Heritage Site Plan Control Application (SPC)
All lands within Markham are subject to site plan control with some exceptions (see Site Plan Control By-law 262-94). If your property is individually designated or you are located within a Heritage Conservation District and/or are planning to alter the exterior or add floor space, a Heritage Permit will be required. When developing 10 or more residential units, you must apply for a Heritage Site Plan Application for review.
A building permit cannot be issued and construction cannot begin unless heritage permit or a site plan approval is obtained. Through the site plan control application process (SPC), the City will review the design and layout of the buildings and development including building location and elevations, tree preservation, landscaping, parking, drainage, pedestrian access, etc. to ensure compliance with City standards, by-laws and guidelines. The Heritage Site Plan application process (184k/2p) may take 2 to 6 months to complete depending on the projects compliance with current policies and guidelines, and the project’s complexity.
For more information, visit the Heritage Protection page.
- Pre-Application Consultation Meeting
A Pre-Application Consultation (PRCN) Meeting is required prior to submission of an application. At the Pre-Application Consultation Meeting, staff will scope the issues associated with a specific development proposal and/or change in land use and identify submission requirements for a complete application. Following the Pre-Application Consultation Process, Staff will issue a PRCN Checklist identifying submission requirements.
- Application Submission
When the applicant is ready to submit a complete application for residential units of 10 or more, (with all the plans and documents identified from the PRCN Checklist), the applicant submits an application online via ePLAN.
When an application has been received, a Development Technician will conduct a preliminary ‘Prescreen Review’ to ensure that required plans and documents have been uploaded. The Development Technician will also check to make sure that all submitted plans and documents meet our ePLAN Submission Standards. Application fees will also be determined and confirmed at this stage.
Note: A submission does not become an application with a review timeline until it has passed our Prescreen Review Process and application fees have been paid.
For more information on how to submit an application, please refer to the following documents:
- SPC ePLAN Quick Reference Guide regarding applicable Heritage Site Plan Control
- For our application fees, please refer to our Fee By-law.
- Circulation
Once the application has passed our prescreen review, the Development Technician will circulate the file to an assigned Planner, as well as internal and external agencies for review.
- Staff Review and Comments
Staff will work with the applicant to resolve issues identified during the review. If applicable, the applicant will revise and resubmit plans and documents for review.
- Application is forwarded to Heritage Markham Committee for review
Heritage Staff prepares a memorandum and presents it to the Heritage Markham Committee for review and recommendation.
- Staff determines if the application must go to the Development Services Committee (DSC) for review
If Heritage Staff determines that the application must go to DSC for consideration, a recommendation report will be drafted and forwarded to DSC. DSC will review and render a decision.
- Application Endorsed with Conditions
- Applicable only for Heritage Site Plans that are over 50m2
- City prepares Heritage Site Plan Agreement
- A letter of credit or other form of financial security is required to ensure construction as per approved drawings, engineering requirements, and if necessary, tree preservation.
- Final Site Plan Agreement executed and registered by the City of Markham
- Site Plan Approval
For Heritage Site Plans that are under 50m2, the Plans are stamped “Approved with Conditions”. Heritage Staff then prepares a Sign Back Approval Letter and the owner executes the Approval Letter.