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Markham By-law Enforcement Officers (Municipal Law Enforcement Officers) provide proactive enforcement services for all the City's regulatory and licensing by-law; except the Building Applicable By-law (see below). This division is also responsible for Enforcement of Parking Control.
As well as the formal complaints, staff also resolve a large number of issues over the phone, by providing details related to regulations.
Note: The fees for individual businesses, owners, operators, and attendants are listed in our Licensing, Permit and Service Fees By-law 2012-137 [PDF] for reference.
- Frequently Requested By-Laws
Name By-Law Number Administrative Monetary Penalty System in Markham 2024-137 Animal Protection and Service By-law 2018-91 Appoint Screening Officers and Hearing Officers for the Administrative Monetary Penalty System 2015-94 Appointment of Municipal Law Enforcement Officers 2018-74 Backflow Prevention Bylaw 2012-27 Building Standards see below, Building Applicable By-law Cannabis By-law— To prohibit the smoking or vaporizing of recreational cannabis in public places in the City of Markham 2018-135 Chief Administrative Officer - To Appoint 4-2000 Community Benefits Charges — To establish Community Benefits Charges 2022-48 Comprehensive Zoning By-Law 2024-19 Conditional Permit Agreements - To Delegate Authority to Staff to Execute 128-93 Decks - Specifications of Residential (for urban expansion areas, see Regulations of Decks By-law 177-96) 142-95 Delegation of Development Approval Authority - To Provide for the Delegation of Development Approval Authority 2002-202 | 2023-19 | 2023-39 Development Charges see below, Development Charges By-Law Emergency Management Plan 2017-73 Emergency Service - To Set Fees for Services Offered by 2002-181 Explanatory Note - A By-law to Amend By-law 177-96, as amended 2013-108 Extended Driveway/Front Yard Parking - Section 5.3.2 2024-19 Fees - To Impose Fees or Charges on Services Provided by the City of Markham 2002-276 Fence - Cost and Height 277-97 Firearms & Bows - To regulate & prohibit the discharge of 2012-233 Fire Service - To Set Fees for Services (Emergency & Non-Emergency) Offered by 111-98 Fires - To Prescribe Times for Setting of 85-97 Garbage - To Establish a Method for Collection and Disposal 32-95 Garbage - To Regulate the Dumping or Disposal of Refuse, Domestic or Industrial Waste 126-72 Home Occupations - To Regulate the Size and Nature of 53-94 Idling Control - Prohibiting Unnecessary Idling within the City of Markham 2005-192 In-Fill Construction By-law – Being a By-law to Address In-fill Construction Activities 2018-77 Keep Markham Beautiful (Maintenance) - To regulate and prescribe standards for the maintenance of private property and municipal boulevards within the City of Markham. 2017-27 Low-Income Seniors Property Tax Assistance Program 2024-75 Licensing, Permit and Service Fees - To Establish 2012-137 Mobile Business Licensing - To Provide for the Licensing and Regulation of Owners, Operators, Drivers and Brokers of Mobile Businesses. 2022-20 Municipal Services - Prohibit the use of land or the erection or use of buildings or structures unless municipal services are available 2023-106 Noise - To Regulate 2017-74 Occupancy - To Provide for the Registration of Two-Unit Residential Occupancies 308-97 Parking Control - To Govern and Control the Parking of Vehicles in the City of Markham 2005-188 Parking Standards - Office consolidation comprised of By-Law 28-97 and amendments 28-97 Parkland Dedication - Conveyance of Land for Park Purposes 2022-102 Parks - General Management and Regulation of 167-92 Patio - To Regulate Outdoor Patios Associated with Restaurants 71-96 Planning Applications - Fees for Processing 211-83 Pre-Application Consultation By-Law - For development proponents prior to submission of applications 2023-107 Procedural - To Govern the Proceedings of Council and Committees of Council 2017-5 Property Standards - To Establish Standards for Maintenance and Occupancy of Property 2017-26 Public Nuisances— A By-law To Prohibit And Regulate Public Nuisances 2018-55 Purchasing - To Establish Regulations and Policies 2017-8 Retention of Records - To Establish Schedules of Retention Periods for all Records Kept by the City of Markham 2017-151 Right of Access For Maintenance 2014-116 Road Occupancy By-law - A By-law to regulate the use, alteration, and occupancy of Highways within the City of Markham 2018-109 Satellite Dish - Provisions for Placement of 276-88 Secondary Suites — A By-law to Register 2018-57 Sewers - Public/Private - To Regulate Use of 2014-71 Shopping Cart - To Prevent and Control the Abandonment on Public Lands 2008-37 Signs - To Prohibit and Regulate Signs and Other Advertising Devices, and Posting of Notices 2002-94 Site Plan Control - To Designate the City of Markham as an Area of 262-94 Smoke Alarms - Installation of 107-94 Smoking - York Region By-law visit York Region website for more information Speed - To Authorize Speed Limits 2017-104 Stationary Business Licensing - To Provide for the Licensing and Regulation Stationary Businesses 2018-90 Swimming Pools - A By-law to regulate the enclosures for privately-owned outdoor pools within the City of Markham 2015-96 Tax Reduction - Heritage Properties - A by-law to provide tax reductions in regards to heritage properties. 2003-341 City-Owned Property - To Regulate the Conduct of Persons Using the Grounds at 279-96 Tree Preservation - To regulate or prohibit the injury or destruction of trees within the City of Markham 2023-164 Water - A By-law to Enact Rules and Regulations Covering the Construction, Operation and Maintenance of a Waterworks System within the serviced area of the City of Markham 2019-53 Zoning - Urban Area 177-96 - Building Applicable By-laws
The following list of City of Markham By-laws could have a direct impact on the design of your project. Please review these By-laws and contact our Application Administrators should you require further explanation at 905.475.4743.
- Building By-law #2023-177
- Building By-law #2024-206 ( Effective January 1, 2025)
- Deck By-law #142-95 (Please Note: By-law #142-95 does not apply to new urban expansion areas in Markham - see Regulations for Decks By-law #177-96)
- Regulations for Decks By-law #177-96
- Home Occupation By-law #53-94
- Swimming Pool Enclosure By-law #2015-96
- By-law Guide for Homeowners
Welcome to the By-law Guide for Markham Homeowners — an overview, in plain language, of what residents must know about City of Markham’s services, operations and the legal rules that may affect a homeowner’s property — some sections are relevant to landlords and tenants as well.
This guide makes it easy for you to explore the 14 by-laws about which Markham homeowners are most often concerned. Simply click the topic that interests you to research a brief, easy-to-read summary.
Follow the links in each summary to a full, technical description of the by-law and to other useful areas on this website.
The City of Markham is committed to providing easy-to-understand information on the by-law and regulations that may affect both current and future homeowners in Markham. These by-law concern the use and enjoyment of your property, and understanding them is an important part of living together as a community.
For more information on the By-law Guide for Markham Homeowners call the By-law Enforcement and Licensing Department at 905.479.7782 or email
- Cannabis Legalization
On October 17, 2018, cannabis was legalized in Canada.
October 16, 2018, Markham Council passed a new Cannabis By-law that further protects the health and well-
being of Markham residents, and ensures local community needs and concerns are fully addressed.
View Markham's Cannabis By-law (2018) [PDF]
What does this mean for Markham Residents?
- Smoking and vaporizing of recreational cannabis is prohibited in all public places in Markham
- Offenders may be subject it fines or penalties of up to $1,000.
- Medical cannabis use is exempt from this by-law and subject to relevant federal and provincial legislation.
Cannabis consumption is generally restricted to private residences.
No person shall smoke or vaporize cannabis, or hold or otherwise use lighted cannabis in any public place, including, but not limited to, the following:
- Anthony Roman Centre
- Facilities owned by the City of Markham including, arenas, community centers, libraries, parks, and pools.
- Parks, trails, and natural areas
- All schools, daycare, and other childcare facilities
- Roads, sidewalks, and municipal boulevards
- Shopping centres and retail establishments
- Commercial or business and premises
- Public and private parking lots
The negative health risks associated with smoking of any kind (tobacco or cannabis) are well documented in academic and medical research. This is especially true with respect to youth. Markham’s new Cannabis By-law will better protect the quality of life for residents and visitors and ensure our public spaces continue to be enjoyed by all.
- Cemeteries By-Law
Cemetery Operator Licence #3310491
City of Markham Cemeteries By-law
The City of Markham has submitted Cemetery By-law 2012-178 to the Registrar of the Funeral, Burial, and Cremation Services Act 2002 for Bethel-Lunau Cemetery, Buttonville Cemetery, Eckardt Cemetery, First Markham Baptist Cemetery, Hagerman West Cemetery, St. John's 5th Line Cemetery, and Thornhill Cemetery. Any interested parties may contact Alida Tari, Manager, Access & Privacy, at 905-477-7000 extension 2082, for information or to make copies.
These by-laws are subject to the approval of the Registrar, Funeral, Burial, and Cremation Services Act, 2002. Cemeteries Regulation Unit may be reached by calling 416.326.8399.
The City of Markham manages 18 historical, pioneer and abandoned cemeteries. The operation of Markham Cemeteries is governed by the City By-law 178-93.
Markham has 5 active cemeteries where burials are permitted.
Fees for all Markham Cemetery supplies and services, including the price of Interment Rights, are included in the City’s current price list.
The administration in the Legislative Services Department act as a liaison with the members of the Markham’s Cemetery Board in matters of the annual budget, maintenance of the grounds and stones and the fees charged for lots and cornerstones. Individual files are maintained for each cemetery within the Legislative Services Department.
City of Markham contact - Alida Tari, 905.477.7000 extension 2082 or e-mail:
Other links: Ontario Genealogical Society at
Active Cemeteries in Markham
Buttonville Cemetery
Historic Buttonville Cemetery lies on the east side of Woodbine Avenue, just south of 16th Avenue. It is the final resting place for many of the area's original pioneer families and dates from 1830.
John Button, a local landowner, donated land for a Wesleyan Methodist Church and burial ground, with a portion of the property set aside as a family burial site. He achieved the rank of Major in the local militia and died in 1861. Major Button's grave marker indicates he was 89 years of age.
Eckardt Cemetery
The cemetery, located on the west side of McCowan Road, south of Highway 7, was originally part of the Eckardt Family farm. Still active today, the site dates back to the 1830s.
First Baptist Church Cemetery (Markham)
Located on the 9th Concession Road, north of Major Mackenzie Drive, the First Baptist Church dates back to the 1830s. A Baptist Church was built on the Miller Family Farm in the late 1840s and many of the Miller family are buried here. The Church was later moved and restored to become one of Markham's heritage buildings.
Hagerman West Cemetery
The cemetery lies on the west side of Kennedy Road, north of 14th Avenue, in a bustling part of Markham. The Hagerman family, original settlers to the area, donated a church, that sat on the site beside the cemetery, which, at the time, had been the private burial grounds of the family. The church was later replaced with a brick structure that was torn down in the 1920s.
St. John's 5th Line Church Cemetery (Milliken)
Located on the east side of Warden Avenue, north of Steeles Avenue, this cemetery is all that remains of the original site. The frame church was destroyed by fire after a lightning strike in 1929, and not rebuilt. The first recorded burial was of a man who fell from the steeple of the Church.
- Development Charges By-law
Area Number7 Area Name By-law City Wide Hard Services 2022-49 City Wide Soft Services 2022-50 1B Yonge Steeles Corridor 2022-51 5 Armadale 2022-52 7 Armadale NE 2022-53 9 PD 1-7 2022-54 17 Rodick/Miller Road Planning District 2022-55 23 Mount Joy 2022-56 42A-1 Markham Centre — South Unionville — Helen Avenue 2022-57 42B Markham Centre 2022-58 42B-2 Markham Centre — Clegg 2022-59 42B-4 Markham Centre — Hotel 2022-60 42B-6 Markham Centre — South Highway 7 2022-61 42B-8 Markham Centre — Sciberras 2022-62 42B-9 Markham Centre — East Precinct 2022-63 46 Cathedral 2022-64 47B York Downs 2022-65 49 404 North 2022-66 50A Future Urban Area 2022-67 50A-1 Future Urban Area — Employment Block 2022-68 50A-2 Future Urban Area — Robinson Glen 2022-69 50A-3 Future Urban Area — Berczy Glen Block 2022-70 50A-4 Future Urban Area — Angus Glen Block 2022-71 50A-5 Future Urban Area — Robinson Glen — South Block 2022-72 Relation information:
- Driveway Paving Contractors
Driveway Paving Contractors must be Licensed by City
The City of Markham requires paving contractors who construct or extend driveways in Markham to be licensed by the City.
Contractors that hold a licence are insured, identifiable and are familiar with Markham bylaws that regulate driveway construction. They are also required to enter into a written contract with the client before beginning any work.
Driveway Paving Contractor Licences expire annually on March 31. All Contractors must renew their licence annually. To confirm if a Contractor is licensed, please e-mail us at
To apply for a licence or for more information, contact the City of Markham at or visit the Business Licencing counter at the Markham Civic Centre, 101 Town Centre Boulevard.
Related Information
The bylaw defines Driveway Paving Contractors as those engaged in the business of paving or sealing driveway surfaces, on privately owned property and boulevards adjacent to such property, including the alteration of property in preparation of paving. Paving includes materials such as asphalt, concrete and interlocking stone.
- Election Sign By-law
Election Sign By-law
Election signs are subject to both municipal and regional sign bylaw regulations. The City of Markham administers and enforces the City's and Region's election sign bylaws in Markham for municipal elections.
In order to put up election signs in Markham and on and/or regional roads in Markham, Candidates and Third-Party Advertisers must have a permit from the City of Markham and the Regional Municipality of York.
- Parking
- Pet Owners
The City of Markham's Animal Control By-law requires that domestic pets be licensed, including cats and dogs. You need a licence even if your pet has a microchip implant. A licence helps to identify your pet if it gets lost.
When you buy a dog or cat licence, your pet will get a Free Ride Home if it is found by the OSPCA.
If your pets don’t have licences, you could be fined.
To make it easy for residents to license their pets and to ensure excellent customer service, licensing process can be completed online.
For further information, please call 905.477.5530 from 8 AM to 5 PM Monday to Friday.
- Trees Preservation By-law
Call before you cut!
Tree Preservation By-law in effect.
Markham enacted its new Tree Preservation By-law regulating the destruction or injury of private and City trees on December 13, 2023. The By-law replaces Tree Preservation By-law 2008-96 and is effective immediately.
The Tree Preservation By-law was adopted by Council to support a greener community and a healthier environment. It exists to preserve significant trees on all properties within the City and to sustain Markham's urban forest.
Call before you cut! - Permit required
Property owners must apply for a permit before injuring or destroying any private tree in Markham with a trunk diameter of 20 centimetres (about 8 inches) or more, measured at 1.37 metres (about 54 inches) above the ground at the base of the tree.
Anyone contravening the Tree Preservation By-law and found guilty of an offence will be subject to penalties.
Permit Process
Note: All trees that are 20cm Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) or greater require a Tree Permit, regardless of health, structure, or risk level.
- Submit a Tree Permit Application using the Online Tree Permit Application or fill out the Tree Permit Application Form [PDF] and submit completed application in person to the City of Markham Civic Centre, Unionville entrance at 101 Town Centre, Markham, Ontario L3R 9W3. Applications can take up to 45 days to process
- Where a permit is applicable and the tree is not assessed as a Dead or Dying Tree (as per By-law definitions), planting requirements and/or cash in lieu payments will be required as a condition of your permit.
- If you have a tree that is high risk or at imminent risk of failure and you are looking to have the permit application expedited, a Tree Risk Assessment Report by a Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Arborist is required as part of your application submission.
- If tree failure has already occurred, or the tree is deemed hazardous as per By-law definitions, the owner is required to document the tree with photographic evidence and provide documentation to
In relation to Residential Grading and Servicing (RGS) development applications, Pool Enclosure (PE) Permits, Housing Permits (HP), Demolition Permits (DP), Alterations (AL), or other landscaping, construction or commercial projects where trees may be impacted, City staff will require the submission of Tree Assessment and Preservation Plan prepared by a Qualified Tree Expert and/or submission of a Declaration Form. Please refer to the webpage here for details about working near trees during construction.
- Construction Related Tree Permit Application Process
- Non-Construction Tree Permit Application Process
Other requirements
A report from a Qualified Tree Expert may be required as a condition of permit approval, but is not required for the initial permit application.
Note: If any part of the tree trunk or root flare at ground level is located on adjacent property, the adjacent property owner must also provide permission for the application as per the Forestry Act. If this is the case, please complete and submit the printable application form, ensuring the adjacent owner signs Page 2 of the application where required.
A Person may appeal the Administrator’s decision to refuse or to revoke a Permit by sending a request for an appeal to the City within ten (10) days of the Administrator’s written decision, including any applicable fees as set out in Licensing, Permit and Service Fees By-Law 2012-137, as amended.
By-law Exemptions
The By-law does not apply to:
- Activities and matters exempted under Subsection 135(12) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended;
- Woodlands and Woodlots (as per By-law definitions). Trees in woodlots and woodlands are covered by York Region's Forest Conservation By-law.
- Any activities performed by the City or a City contractor with authorization from the City; or
- The injury or destruction of the following:
- A Tree subject to an order permitting its Injury or Destruction under Property Standards By-law 2017-26, as amended;
- A Tree on private property that is in an indoor courtyard or in a solarium, excluding rooftops of parking garages or other substructures below or at grade; and
- A Tree on a Nursery or cultivated orchard, provided that it is a Tree devoted to the Nursery or orchard business and maintained for sale or propagation of Trees or fruits for sale.
Contact Information
For more information contact Markham's Contact Centre at 905.477.5530 or
Related Information
Related Documents
- Tree Preservation By-law 2023-164
- Tree Preservation By-law Common Terms
- Licensing, Permit, and Service Fees By-law 2012-137
- Property Standards By-law 2017-26
- Other Information/Reports
By-law Enforcement Service Delivery Review Final Report Jan 2023