Emergency Preparedness

Be ready for anything.
Set yourself up for safety.
- Know the risks in your area
The hazards or threats currently faced in Markham are similar to those faced in most Greater Toronto Area municipalities.
The top hazards include, but are not limited to:
- Epidemic or pandemic of infectious disease in humans or animals causing public health actions to stop the spread that may impact travel and disrupt social and business activities
- Cyber-attacks causing major technical failure of communications systems causing widespread multi-day communications breakdown
- Special events, causing transportation and service disruption
- Hazardous materials incident: transport accidents involving trucks or rail cars
- Severe winter storms, causing travel and business disruption
- Natural gas pipeline emergency, causing evacuations
- Severe summer storms (high wind/rain, tornadoes and hurricanes) with sustained rainfall and potential flash floods, causing widespread property damage
- Terrorism/Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives (CBRNE), causing widespread disruption, casualties, fear and affecting social and economic welfare
- Planning for emergencies
No one can predict the future, but if you are prepared for emergencies, you’ll be ready for any event. Learn how you can plan for different emergency scenarios in the
Emergency Preparedness Guide (2023)- Markham's Emergency Plan
The City of Markham has an emergency management program. It meets the requirements of Ontario’s Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act and Ontario Regulation 380/04.
Markham's Emergency Management Program (MEMP) consists of:
- An emergency plan based on hazards and threats identified in Markham
- Annual training for Markham staff and stakeholders involved in responding to and recovering from an emergency
- An annual emergency exercise to provide an opportunity for city staff and stakeholders to practice responding to emergencies
- A public education and awareness program about risks to public safety and how to be prepared for an emergency
Read the Markham Emergency Response Plan [PDF]
More information:
Program Manager, Emergency Management & Business Continuity
905.477.5530- Cold Warning and Winter Safety Tips
Environment and Climate Change Canada issues Winter weather and cold alerts across Canada.
In York Region, the following criteria is used for Winter weather alerts:
Winter Alert Type
Issued By
Criteria for Alert
Cold Weather Alert
York Region
Temperatures of minus 15 degrees Celsius or colder, with or without wind chill
Extreme Cold Weather Alert
Environment Canada
Temperature or wind chill is expected to reach minus 30 degrees Celsius for at least two hours
Extreme cold warnings are issued when very cold temperatures or wind chill creates an increased risk to health, such as frostbite and hypothermia. Risks are greater for young children, older adults, people with chronic illnesses, people working or exercising outdoors, and those without proper shelter and clothing.
Find out how you can stay safe in the cold and winter months.
- Heat Warning Safety Tips
Environment & Climate Change Canada issues Heat Warnings across Canada.
A Heat Warning is issued when there is a forecast of two or more consecutive days with daytime maximum temperatures of 31°C (87.8°F) or warmer, together with nighttime minimum temperatures of 20°C (68°F) or warmer or when there is a forecast of two or more consecutive days with humidex values expected to reach 40°C (104°F) or higher.
- Emergency planning resources
The following contact information is helpful in an emergency. Keep a copy of it in your home, your car and at work.
Download the Markham Emergency & Non-Emergency Information Sheet [PDF]
Emergency & Health Services
- York Regional Police
- Non-Emergency:
- 905.773.1221
- 1.866.8POLICE
- Non-Emergency:
- York Region Public Emergency Medical Services (Paramedic Services)
- 905.830.4444 x74181
- 1.800.361.5653
- Markham Stouffville Hospital
- Non-Emergency: 905.472.7000
- Emergency: 905.472.7111
- Community Care Access Centre of York Region
- 1.888.470.2222
- Markham Fire & Emergency Services
- 905.415.7521 (Monday to Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM)
- 905.477.2011 (after-hours, weekends & holidays)
Utility Companies
Government Agencies
- York Region - Emergency Management
- City of Toronto - Emergency Preparedness
- Emergency Management Ontario
- Federal Government Emergency Preparedness
- Public Safety Canada
General Information
Services for Homeless in Markham
Vulnerable people in York Region can receive housing support. The York Region Community & Health Services Department currently funds these shelter services:
Daily Shelter Services
- Inn from the Cold
- 905.895.8889
- 8 PM to 8 AM, 7 days a week from November to April
- York Region Street Outreach Van
- 1.866.553.4053
- 2 to 9 PM, 7 days a week
- Operates in Markham 4 to 5 PM on Sundays and 2 to 5 PM on Tuesdays
Limited Operation Shelter Services
- Mosaic Interfaith Out of the Cold Program
- 416.948.6682
- Shelters are located within faith organizations
If you see someone sleeping outside during an extreme cold warning, contact York Region Police: 905.773.1221.
- York Regional Police
- Get the latest local emergency updates & information
- Tune in to 105.9 FM (CFMS) – the City of Markham’s official emergency and information radio station
- Follow the City of Markham on Twitter and Facebook
- Sign up for the latest emergency information and updates from the City of Markham
- Visit the City’s website and social media accounts
- Contact the City of Markham:
- 905.477.5530
- customerservice@markham.ca
- Sign up for alerts from York Regional Police to be notified about situations such as:
- Break and enters
- Vehicle thefts
- Missing children
- Emergency alerts
To avoid misinformation during an emergency, make sure you follow credible sources.
- Alert Ready – Canada’s Emergency Alert System
Alert Ready delivers critical and potentially life-saving alerts to Canadians through television, radio and LTE-connected and compatible wireless devices.
The Alert Ready system was developed with many partners, including federal, provincial and territorial emergency management officials, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Pelmorex, the broadcasting industry and wireless service providers.
Together, these partners work to ensure Canadians receive alerts immediately and know when to take action to stay safe.
The City of Markham will use an Alert Ready Notification if there is an emergency/disaster that impacts the City.
During an Alert Ready notification, you will hear a distinctive tone on television, radio or on your wireless device, please pay attention and take action right away.
Notice for the Visually and Hearing Impaired: Alternate formats of the alerts may be issued. However, not every alerting authority or device has the capability to produce or receive these formats. Broadcasters may use text-to-speech software to create an audio version of an alert message. Emergency alerts may be read to the recipient if your device supports this feature. The vibration feature that accompanies emergency alerts is available to alert Canadians. Please contact your wireless provider for more services which may be available to you.
- Related links and resources
Emergency Plans
- City of Markham’s Emergency Response Plan (MEMP) [PDF]
- York Region Emergency Preparedness Guide [PDF]
- Province of Ontario Emergency Response Plan
- Canadian Emergency Response Plan
Emergency Preparedness Resources
- Is Your Family Prepared?
- 72 Hour Kit Pamphlet in Simple Chinese Text [PDF]
- 72 Hour Kit Pamphlet in Traditional Chinese Text [PDF]
- 72 Hour Kit Pamphlet in Punjabi Text [PDF]
- Emergency Preparedness Shopping List (Basic Items) [PDF]
- Lightning Safety Fact Sheet [PDF]
- Leaving your home during a prolonged power outage during winter (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Ontario Seniors: How to be Prepared for an Emergency
- How to be Prepared for an Emergency for Seniors in English Text [PDF]
- للمسنين في أونتاريو: كيف تكون على استعداد لمواجھة حالة طوارئ [PDF]
- নটািরo-র বিরɵ নাগিরকেদর pিত: আপদকালীন পিরিsিতর জনয্ কীভােব psত থাকেত হেব [PDF]
- 安大略省老年人:如何为紧急情况做好准备 [PDF]
- 安大略省耆老:如何為緊急情況做好準備 [PDF]
- شھروندان ارشد انتاريو: نحوه آمادگی برای مواقع اضطراری [PDF]
- Οντάριο και Τρίτη Ηλικία: Οδηγίες προετοιμασίες σε περίπτωση έκτακτης ανάγκης [PDF]
- ઑન્ટારયઓ વીનનઅય: કટ કટી ભાટે કેલી યીતે તૈમાય યશેલ ું જ ઇએ [PDF]
- Anziani dell’Ontario: Come essere pronti in caso di emergenza [PDF]
- 온타리오 주 고령자: 비상 상황 대비 방법 [PDF]
- ਓਨਟਰੀਓ ਦ ੈ ਬਜ਼ ੇ ਰਗ: ਿਕਸ ੁ ਸੇ ਕਟਕਾਲ ਲਈ ਿਤਆਰ ਿਕਵ ੰ ਰਿਹਣਾ ਹ ᶤ ੈ [PDF]
- Nakatatandang Mamamayan sa Ontario: Paano Maghanda para sa isang Emergency [PDF]
- ஒன்ராறிேயா ᾙதிேயார்கள்: ஒᾞ அவசரகால நிைலைமயில் எவ்வாᾠ தயாராக இᾞத்தல் ேவண்ᾌம [PDF]
- Літні люди провінції Онтаріо: Як підготуватися до надзвичайної ситуації [PDF]
- ونٹاريو (Ontario (کے بزرگ: کسی ہنگامی صورت حال کے لئے کس طرح تیار رہیں [PDF]
Emergency Preparedness Activities for Children & Teens
101 Town Centre Boulevard
Markham, ON, L3R 9W3
8 AM to 4 PM
(excluding statutory holidays)