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Council and Committee Meetings

Meetings are open to the public. Attend at the Markham Civic Centre or listen in live.
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Below is a listing of Markham's Standing Committees, Sub-Committees, Advisory Committees, Statutory Committees, and External Committees on which Markham City Councillors serve. To find out more about a board or committee and its mandate, click on a name below.
For additional information on Markham's boards and committees, contact Laura Gold, City Clerk's Office, at 905.477.7000 ext. 4930 or lgold@markham.ca.
Purpose: The Committee shall assist Council in improving opportunities for persons with disabilities by promoting the implementation of the Ontarians with Disabilities Act (ODA) in Markham.
Committee Type: Statutory Board/Committee
Date of Establishment: September 3, 1991Terms of Reference:
Please contact Laura Gold at lgold@markham.ca to obtain a copy of the Terms of Reference.
Meeting Frequency: Meetings are held quarterly. Typically on the third Monday of the month at 5 PM.Meeting Minutes:
- October 17, 2022
- September 19, 2022
- June 20, 2022
- May 16, 2022
- April 25, 2022
- March 21, 2022
- February 28, 2022
- December 13, 2021
- November 15, 2021
- October 18, 2021
Staff Contacts:
- Laura Gold, Council/Committee Coordinator, 905.477.7000 extension 3619
Council Members:
- Councillor Ritch Lau
- Councillor Alan Ho
Chair: Michelle Del Carmen
Committee Members:- Lee Perry
- Babak Esmaeilzadeh-Faal
- Kaushi Ragunathan
- Jewell Lofsky
- Dasola Dina
- Edward Lau
- Kim Adeney
- Michelle Del Carmen
Purpose: Exists to make improvements within the Markham Village Business Improvement Area.
Committee Type: Business Improvement Area
Support Documents:
Contact Information:
- Address: 132 Robinson Street, Markham, ON, L3P 5H5
- Phone: 905.472.2462
- Email: info@mainstreetmarkham.com
- Councillor Karen Rea
- Carolina Billings
- Brian Rowsell
- Linda Tsang
- Daniel Imbrogno
- Anthony Paul
- Paul Cicchini
- Micelle Brady
- Aly Daya
Purpose: Exists to make improvements within the Main Street Unionville Business District.
Committee Type: Business Improvement Area
Support Documents:Contact Information:
- Email Address: info@unionvilleinfo.com
- Phone Number: 905.477.0117
- Address: 157 Main Street, Unit 101B, Unionville, Ontario, L3R 2G8
Meeting Minutes:- October 19, 2022
- September 21, 2022
- July 20, 2022
- June 15, 2022
- May 18, 2022
- April 13, 2022
- March 16, 2022
- February 9, 2022
- December 8, 2021
- November 10, 2021
- October 13, 2021
- September 15, 2021
- August 11, 2021
- July 14, 2021
- June 16, 2021
- May 12, 2021
- April 14, 2021
- Deputy Mayor Michael Chan
- Councillor Reid McAlpine
- Natasha Usher
- Niina Felushko
- Sarah Gratta
- Roger Kanda
- Tom Vasilovsky
- Shibani Sahney
- Sylvia Morris
- Rob Kadlovski
- Tony Lamanna
Purpose: The Board operates the City facility and is responsible for minor repairs. The City is responsible for major repairs and replacement.
Committee Type: Community Centre Board
Terms of Reference:
Please contact Laura Gold to obtain a copy of the Terms of Reference at lgold@markham.ca.
Meeting Frequency: Meetings are generally held monthly or bimonthly
- June 27, 2022
- January 24, 2022
- November 22, 2021
- June 21, 2021
- May 17, 2021
- January 20, 2020
- October 28, 2019
- September 30, 2019
- July 8, 2019
Council Members: Councillor Khalid Usman
Staff Contacts: Shawn Hermans
Chair: Jeremiah Vijeyaratnam
Committee Members:- Jeremiah Vijeyaratnam
- Ismail Bhayat
- Nimisha Patel
- Alia Khan
- Killi Chelliah
- Sharon Gabriel
- Marcius Bansavatar
Rental Manager:
- Shahab Shaikh
For inquires relating to rental permits, please contact the following:
Purpose: The Committee reviews the City operating and capital budgets.
Committee Type: Sub-Committee of Council
Terms of Reference: n/a
Meeting Schedule and Agendas:Contacts:
Jay Pak, Senior Manager, Financial Planning & Reporting, extension 2514
Laura Gold, Council/Committee Coordinator, extension 4930Minutes:
- February 6, 2023
- January 30, 2023
- January 27, 2023
- January 23, 2023 (Special General Committee -Budget)
- Councillor Andrew Keyes
- Vice-Chair: Isa Lee
- Mayor Frank Scarpitti
- Deputy Mayor Michael Chan
- Regional Councillo Jim Jones
- Regional Councillor Joe Li
- Regional Councillor Alan Ho
- Councillor Keith Irish
- Councillor Ritch Lau
- Councillor Reid McAlpine
- Councillor Karen Rea
Councillor Isa Lee - Councillor Andrew Keyes
- Councillor Amanda Collucci
- Councillor Juanita Nathan
Purpose: The Committee undertakes the planning and execution of the Canada Day Celebrations.
Committee Type: Advisory Board/CommitteeTerms of Reference:
Meeting Frequency: The meetings are held from January to July at the call of the Chair.
Council Members:
- Mayor Frank Scarpitti
- Councillor Amanda Collucci
Committee Members:
- Saadia Zakki
- Kash Khan
- Edward Chiu
- Prem Kapur
- Allan Bell
- Teresa Ing
- Perry Chan
- Satya Arora
- Zulaika Hoosainny
Purpose: TBD
Committee Type:
- Community Centre Board
Terms of Reference:
- Terms of Reference
Meeting Frequency:
- At the call of the Chair.
Staff Contacts:
- Shawn Hermans
Council Members:
- Councillor Juanita Nathan
- Graeme Weston
Committee Members:
- Murray Reesor
- Frank Whittamore
- Graeme Weston
- Paul Reesor
Purpose: The Committee considers the merits of applications for land severances and minor variances to land, buildings or structures which are affected by Zoning By-laws/Official Plan Amendments, and sets conditions of approval or reasons for denial.
Committee Type: Citizen Board and Committee (statutory/quasi judicial)
Terms of Reference: Terms of Reference
Meeting Frequency: Meeting AgendasAgendas and Minutes: Committee of Adjustment - Agendas and Minutes
Staff Contacts: Justin Leung, Secretary, Committee of Adjustment, extension 2051
Chair: Gregory Knight
Committee Members:- Arun Prasad
- Sally Yan
- Gregory Knight
- Patrick Sampson
- Kelvin Kwok
- Tom Gutfruend
- Jeamie Crispi Reingold
Purpose: Standing Committee of Council
Related Documents: Council Procedural By-Law 2001-1
Minutes: Standing Committee Agenda and MinutesStaff Contacts:
- Kimberley Kitteringham, City Clerk, 905-477-7000 extension 4729
- Martha Pettit, Deputy City Clerk, 905-477-7000 extension 8220
- Fatima Yuen, Supervisor, Secretariat Services, 905-477-7000 extension 3920
Council Members:
- Mayor Frank Scarpitti
- Deputy Mayor Michael Chan
- Regional Councillor Jim Jones
- Regional Councillor Joe Li
- Regional Councillor Alan Ho
- Councillor Keith Irish
- Councillor Ritch Lau
- Councillor Reid McAlpine
- Councillor Karen Rea
- Councillor Isa Lee
- Councillor Andrew Keyes
- Councillor Amanda Collucci
- Councillor Juanita Nathan
Chair: Mayor Frank Scarpitti
Purpose: To implement a cycling network and to address the needs of cyclists and pedestrians and other cycling and/or pedestrian initiatives.
Committee Type: Advisory Board/Committee
Terms of Reference: Please contact Laura Gold at lgold@markham.ca to obtain a copy of the Terms of Reference.
Meeting Frequency: Meetings are held quarterly on the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM.Minutes: Agendas and Minutes are posted on the City's Meeting Agendas and Minutes webpage.
Staff Contact:
Fion Ho, Traffic Demand Management Coordinator, ext. 2160
Laura Gold, Council/Committee Coordinator, ext. 4930
Chair and Vice Chair:
Peter Miasek, Chair
Steve Glassman, Vice-Chair
Andrew Dang, Vice-ChairCouncil Members:
- Councillor Reid McAlpine
- Councillor Ritch Lau
Committee Members:
- Amit Arora
- Doug Wolfe
- Joseph Zerczi
- Peter Miasek
- Steve Glassman
- Anthony Ko
- Daniel Yeung
- Cliff Chan
- Brenda Kazan
- Andrew Dang
- David Mok
- Joseph Lisi
- Kim Adeney (Markham Accessibity Advisory Committee representative)
- Reena Mistry (York Region School Boards Representative)
- Sonia Sanita (York Region Public Health Representative)
- Wincy Tsang (Smart Commute Representative)
- Alex Huang (CICS Canada Representative)
- Diane Kakamousias (York Region Transportation)
Purpose: Issues pertaining to the following are brought forward to the Development Services Committee for its considerations: Transportation; Economic Development; Development Services; Refer to the Development Services Committee Terms of Reference for more information with respect to its roles and responsibilities.
Committee Type: Standing Committee of Council
Terms of Reference: Terms of Reference
Meeting Schedule: Standing Committee Meeting ScheduleMinutes:
Staff Contacts:- Erica Alligood, Council/Committee Coordinator, 905-477-7000 extension 2974
- Rajeeth Arulanantham, Assistant to Council/Committee, 905-477-7000 extension 2298
Council Members:- Mayor Frank Scarpitti
- Deputy Mayor Michael Chan
- Regional Councillor Jim Jones
- Regional Councillor Joe Li
- Regional Councillor Alan Ho
- Councillor Keith Irish
- Councillor Ritch Lau
- Councillor Reid McAlpine
- Councillor Karen Rea
- Councillor Isa Lee
- Councillor Andrew Keyes
- Councillor Amanda Collucci
- Councillor Juanita Nathan
Planning- Development & PolicyChair: Regional Councillor Jim Jones
Vice Chair: Regional Councillor Joe Li(Chair Development Services Public Statutory Meetings: Regional Councillor Joe Li)
Culture & Economic Development
Chair: Councillor Alan Ho
Vice Chair: Councillor Amanda CollucciEngineering -Transportation & Infrastructure
Chair: Councillor Karen Rea
Vice Chair: Councillor Reid McAlpine -
Purpose: To discuss policy matters related to planning and development.
Committee Type: Sub-Committee of Council
Terms of Reference: n/a
Meeting Frequency: Meetings are held at the call of the Chair.
Staff Contacts: TBD
Chair: Mayor Frank Scarpitti
Vice Chair: Councillor Reid McApline
Mayor Frank Scarpitti
Councillor Reid McAlpine
Regional Councillor Jim Jones
Regoinal Councillor Joe Li
Councillor Keith Irish
Deputy Mayor Michael Chan
Councillor Karen Rea -
Purpose: The Development Services Committee holds Public Meetings in accordance with the Planning Act to provide the public with the opportunity to comment of planning applications.
Committee Type: Standing Committee of Council
Terms of Reference:
Meeting Schedule: Standing Committee Meeting Schedule
Minutes: Standing Committee MinutesStaff Contacts:
- Laura Gold, Council/Committee Coordinator, 905-477-7000 extension 4930
- Tannis Weatherill, Assistant to Council/Committee, 905-477-7000 extension 3990
Council Members:- Mayor Frank Scarpitti (Term: November 30, 2018)
- Deputy Mayor Jack Heath (Term: November 30, 2018)
- Regional Councillor Jim Jones (Term: November 30, 2018)
- Regional Councillor Joe Li (Term: November 30, 2018)
- Regional Councillor Nirmala Armstrong (Term: November 30, 2018)
- Councillor Valerie Burke (Term: November 30, 2018)
- Councillor Alan Ho (Term: November 30, 2018)
- Councillor Don Hamilton (Term: November 30, 2018
- Councillor Karen Rea (Term: November 30, 2018)
- Councillor Colin Campbell (Term: November 30, 2018)
- Councillor Amanda Collucci (Term: November 30, 2018)
- Councillor Logan Kanapathi (Term: November 30, 2018)
- Councillor Alex Chiu (Term: November 30, 2018)
Chair: Councillor Keith Irish
Purpose: To oversee and undertake the planning and implementation of the annual Doors Open Markham event.
Committee Type: Citizen Board or Committee
Terms of Reference: Terms of Reference
Meeting Frequency: Meetings are held monthly (day and time determined by Committee Members).
Staff Contacts:- Renee Zhang, Manager, Corporate and Community Events, ext. 2089
Regan Hutcheson, Manager, Heritage Planning, ext. 2080
Council Members:- Councillor Alan Ho
- Councillor Reid McAlpine
Chair: Kenneth Ng
Minutes: Agendas and Minutes
Citizen Members:
- Andrew Fuyarchuk
- Agatha McPhee
- Yat Chi Ling
- Kenneth Ng
- Bowie Lung
- Jude Najm Mouselli
- Kenneth Steinberg
- Dominca Tang
Purpose: Provides advice to Council on environmental policy, planning and sustainability, and promoting environmental awareness within the community.
Committee Type: Citizen Board or Committee
Terms of Reference: Please contact Laura Gold at lgold@markham.ca to obtain a copy of the Terms of Reference.
Meeting Frequency: Meetings are held quarterly. Typically on the fourth Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM.Minutes:
Council Members:
- Councillor Ritch Lau
- Councillor Amanda Collucci
Staff Members:
- Jacqueline Tung, extension 2658
- Laura Gold, extension 4930
- Stuart Cumner
Committee Members:
- Ashok Bangia
- Karl Lyew
- Frank Vignando
- Stuart Cumner
- Paddy Wong
- Andrew Hazen
- Jack Heath
- Catherine Jeffrey
- Robert Willats
- Yash Kapur
- Cliff Chan
- Serena Karpouzis
- Christina Wong
- Mary Choy
Purpose: Raises funds for the Theatre, gives advice on general operations, supports efforts to build capacity, and provides advice to Council on matters regarding the Theatre.
Committee Type: Advisory Board/Committee
Terms of Reference: Terms of Reference
Meeting Frequency: Meetings are held the fourth Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m. at Markham Civic Centre. Note: Meeting dates and time are subject to change.
- October 21, 2022
- September 26, 2022
- June 27, 2022
- April 25, 2022
- March 28, 2022
- January 31, 2022
- November 29, 2021
- October 18, 2021
- June 21, 2021
- May 17, 2021
- March 22, 2021
Staff Contacts:
- Eric Lariviere, Theatre Manager, 905-477-7000 extension 7546
- Siobhain Fray, Theatre Administrative Clerk, 905-477-7000 extension 2152
Council Members:
- Regional Councillor Jim Jones
Chair: Diane Lai
Citizen Members:
- Brent Matthews
- Brad Fletcher
- Rose Celeste Pelliccione
- Richard Morales
- Sarah Micllef
- Dawn Donaldson
- Ronald Minken
- Ken MacDonald
- Diane Lai
- Srinka Wallia
- Justin Reid
- Sophia Sun
- Anne Gilligan
Purpose: The Friends of the Markham Museum was incorporated and registered for charitable status in 2008. Please refer to its Memorandum of Understanding for more information on its roles and responsibilities.
Committee Type: FoundationSupport Documents:
Meeting Frequency: Meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month at 5:00 p.m. at Markham Museum (excluding July and August).Note: meeting dates and time are subject to change.
- December 14, 2022
- November 9, 2022
- October 12, 2022
- September 14, 2022
- June 8, 2022
- May 11, 2022
- April 13, 2022
- March 9, 2022
- February 9, 2022
- January 12, 2022
- December 8, 2021
- November 10, 2021
- October 13, 2021
- September 8, 2021
Staff Contacts:
- Cathy Molloy, Director of Markham Museum, 905-294-4576 extension 24
Council Members:
- Councillor Karen Rea
- Councillor Andrew Keyes
Chair: Wendy Kadlovski
Citizen Members:- Wendy Kadlovski
- Lorne Smith
- Bill Crothers
- Jill Ten Cate
- Sue Smitko
- Anna Masci
- Martha Mingay
- Christopher Hurezeanu
- Dianne Azzarello
- Christina Lee
Purpose: Matters pertaining to the following are brought forward to the General Committee for Council's consideration:
- Finance & Administrative;
- Community Services;
- Building and Parks;
- Environment & Sustainability Issues
Refer to the General Committee's Terms of Reference for more information on its roles and responsibilities.
Committee Type: Standing Committee of Council
Terms of Reference: Terms of ReferenceAgendas and Minutes: Standing Committee Agendas and Minutes
Staff Contacts:
- Hristina Giantsopoulos, Council/Committee Coordinator, 905-477-7000 extension 2370
- Tharsikaa Irajeswaran, Assistant to Council/Committee, 905-477-7000 extension 3990
Council Members:
- Mayor Frank Scarpitti
- Deputy Mayor Michael Chan
- Regional Councillo Jim Jones
- Regional Councillor Joe Li
- Regional Councillor Alan Ho
- Councillor Keith Irish
- Councillor Ritch Lau
- Councillor Reid McAlpine
- Councillor Karen Rea
- Councillor Isa Lee
- Councillor Andrew Keyes
- Councillor Amanda Collucci
- Councillor Juanita Nathan
Finance & Administrative Issues
- Chair: Councillor Keith Irish
- Vice Chair: Deputy Mayor Michael Chan
Community Services Issues
- Chair: Councillor Isa Lee
- Vice Chair: Councillor Juanita Nathan
Environment & Sustainability Issues
- Chair: Councillor Amanda Collucci
- Vice-Chair: Councillor Ritch Lau
Land, Building & Parks Construction Issues
- Chair: Councillor Andrew Keyes
- Vice Chair: Councillor Keith Irish
Purpose: The Board operates the City facility and is responsible for minor repairs. The City is responsible for major repairs and replacement.
Committee Type: Community Centre Board
Terms of Reference: Terms of Reference
Meeting Frequency: Meetings are generally held monthly or bimonthly.Minutes:
Staff Contacts:
- Laura Gold, Council/Committee Coordinator, 905-477-7000 extension 4930
Council Members:
- Councillor Keith Irish
Chair and Vice Chair:
Florence Wang, Chair
Ameet Khanderia, Vice-ChairCitizen Members:
- Florence Wang
- Ameet Khanderia
- Sanchit Sharma
- Linda Song
- Matthew Albanese
- Tracy Nwonyimi
- Grace Leung
Purpose: To increase awareness of the City’s management of and rehabilitation activities on the former landfill and to assist in communicating to the rest of the community information regarding these activities.
Committee Type: Advisory Board/CommitteeSupporting Documents:
Terms of Reference: Terms of Reference
Meeting Frequency: Meetings will be held once a year.
Meeting Minutes:
Council Members:
- Councillor Keith Irish
Chair: Councillor Keith Irish
Committee Members:- Kimberley Seymour
- Bernard Sze
- Jeffrey Safajou
- Gail Lavery
- Ted Kelly
- Yang Jingli
- Edith Kangas
Staff Liaison:
- Negar Mahmoudi, Manager, Utility Inspection & Survey Group, extension 2842
- Nory Takata, Parks Planner, extension 3226
- Laura Gold, Council/Committee Coordinator, 905-477-7000 extension 4930
Purpose: The Board operates the City facility and is responsible for minor repairs. The City is responsible for major repairs and replacement.
Committee Type: Community Centre Board
Terms of Reference: Terms of Reference
Meeting Frequency: Meetings are typically held the fourth Thursday of the month subject to the availability of the facility. The Board recesses in July, August, December and January. All meetings are open to the public.Minutes:
Staff Contacts:
- Martin Barrow
Council Members:
- Councillor Keith Irish
Chair: Kenneth Steinberg
Citizen Members:
- Pamela McLennan
- Grace Leung
- Julia Hamilton
- Bob Willson
- Chung Seto
- Roger Jones
- Kenneth Steinberg
- Dorenda McNeil
- Robert Edmison
- Susan Corbeil
- Gordon Cheung
- Troy Merrick
- Renata Richardson
- Douglas Needham
- Martin Barrow
Purpose: To advise and assist Council in matters relating to heritage conservation districts and individual buildings of historical and/or architectural significance.
Committee Type: Statutory Board/Committee
Terms of Reference: Terms of Reference
Meeting Frequency: Meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at Markham Civic Centre. Note: Meeting dates and time are subject to change.Agendas and Minutes:
Agendas and MinutesStaff Contacts:
- Regan Hutcheson, Manager of Heritage Markham, 905-477-7000 extension 2080
- Peter Wokral, Senior Planner
- Evan Manning, Heritage Planner
Council Members:
- Councillor Reid McAlpine
- Councillor Keith Irish
- Councillor Karen Rea
Chair: Councillor Reid McAlpine
Citizen Members:- Neil Charkraborty
- Ken Davis
- Paul Tiefenbach
- Shan Goel
- Lake Trevelyan
- Nathan Proctor
- Victor Huang
- Elizabeth Wimmer
- David Wilson
Purpose: The Board exists to deliver quality information and volunteer centre services in Markham.
Committee Type: Outside Board or Committee
Website: http://www.informationmarkham.ca/
Staff Contacts:- Diane Murray, Executive Director, Information Markham, 905.477.7000 extension 7500
Council Members:
- Regional Councilor Jack Heath
Committee Members:
- Marilyn Bastien
Purpose: The Committee shall assist Council in improving opportunities for persons with disabilities by promoting the implementation of the Ontarians with Disabilities Act (ODA) in Markham.
Committee Type: Statutory Board/Committee
Date of Establishment: September 3, 1991
Meeting Frequency: Meetings are held quarterly. Typically on the third Monday of the month at 5:00 PM.
Terms of Reference:
Please contact Laura Gold at lgold@markham.ca to obtain a copy of the Terms of Reference.
Meeting Minutes:
Agendas and Minutes are posted on the City's Meeting Agendas and Minutes webpage.
Staff Contacts:
- Dana Honsberger, Project Manager, Facilities Assets, ext. 2331
- Laura Gold, Council/Committee Coordinator, ext. 4930
Council Members:
- Councillor Ritch Lau
- Regional Councillor Alan Ho
- Edward Lau, Chair
- Yoyo Chen, Vice-Chair
Committee Members:
- Babak Esmaeilzadeh-Faal
- Jewell Lofsky
- Edward Lau
- Kim Adeney
- Michelle Del Carmen
- Christina Lee
- Satya Arora
- Stephanie Mak
- Yoyo Chen
Purpose: The purpose of the Markham Mayor's Youth Council is to provide local youth a voice by which they may give input and develop initiatives to enhance youth opportunities witthin the City of Markham.
Committee Type: Advisory Board/Committee
Terms of Reference: TBD
Meeting Frequency: bi-monthlyStaff Contacts: Brett Bartlett, extension 2022
Council Members:- Councillor Isa Lee
- Councillor Juanita Nathan
Trustee: Ed Law
Committee Members:- Sabine Cuesta
- Silken Cheung-Ege
- Christian Matros
- Varna Venkatesh
- Benjamin Kim
- Zoe Chakraborty
- Jin Zhou
- Melody Cao
- Mahrava Afshani
- Hadia Rasool
- Arya Waza
- Aiden Ma
- Elyssa Qi
- Anjani Sharma
- Tom Zheng
- Jiabei He
- Callista Chan
- Karina Florea
- Stephanie Sheng
- Eric Gao
- Allen Wang
- Enya Law
- Gloria Huang
- Isabelle Cai
- Rachel Zhang
Purpose: Monitoring and reviewing planning and development issues in Markham Village, Cornell and the surrounding communities.
Committee Type: Development Services Sub-Committee
Terms of Reference:Meeting Frequency:
- At the call of the Chair.
Staff Contacts:
- Varies based on the development application.
Council Members:
- Regional Councillor Alan Ho
- Councillor Amanda Collucci
- Councillor Andrew Keyes
- Councillor Karen Rea
Community Representatives:
- Cornell Community Representatives (to be invited to meetings only when their is an item on the agenda regarding Cornell, which the committee is seeking advice or feedback on from a community perspective).
- Main Street Markham Community Representatives ( to be invited to meetings only when their is an item on the agenda regarding Main Street Markham, which the committee is seeking advice or feedback on from a community perspective).
Note: Community representatives can only vote on the items they were requested to provide feedback or advice on.
- Regional Councillor Alan Ho
Meeting Minutes:
Purpose: TBD
Committee Type: TBD
Terms of Reference: TBD
Meeting Frequency: TBDStaff Contacts: TBD
Council Members:- Councillor Karen Rea
Chair: TBD
Committee Members:- Ken Rudy
- Donna Wigmore
- Linaire Armstrong
- Dianne More
- Andrew Fyarchuk
- Adriano Trabucco
Meeting Minutes:
Purpose: Assisting with the planning and organization of the Markham-Milliken Children's Festival.
Committee Type: Organizing Committee
Terms of Reference:Meeting Frequency: Meetings are held monthly from February to June, and biweekly or weekly in July and August. Most meeting are held on a Wednesday or Thursday at 5:30 PM.
- February 5, 2020
- January 27, 2020
- October 23, 2019
- August 7, 2019
- July 24, 2019
- July 10, 2019
- June 19, 2019
- May 29, 2019
Staff Contacts:
- Rebecca Cotter
- Bryan Gracan
- Andrea Berry
- Brieanna Gabbard
- Emma Girard
- Trinela Cane
- Ragavan Paranchothy
- Renee Zhang
- Stephanie Bagnarol
- Jing Yu
- Michael Freethy
Council Members:
- Councillor Isa Lee
- Councillor Juanita Nathan
Committee Members:
- Chelsea Wang
- Farwa Jafri
- Kitty Leung
- Sunil Channan
- Veronica Siu
- Quidde Cheung
- Diana Mousavi
- Chelliah Killivalavan
- Prem Kapur
- Jim Motton
Purpose: Monitoring and reviewing planning and development issues specific to the Milliken Mills area.
Committee Type: Development Services Committee Sub-Committee
Terms of Reference:
Meeting Frequency: Meetings are held at the call of the Chair.
Meeting Minutes:Staff Contacts:
- Varies based on the planning application.
Council Members:
- Regional Councillor Joe Li
- Councillor Isa Lee
- Councillor Ritch Lau
Community Representatives:
- Milliken Mills Community Representatives (to be invited to meetings only when their is an item on the agenda regarding Milliken Mills, which the committee is seeking advice or feedback on from a community perspective).
Note: Community representatives can only vote on the items they were requested to provided feedback or advice on.
- Regional Councillor Joe Li
Purpose: The Committee is responsible for considering matters of potential non-compliance related to municipal election campaign finance rules, including:
Applications submitted by eligible Markham electors for a compliance audit of a candidate or registered third party’s campaign finances; and,
Reports of the City Clerk on apparent over-contributions by contributors to candidates and registered third parties.
The mandate and powers of this Committee are set out under Sections 88.33 – 88.39 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996.
Terms of Reference: Terms of Reference
Committee Type: Citizen Board and Committee (Statutory/Quasi-Judicial)Meeting Frequency: Meetings are held as required when a compliance audit application or report of the Clerk is received.
Staff Contacts:
- Scott Chapman, Election and Committee Coordinator, 905.477.7000 extension 2097 or SChapman@markham.ca
- Hristina Giantsopoulos, Election and Committee Coordinator, 905.477.7000 extension 2370 or HGiantsopoulos@markham.ca
Council Members: n/a
Chair: To be appointed among the Citizen Members sitting as the Committee at each meeting.
Citizen Members:- Jodi Feldman
- Kelly Gravelle
- Paul Jones
- Terry Alderson
- Ron Colucci
- Robert Freedman
- Mark Gannage
- Paul Jones
- Reagan Ruslim
- Vince Scaramuzza
Purpose: The Committee is an arms length statutory body that hears appeals on orders issued by the Property Standards Officers.
Committee Type: Citizen Board of Committee (statutory/quasi judicial)
Terms of Reference: Terms of Reference
Meeting Frequency: Meetings are held as required.Staff Contacts:
- Todd Wilkinson, Supervisor of Provincial Offences Officer
Council Members: N/A
Chair: Members share the role of Chair.
Citizen Members:- Vivian Wong
- Gilbert Wong
- George Samuels
- Ali Chatha
- Darius Sookram
Purpose: The Committee advises Council on matter pertaining to public art.
Committee Type: Advisory Board/Committee
Terms of Reference: Terms of Reference
Meeting Frequency: Meetings are held at the call of the Chair or as needed.Minutes:
Staff Contacts:
- Yan Wu
- Niamh O'Laoghaire
Council Members:
- Councillor Reid McAlpine
- Stephen Lusk
Citizen Members:
- Angelo Serrentino
- Dawn Kay
- Taleen Der Haroutiounian
- Ardy Reid
- William Pickering
- Ken Wightman
- Julie Tiefenbach
- Adam Keung
- Jenny Tung
Purpose: Oversees the operations of the Markham Public Libraries, as per the Public Libraries Act.
Committee Type: Statutory Board/Committee
Terms of Reference: Terms of Reference
Meeting Frequency: Meetings are held the fourth Monday of the month at 7 PM at Markham Village Library (excluding July and August)
Agendas and Minutes:
Agendas and Minutes are posted on the City's Meeting Agendas and Minutes webpage.
Staff Contacts:
- Catherine Biss, CEO, Markham Public Library, 905.477.7000 extension 5999
- Susan Price, Board Secretary, 905.477.7000 extension 4311
Council Members:
- Deputy Mayor Michael Chan
- Councillor Ritch Lau
- Margaret McGrory, Chair
- Edward Choi, Vice-Chair
Citizen Members:
- Michael Armes
- Raymond Chan
- Edward Choi
- Robin Choy
- Harout Manougian
- Winnie Phung
- Jenny Tung
- Gail Vlahopoulos
- Kenneth Wightman
- Jay Xie
Purpose: Advises and assists Council in its efforts to achieve harmonious race and ethno-cultural relationships within community.
Committee Type: Advisory Board/Committee
Date of Establishment: September 27, 1988.
Meeting Date: The Committee meets quarterly on the first Monday of the month.
Terms of Reference:
Agendas and Minutes:
Agendas and minutes can be found on the the City's Meeting Agendas and Minutes webpage.
Staff Contacts:
- Jamaal Kossy, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Specialist, 905.477.7000 extension 2113
- Hristina Giantsopoulos, Council/Committee Coordinator, 905.477.7000 extension 2370
Council Members:
- Councillor Juanita Nathan
- Danielle Russell
Committee Members:
- Nayani Nandakumar
- Edward Choi
- Madge Logan
- Danielle Russell
- Claudette Rutherford
- Sataya Arora
- Jas Atwal
- Rochele Padiachy
- Braman Thillainathan
- Stephen Yan
- Ali Mtairek
- Claudette Rutherford
Purpose: The Committee was established for the purpose of providing insurance coverage for the Parade through the City's liability policy and assists with the planning and execution of the event.
Committee Type: City Board or Committee
Terms of Reference: Extract Establishing the Committee
Meeting Frequency: Meetings are held from September to November as needed.Minutes:
- October 6, 2022
- September 6, 2022
- November 7, 2019
- November 7, 2016
- October 6, 2016
- September 7, 2016
- January 19, 2016
Staff Contacts:
Council Members:
- Councillor Alan Ho
Chair: TBD
Staff Resources:
- Dennis Flaherty
- Christine Matthews
- Peter Cusimano
- Susan Peterson
- Rob Hincks
- Jim Sandiford
- Andrea Guarino
- John Styles
- Bob Walters
- Mike Zenteno
- Steve Matunin
Agency Members:
- Jim Sandiford, Rotary Club
- Peter Cusimano, Rotary Past President
- Susan Peterson, Rotary Club
- Mike Zenteno, Rotary Club
- Christine Matthews, Markham Village Business Improvement Area
Purpose: Smart Commute 404-7 is a non-profit association to help employers and employees in Markham and Richmond Hill with Smart Commute options. A Memorandum of Understanding has been created between the City of Markham, the Town of Richmond Hill, the Markham Board of Trade, the Richmond Hill Chamber of Commerce and the Region of York.
Committee Type: Outside Board or Committee
Website: http://www.smartcommute404-7.ca/
Staff Contacts:- Brian Lee, Deputy Director, Engineering, 905.477.7000 extension 4838
Council Members:
- Regional Councillor Joe Li (Term: November 30, 2018)
- Regional Councillor Nirmala Armstrong (Term: November 30, 2018)
Committee Members:
- Phillip Gunn
Purpose: To assist staff in the preparation and issuance of an RFP to retain a consultant to complete a storm water management system review and study in the Thornhill area.
Committee Type: Liaison Committee
Terms of Reference: Extract Establishing the CommitteeMeeting Frequency: Meetings are held at the call of the Chair or as needed.
Staff Contacts:
- Robert Muir
Council Members:
- Regional Councillor Jack Heath
- Councillor Karen Rea
Committee Members:
- Evelyn Liasi
- Marilyn Ginsberg
Purpose: Monitoring and reviewing planning and development issues in the Thornhill and Langstaff areas, and other roles and responsibilities related to making improvements to the area.
Committee Type: Development Services Sub-Committee of Council
Terms of Reference: Terms of Reference
Meeting Frequency: Meetings are held at the call of the Chair or as needed.Minutes:
Staff Contacts:
- Various Depending on the planning applicant
Council Members:
- Regional Councillor Jim Jones
- Councillor Isa Lee
- Councillor Keith Irish
- Councillor Andrew Keyes
- Regional Councillor Jim Jones
Purpose: Monitoring and reviewing planning and development issues specific to the Unionville area and other roles and responsibilities related to making improvement to the area.
Committee Type: Development Services Sub-Committee of Council
Terms of Reference: Terms of Reference
Meeting Frequency: Meetings are held at the call of the Chair or as needed.Minutes:
Staff Contacts:
- Various Depending on the Planning Applicant
Council Members:
- Deputy Mayor Michael Chan
- Councillor Reid McAlpine
- Councillor Isa Lee
- Councillor Amanda Collucci
Chair: Deputy Mayor Michael Chan
Purpose: The roles and responsibilities for the Varley-McKay Art Foundation of Markham are outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Markham and the Foundation.
Committee Type: Foundation
Supporting Documents:Meeting Frequency: Meetings are held the second Monday of the month at 5 PM at the Gallery (excluding July, August and December).
Note: Meeting dates and time are subject to change.
- October 17, 2022
- September 26, 2022
- June 13, 2022
- May 9, 2022
- April 11, 2022
- March 14, 2022
- February 7, 2022
- December 13, 2021
- October 18, 2021
- September 13, 2021
Staff Contacts:
- Niamh O’Laoghaire, Director of the Art Gallery, 905.477.7000 extension 3273
- Laura Gold, Council/Committee Coordinator, 905.477.7000 extension 4930
Council Members:
- Deputy Mayor Micheal Chan
- Councillor Reid McAlpine
- Jim Schmidt, Chair
- Craig McOuat, Vice-Chair
Citizen Members:
- Jim Schmidt
- John Ingram
- Carolyn Le Quere
- Lisa-Joy Facey
- Craig McOuat
- Matthew Reilly
- Amin Giga
Staff Resources:
- Niamh O’Laoghaire, Director of the Gallery
- Francesca Dauphinais, Development Officer
Purpose: The Board operates the City facility and is responsible for minor repairs. The City is responsible for major repairs and replacement.
Committee Type: Community Centre Board
Terms of Reference: Terms of Reference
Meeting Frequency:- Meetings are held monthly, typically on a Monday.
Staff Contacts:
- Laura Gold, Council/Committee Coordinator
Council Members:
- Councillor Alan Ho
Committee Members:
- Jean McCron
- Charlotte Frisby
- Michael Visconti
- Desmond Ng
- Edith Friedel
- Evan MacDonald
- Paul Tiefenbach
Markham Civic Centre
101 Town Centre Boulevard
Markham, ON, L3R 9W3
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM