nail Services (e.g., manicure, pedicure, false nails)
- Reiki, Reflexology, Shiatsu
- Skin Services (e.g., acne treatments, facials, Botox)
- Tattoo and Piercing Services (e.g., tattoo art, microblading)
Please gather the appropriate documentation (shown below) and apply HERE.
- Proof of Work Status (Passport, Birth Certificate, Resident Card, Work Visa)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Business Name Registration
- HST Registration Number
- Insurance Certificate
- Zoning Search
- York Region Health Inspection Report
- Ontario College of Trades – Hairdressing Certificate (If applicable)
Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at
- Sign Permits
Temporary Sign Permits
Welcome to the City of Markham's official website for sign permits. Here you will find all the necessary information regarding the permits required for temporary signs as outlined in By-law 2002-94. This includes mobile sign permits, regular temporary sign permits, special sign districts in heritage areas, and election signs (By-law 2018-8).
Mobile Sign Permits
Mobile signs are an effective way to promote your business or event. To place a mobile sign within the City of Markham, you must obtain a permit. Mobile signs are defined as signs that are mounted on a trailer or similar support structure and can be easily moved. Permits for mobile signs are typically issued for a 14 or 21-day period and must comply with the regulations outlined in By-law 2002-94.
Regular Temporary Sign Permits
Regular temporary signs include banners, A-frames, and other similar signs that are intended for short-term use. These signs are often used for special events, sales, or promotions. To display a regular temporary sign, you must apply for a permit. The application process ensures that all temporary signs meet the city's safety and aesthetic standards. Permits are usually granted for a limited duration and must be renewed if the sign needs to remain longer.
Special Sign Districts in Heritage Areas
The City of Markham has designated special sign districts within heritage areas to preserve the unique character and historical significance of these regions. If you plan to place a temporary sign in one of these districts, additional regulations and design guidelines will apply. These guidelines are in place to ensure that new signs complement the historic environment. Permits for signs in heritage areas require a review process to maintain the area's aesthetic integrity.
The City of Markham is accepting sign permit applications specifically for A-Frame signs in Special Sign Districts, email us to receive an application. Please note that a part of the application process requires written permission from Heritage Markham and the permit expires every calendar year.Election Signs
Election signs are an important part of the democratic process, allowing candidates to communicate their message to the public. The City of Markham has specific regulations regarding the placement and timing of election signs. Election signs require a Municipal Permit for local roads and a Regional Permit for York Region roads. Candidates must comply with By-law 2018-8, which includes restrictions on size, location, and the period during which they can be displayed. Candidates and their teams are responsible for ensuring that all election signs adhere to these regulations.
For more detailed information on each type of temporary sign permit and application forms please contact us at For more information on guidelines and enforcement contact the City of Markham's By-law Enforcement Department. We are here to assist you in ensuring that your temporary signs comply with all municipal regulations.
- Online Payment
In order to pay online, you will need the Bill Number and Folder Number as indicated on your renewal notice. These numbers can be found on the top right corner of your renewal notice.
After completion of this online request and payment confirmed, your business licence will be emailed to you.
Contact the City of Markham Business Licensing Department at for any changes to your business licence or for further information.
- Special Events - Temporary Vendor Permit
Event organizers are required to obtain a Special Events Temporary Vendor Permit to operate legally. Permit requirements can be found within the application form can be found below.
Special Events Temporary Vendor PermitTo apply, please complete the application and submit it, along with any required supporting documentation, to
For more information, please contact our Licensing & Standards team.
- Business Licensing & Standards – File a complaint
To file a complaint, or to request an investigation of a possible Licensing violation, please send an email to or call 905.477.5530 and a Call Centre representative will be able to assist you.
Please note that the City of Markham does not respond to anonymous complaints or requests for investigations and we reserve the right to determine the appropriate enforcement response to any complaint or request. Complainants will be required to provide their name, address, telephone number or email address in case follow-up is required by the investigating officer.
Note - Complainant’s personal information is kept confidential.- List of Licenced Temporary Sign Installers
The following list comprises Temporary Sign Installers licensed with the City of Markham.
If a member of the public wishes to contact any of these companies, you may do so by conducting an online search for further information.
Please note that this list is provided for public reference only and does not constitute an endorsement of the companies listed.
Last updated January 31, 2025
Aurora Sign Curbex Look Signs Magnet Signs Vaughan Mr. Mobile Sign - List of Licenced Driveway Paving Contractors
The following list comprises contractors licensed with the City of Markham for driveway work.
If a member of the public wishes to contact any of these companies, you may do so by conducting an online search for further information.
Please note that this list is provided for public reference only and does not constitute an endorsement of the companies listed.
Driveway Contractor licences expire annually on March 31st.
Last updated February 26, 2024
101 Town Centre Blvd (Milliken Entrance)
Markham, ON, L3R 9W3
8 AM to 4 PM