ePLAN Steps to Success: Review

Once the project passes the Pre-Application Review and is accepted it enters the Application phase. The Building Code timelines for complete application reviews are based on the date that the project enters the Application phase.
Application Verification
An Applications Administrator will review the submission to determine if it is considered a complete application in accordance with the Ontario Building Code (see City of Markham’s Guide to Building Permits) and to estimate the building permit fees applicable to the project. The Applicant will be sent a notice via email that outlines the application’s status as complete / incomplete, any missing drawings or documents, outstanding Applicable Law requirements, and the balance of building permit fees owing for the project.
Building permit fees must be paid in full within 2 business days, or the submission will be deemed incomplete and longer review timelines may apply.
Once all outstanding building permit fees are paid in full, the project will be sent to the plans examiners for their review.
Plans Review
Plans examiners will review the project electronically. During the review process, any comments or deficiencies identified during the review will be noted on the drawings as Changemarks.
Once all required review groups have completed their review, the Applicant may receive an Applicant Resubmit task to address by responding to any deficiencies. Items that need to be addressed will be in the form of Changemarks. Changemarks are the graphical deficiencies associated with an individual plan. Changemarks are a type of markup that need to be resolved before the review of your application can be approved.
Where revised drawings and supplemental information are required, the files must be uploaded and then the Applicant Resubmit task can be completed to notify City staff that the file is ready for review.
All resubmissions must be made through ePLAN. Drawings and other additional information sent via e-mail will not be reviewed.
If there are no deficiencies, your application will proceed to the Reviewed phase.
Quick Reference: Online Payments
Quick Reference: Finding and Sharing Comments
Quick Reference: Checking Application Status
Quick Reference: Uploading Files