MappiT is the City of Markham's new Development Application Viewer. Members of the public can now look up various development applications and tree removal permits to check on their status.
You can learn more about the purpose of each development application type on our Planning & Development Applications page.
You can learn more about the tree permitting process on the Trees page.
Below are explanations of the terminology used in MappiT.
Here are explanations of the detailed categories of the various development application types
Here are explanations of the detailed categories of the various development application types
Application Type | Subtype | Worktype | Explanation |
CNDO | All Other Condominium Types | Not Applicable | Application for (but not limited to) the conversion of existing rental units (which are Industrial/Commercial/Residential in use) to condominium units. |
CNDO | Common Element Condominium | Not Applicable | Application for freehold residences with commonly maintained elements (eg. roads, parking and amenity areas). |
CNDO | Extension of Condominium Draft Approval | Not Applicable | Application to extend a draft plan of condominium to allow more time to clear conditions of approval. |
CNDO | Revision of Condominium Draft Approval | Not Applicable | Application to make changes to a previously approved draft plan of condominium. |
CNDO | Standard Condominium | Not Applicable | Application to create condominium units (Residential, Commercial or Industrial) that includes entire site (grounds, parking and amenities). |
CNDO | Vacant Land Condominium | Not Applicable | Vacant condominium lots (Residential, Commercial or Industrial) for custom designed buildings. |
CSNT | Change of Condition Prior to Final Consent | Not Applicable | Application to amendment the conditions of a provisionally approved consent. |
CSNT | Consent for Partial Discharge | Conveyance | Application to transfer of part of a parcel of land to a neighboring lot. |
CSNT | Consent for Partial Discharge | Easement | Application to create a right-of-way over land (access, maintenance, servicing etc.). |
CSNT | Consent for Partial Discharge | Lease | Application to allow the lease over part of the applicant’s landholding for a period of 21 years or more. |
CSNT | Consent for Partial Discharge | Mortgage or Charge | Application to ceate a security interest in only part of a parcel of land by mortgage or charge. |
CSNT | Consent for Partial Discharge | Validation of Title | Application for a certificate that corrects contraventions of subdivision control provisions of the Planning Act. |
CSNT | Consent to Sever | Apartment | Application to create of one or more new lots for properties containing an apartment building. |
CSNT | Consent to Sever | Condominium | An application to create of one or more new lots for properties containing condominium development. |
CSNT | Consent to Sever | Mixed Use | Application to create of one or more new lots for properties with mixed use zoning. |
CSNT | Consent to Sever | New Ind/Com/Inst | Application to create of one or more new lots for properties with Industrial, Commercial or Institutional Zoning. |
CSNT | Consent to Sever | New Residential | Application to create of one or more new lots for properties with residential zoning. |
CSNT | Consent to Sever | Not Applicable | -- |
CSNT | Consent to Sever | Other | A division of land for the purpose of adding a portion of land from one property to an adjacent property OR a lot line adjustment to correct an encroachment OR re-establishment of the dividing lot line for properties that have merged on title |
CSNT | Re-Application | Not Applicable | Re-application of a lapsed provisionally approved consent. |
DEEM | Deeming By-law Request | Not Applicable | Application to merge individual lots into one. |
MNV | Heritage | Ind/Com/Inst | Application for relief from the provisions of a Zoning By-law or extension of a legal non-conforming use for lots with Industrial, Commercial, or Institutional Zoning in a Heritage District. |
MNV | Heritage | Residential - MNV | Application for relief from the provisions of a Zoning By-law or extension of a legal non-conforming use for lots with Residential Zoning in a Heritage District. |
MNV | Technical Amendment | Ind/Com/Inst | Application to rectify an existing matter of non-compliance with the Zoning By-law on lots with Industrial, Commercial, or Institutional Zoning. |
MNV | Technical Amendment | Residential - MNV | Application to rectify an existing matter of non-compliance with the Zoning By-law on lots with Residential Zoning. |
MNV | Variance - Lots on Draft Approved Plan | Ind/Com/Inst | Application for relief from the provisions of a Zoning By-law or extension of a legal non-conforming use for lots with Industrial, Commercial, or Institutional Zoning. |
MNV | Variance - Lots on Draft Approved Plan | Residential - MNV | Application for relief from the provisions of a Zoning By-law or extension of a legal non-conforming use for properties with Residential Zoning. |
MNV | With Respect to Dev Standards & Use | Ind/Com/Inst | Application for relief from the provisions of a Zoning By-law as it relates to development standards or permitted uses for lots with Industrial, Commercial, or Institutional Zoning. |
MNV | With Respect to Dev Standards & Use | Residential - MNV | Application for relief from the provisions of a Zoning By-law as it relates to development standards or permitted uses for lots with Residential Zoning. |
MNV | With Respect to Dev Standards & Use | Ind/Com/Inst | Application for relief from the provisions of a Zoning By-law or extension of a legal non-conforming use for lots with Industrial, Commercial, or Institutional Zoning. |
MNV | With Respect to Dev Standards | Residential Over 50m2 | Application for relief from the provisions of a Zoning By-law or extension of a legal non-conforming use for lots with Residential Zoning for a proposal greater than 50 m2 |
MNV | With Respect to Dev Standards | Residential Under 50m2 | Application for relief from the provisions of a Zoning By-law or extension of a legal non-conforming use for lots with Residential Zoning for a proposal less than 50 m2 |
MNV | With Respect to Dev Use | Ind/Com/Inst | Application for relief from the provisions of a Zoning By-law as it relates to a permitted use for lots with Industrial, Commercial, or Institutional Zoning. |
MNV | With Respect to Dev Use | Residential - MNV | Application for relief from the provisions of a Zoning By-law as it relates to a permitted use for lots with Residential Zoning. |
MZO | Common on Extension of Temporary Use | Not Applicable | Application from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for Markham comments on a requested Extension of Temporary Use. |
MZO | New Minister's Zoning Order Application | Not Applicable | Application from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for Markham comments on Minister’s Zoning Order Application. |
PLAN | Extension of Draft Plan Approval | Not Applicable | Application to Extend the Draft Plan Approval for a Plan of Subdivision to allow more time to Execute and Register a Subdivision Agreement before the Draft Approval lapses. |
PLAN | Official Plan Amendment | Not Applicable | Application to Amend a Policy or Designation in the Official Plan. |
PLAN | Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment with Plan of Subdivision | Not Applicable | Combined application for Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision. |
PLAN | Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment | Not Applicable | Combined application for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment. |
PLAN | Official Plan Amendment with Plan of Subdivision | Not Applicable | Combined application for Official Plan Amendment and Plan of Subdivision. |
PLAN | Plan of Subdivision | Not Applicable | Application for a Plan of Subdivision. |
PLAN | Redline Revisions | Not Applicable | Revisions to an already approved Plan of Subdivision. |
PLAN | Zoning Amendment with Plan of Subdivision | Not Applicable | Combined application for Zoning Amendment and Plan of Subdivision. |
PLAN | Zoning By-law Amendment | Not Applicable | Application for a Zoning By-law Amendment. |
PRCN | Official Plan | Not Applicable | Request for a Pre-consultation Meeting (a meeting to provide feedback on the proposed Application). |
PRCN | Official Plan/Subdivision/Zoning | Not Applicable | Request for a Pre-consultation Meeting (a meeting to provide feedback on the proposed Application). |
PRCN | Official Plan/Zoning | Not Applicable | Request for a Pre-consultation Meeting (a meeting to provide feedback on the proposed Application). |
PRCN | Official Plan/Zoning/Site Plan | Not Applicable | Request for a Pre-consultation Meeting (a meeting to provide feedback on the proposed Application). |
PRCN | Site Plan | Not Applicable | Request for a Pre-consultation Meeting (a meeting to provide feedback on the proposed Application). |
PRCN | Subdivision | Not Applicable | Request for a Pre-consultation Meeting (a meeting to provide feedback on the proposed Application). |
PRCN | Subdivision/Zoning | Not Applicable | Request for a Pre-consultation Meeting (a meeting to provide feedback on the proposed Application). |
PRCN | Zoning | Not Applicable | Request for a Pre-consultation Meeting (a meeting to provide feedback on the proposed Application). |
PRCN | Zoning/Site Plan | Not Applicable | Request for a Pre-consultation Meeting (a meeting to provide feedback on the proposed Application). |
PTLT | Part Lot Control | Not Applicable | Application to create property boundaries relating to Townhouse units and Semi-detached units. |
SALT | Other Site Alteration | Not Applicable | Application for any site alteration related to any property unrelated to any currently active development applications (eg. agricultural/golf course/etc.). |
SALT | Site Plan | Not Applicable | Application to alter site grading in relation to a Site Plan Application(remove topsoil/trees to allow construction to begin). |
SALT | Subdivision | Not Applicable | Application to alter site grading in relation to a Subdivision Application(remove topsoil/trees to allow construction to begin). |
SALT | Tree Removal Only | Not Applicable | Application to remove trees only to allow construction to begin. |
SPC | Extension of Site Plan Approval | Not Applicable | Application to extend the Site Plan Approval for a Site Plan Control Application. |
SPC | Façade | Major | Application to change the exterior of a building to comply with Architecture Control Guidelines. |
SPC | Façade | Minor | Application to change the exterior of a building to comply with Architecture Control Guidelines. |
SPC | Heritage | New Single/Semi | Application to allow construction of a new single or semi-detached dwelling. |
SPC | Heritage | Non-Residential Less Than 50m2 | Application to allow construction of an addition to an existing commercial building of less than 50m2 |
SPC | Heritage | Parking Area | Application to make changes to a Parking Area within a Heritage District for a Commercial Property. |
SPC | Heritage | Residential (Addition) | Application to allow construction of an addition to an existing dwelling having a floor area greater than 50m2 |
SPC | Heritage | Residential Driveway | Application to create a new driveway, or the expand an existing driveway. |
SPC | Mixed Use Development | Addition | Application to allow for construction of an addition to an existing mixed use building (eg. A building with a commercial ground floor with residence on 2nd floor and above). |
SPC | Mixed Use Development | New | Application to allow construction of a new mixed use building that will include Residential and Commercial Uses. |
SPC | Non-Residential | Agricultural | Application to allow construction of a new building to be use for agricultural purposes. |
SPC | Non-Residential | Commercial/Employment | Application to allow construction of a new building to house a commercial or industrial use. |
SPC | Non-Residential | Hotel/Motel | Application to allow construction of a new building for the purpose of creating multiple units for temporary overnight accommodation. |
SPC | Non-Residential | Institutional | Application to allow construction of a new building for an institutional use such as a school or place of worship. |
SPC | Non-Residential | Seniors Facility | Application to allow construction of a new building intended for the long term care or support of senior citizens. |
SPC | Outdoor Patio | Addition | Application to expand an existing commercial patio. |
SPC | Outdoor Patio | New | Application to create a new commercial patio. |
SPC | Parking Lot | Addition | Application to expand and existing commercial parking lot. |
SPC | Parking Lot | New | Application to create a new commercial parking lot. |
SPC | Residential Development | All Other Unit Types | Application to allow construction of a residential unit other than a single detached, semi-detached or townhouse dwelling, or an apartment building. |
SPC | Residential Development | Apartment Only Units | Application to allow construction of a new apartment building. |
SPC | Residential Development | Apartment and Other Types | Application to allow construction of a new residential complex that includes an apartment building plus other unit types such as semi-detached or townhouse units. |
SPC | Special Site Plan Area | New Single/Semi | -- |
SPC | Special Site Plan Area | Residential (Addition) | -- |
SPC | Telecommunications Tower | Not Applicable | Application to allow construction of a new telecommunications tower. |
TREE | Other | ACR Application | Application for a Tree Removal Permit that is not related to a development application/construction project. |
TREE | Other | Infill Application | Application for a Tree Removal Permit that is related to a development application/construction project. |
TREE | Residential | ACR Application | Application for a Tree Removal Permit that is not related to a development application/construction project. |
TREE | Residential | Infill Application | Application for a Tree Removal Permit that is related to a development application/construction project. |
Here is an explanation of what the various development application statuses signify
Status | Explanation |
Statuses applicable to the following application types: CNDO, CSNT, DEEM, MNV, MZO, PLAN, PRCN, PTLT, SALT, SPC | |
Appealed | City decision was appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT — formerly LPAT and before that OMB). |
Approved | The proposal has been approved. |
Certificate Issued | Pertains to CSNT. Indicates that a certificate has been issue confirming the land severance. |
Certification Registration | Pertains to CSNT. Indicates the land severance is complete and the certificate has been registered with the Land Registry Office. |
Clearing Conditions | Pertains to MNV. Indicates that the application was approved and that the Applicant still needs to address the conditions of approval. |
Conditions Cleared | Pertains to MNV. Indicates that the application was approved and all the of the conditions of approval have been satisfied. |
Deferred | Pertains to CSNT or MVN. Application has been rescheduled to another hearing date. |
Denied | Application not approved by the City. |
Endorsed | Pertains to SPC applications only. Indicates that the site and elevation plans have been finalized and a Conditional Building permit may be applied for. |
Executed | Pertains to TEC. Indicates that the Subdivision Agreement has been executed. |
New | A new applicaton has been received but not yet circulated for review. |
Provisional Consent | Pertains to CSNT. Indicates that application was approved by the City and that Applicant still needs to address conditions of approval. |
Recommended Approval | Pertains to CNDO. Indicates that Staff is preparing a recommdation to Council for approval of the application. |
Registered | Pertains to Plans of Subdivision and Condominium. Indicates that the Subdivision Agreement has been registered with Land Registry Office. |
Scheduled | Pertains to CSNT & MNV. Indicates that the application has been assigned to a Committee of Adjustment hearing date. |
Under Review | The application has been circulated to staff for review. |
Statuses applicable to RGS applications | |
Accepted | Indicates that the review of the Lot Grading and/or Servicing Plan completed. |
New | A new applicaton has been received but not yet circulated for review. |
Payment Received | Indicates that the Service Connection payment has been received. |
Under Review | The application has been circulated to staff for review. |
Securities Released | Indicates that the Applicant has fulfilled any applicable obligations to the City. |
Statuses applicable to TREE applications | |
Application | Indicates that the Tree Permit Application has been received and is currently under review. |
Completed | Indicates that all conditions of the Tree Permit have been cleared. |
Conditional Approval | Indicates that the Tree Permit Application has been approved with conditions. |
Not Approved | Indicates that the Tree Permit Application has been denied. |
Permit Approved | Indicates that the Tree Permit Application has been approved. |