Heritage Conservation

The following is a brief and legal summary of the City of Markham's Heritage Conservation By-law taken from the City's By-law Guide for Markham Homeowners
It explains, in plain language and with information links, what residents must know about specific City services and operations, which may affect a Markham homeowners' property.
Heritage Conservation By-law Summary
In Brief
Markham is a leader in Heritage Conservation. Carefully developed rules, heritage funding programs, and restoration information provided by the City’s Heritage Section have all helped to preserve much of our architectural heritage for future generations to experience and enjoy.
What You Must Know
The City’s award-winning Heritage Conservation program includes the designation of individual properties, heritage conservation districts, and the Markham Heritage Estates subdivision of relocated heritage homes.
Heritage Conservation Properties and Districts
Thornhill, Unionville and Markham Village are all Designated Heritage Conservation Districts; Buttonville is a Heritage Conservation District Study Area. Within these areas, the special character of the buildings and their surroundings is protected. In addition, certain properties have been individually designated under the Ontario Heritage Act. Making changes to properties within Heritage Conservation Districts, or individually designated properties, requires a heritage review and approvals process.
This includes:
- altering the exterior of any building, old or new,
- erecting new or replacement signs,
- new buildings, additions, or structural alterations.
You must contact the Building Standards Department for the necessary approvals before you begin: 905-475-4870. See Decks, Construction and Permits By-law Summary for more information about making alterations to your dwelling).
Heritage Funding Programs
Funding to support heritage conservation includes the Heritage Property Tax Reduction Program, Heritage Loan Program, Commercial Façade Improvement Grant and Commercial Signage Replacement Grant.
When in doubt, check it out! Help is always available.
For more information call the By-law Enforcement and Licensing Department at 905-479-7782 or email customerservice@markham.ca.