Curbside Collection
This City of Markham provides curbside collection to over 92,000 homes and 165 apartment/condo buildings.
Don’t miss the truck!
Place your blue box at the curb by 7 AM on your collection day or after 7 PM the night before.
Collection times can change without notice.
What Goes Where?
For more items that go in your Green Bin or Blue Box, use the What Goes Where search tool or view our guide to help you recycle right, recycle more!
- Set Out Guidelines
Winter Set Out Guidelines
Heavy snowfall and gusty winds can make curbside collection difficult and dangerous.
Follow simple set out tips to keep collectors safe and help with snow clearing efforts:
- Put material out the morning of your collection day, not the night before.
- Ensure materials are easy to reach and visible. Do not place on top of snowbank.
- Clear snow from around bins, shovel a ground-level ledge into snowbank if necessary
- Keep bins back from roadway to prevent spillage or container damage by snowplows.
- Remove empty containers and uncollected items from the curb
Blue Box Windy Day Tips:
High winds can be challenging at the curb; knocking over bins, blowing recyclables into the streets and ending up in the parks. To help prevent blue box material from becoming litter, follow these windy day tips:
- Put your blue box out in the morning of your collection day, not the night before;
- Don't overload; keep material below the rim; stack blue boxes if possible
- Bundle newspapers and place on top of the lighter items
- Flatten and bundle small cardboard boxes (e.g. cereal, tissue boxes)
Write your address on your blue boxes in permanent marker — this makes it easier for them to be returned if they blow away
- Items must be loose in your blue box; DO NOT BAG!
- Plastic bags and Styrofoam are not accepted in the blue box. Drop off at any Markham Recycling Depot for recycling
- No limits to blue boxes at the curb – you can buy additional boxes at a Markham Recycling Depot
- Clear Bag Garbage
When is my clear bag garbage picked up?
Clear bag garbage is collected every other week on your regular collection day.
How do I set out my garbage?
You must place your garbage in clear bags. No black, dark, tinted or white bags are accepted. Visit the Clear Bag Garbage Page to learn more about Markham’s Clear Bag Garbage Program.
Why does Markham have a clear bag program?
Black garbage bags can hide a multitude of materials that should not be in the garbage such as toxic items like paint, solvents, and batteries, as well as recyclables. Progressive municipalities audit what is in residents’ garbage bags to improve waste management practices. City of Markham audits and audits performed by the province have indicated that high amounts of textiles, paint, household hazardous waste, food, paper, recyclables and thousands of household batteries are being sent for disposal.
Markham's garbage is processed and incinerated to make and supply energy. For air quality issues, we have a responsibility to ensure our garbage does not contain potentially toxic materials such as batteries, electronics and any household hazardous materials. Clean waste means clean fuel and air for everyone!
Clear bags also aid our collectors to identify materials that are banned from disposal. Unfortunately, our collectors have been injured from hidden glass, nails, and other sharp items hidden in the dark bags. Using clear bags keeps our collectors safe from injuries.What about my privacy?
If you have security concerns, use small opaque bags (grocery bags) inside the clear bag or place your clear bag inside a garbage can. Reminder – items such as confidential papers/bills, tissues, soiled paper, feminine products go in your Green Bin.
What if I use solid colour bags under my sink or throughout my home (i.e. grocery bags), can I tie them up and throw them in?
You can use up to four privacy bags per collection. Your privacy is important to us; please remember that most bathroom waste (tissue, paper, feminine products) should be placed in your Green Bin. Visit the Clear Bag Garbage Page to learn more about Markham’s Clear Bag Garbage Program.
Can I use just a garbage can instead of a clear plastic bag?
No. Markham’s By-law, for health and safety purposes, has always required garbage to be contained in a bag and not loose in a garbage can. A garbage can (0.5 m x 0.9 m), less than 18 kg is acceptable.
Does renovation material get picked up with my clear bag garbage?
No. Renovation materials are not be collected at the curb. Drop off to the Earl Turcott Waste Management Facility located at 300 Rodick Road, Markham. Visit the Earl Turcott Waste Management Facility Website for more information.
Can I put large appliances, like a fridge, at the curb for pick-up on collection day?
No. Large appliances are collected once a month by appointment only. Please call 905.477.5530 to book and pay for a collection appointment ($16.00/each appliance). Visit the Appliances & Metal Items Page for more information.
Can I put large, bulky items at the curb for pick-up on collection day?
Bulky items are collected every two weeks on your regular clear bag garbage day. A special collection appointment is not required. Visit the Furniture & Bulky Items Page for more information.
How should I dispose of objects with sharp edges?
Any object with sharp edges must be labeled "broken glass/ sharp object" and wrapped in cardboard or placed in a cardboard box to cover any exposed or sharp edges so that it is safe to handle.
Can wood be put out on my collection day?
Yes, as long as the wood is bundled and tied securely with rope or tape; each bundle is under 1.2 m in length and no heavier than 18 kg, and; the bundles of wood are safe to handle (all nails have been removed from or hammered into the wood).
How do I set out carpet on garbage day?
Carpets must be rolled up and tied with rope or string. Make sure the rolled carpet is safe to handle, with no protruding nails or staples. Carpet rolls cannot be longer than 1.2 m in length or weigh more than 18 kg. Maximum 8 rolls per collection day.
- Green Bin
Mighty Green Bin
What is the Mighty Green Bin?
The Mighty Green Bin is Markham’s new larger green bin available for residents to purchase. Designed for semi-automated collection, it holds twice the amount of green bin material than the City’s regular-size Green Bin.
What is the difference between the Mighty Green Bin and the regular-size Green Bin?
- Holds up to 100 litres of green bin material
- Tipped into the truck with a mechanical arm, not a person – no need to worry about weight restrictions
- Secure lid with gravity lock to help keep out pests
- Larger wheels making it easy to roll to the curb
Do I need to switch to a Mighty Green Bin?
Buying a Mighty Green Bin is voluntary. Choosing the right container will be different for different households. The Mighty Green Bin’s larger size is perfect for those families who are using several green bins or clear bags for their overflow organics, like diapers and pet waste – only one trip to the curb!
How much does the Mighty Green Bin cost?
The Mighty Green Bin is $73.50* includes HST.
*Trade-in offer - Get $10.00 off when you trade-in one or more regular-size Green Bins.
How do I get a Mighty Green Bin?
Starting Friday May 26, Mighty Green Bin will be available to purchase and pick up at the
Milliken Mills Recycling Depot ONLY
- 7660 Kennedy Road. Behind Milliken Mills Community Centre
- Hours of Operation - Friday or Saturday between 9AM – 3PM
Before you leave the Depot:
- Inspect your new bin
- Write your address on the bin – we’ll have a sharpie for you to use
- Note - All sales are final. No returns, exchanges or damage/theft replacement.
What do I do with my regular-size Green Bin?
- Get $10.00 off the purchase of a Mighty Green when you trade-in one or more of your regular-size Green Bins
- Repurpose to store pet food, bird seed or winter sidewalk salt/sand.
- Keep handy for any overflow organics.
- Give away to friends, family or neighbours.
What are the set out requirements?
There are no special instructions. Set out guidelines are the same as the regular-size Green Bin:
- Always tie and secure bags before placing in your Mighty Green Bin. Use any plastic, paper or compostable bag to collect your organics. Do not use cloth bags.
- Roll your Mighty Green Bin to the curb by 7AM on your collection day, visit Collection Schedule
- Do not use for leaf and yard material. Yard material is collected and processed separately.
- Wash bins regularly with dish soap and water.
What if my Mighty Green Bin is damaged or stolen?
The Mighty Green Bin does not qualify for the City’s current green bin exchange program. All sales are final. No returns, exchanges or damage/theft replacement.
Curbside Container Tips:
- Write your address on it;
- Remove from curb as soon as possible after collection.
What if my Mighty Green Bin is damaged during collection by the contractor?
Please call us at 905-477-5530
Green Bin Overview
When is my Green Bin picked up?
Green Bins are collected every week on your regular collection day.
Do I have to use compostable bags in the Green Bin?
No. Any bag – paper, plastic or compostable can be used in your Green Bin.
How do I dispose of pet waste?
Pet Waste and kitty litter can be placed in your Green Bin.
What do I do with excess organic material?
Place excess organic material in a clear bag beside your Green Bin. You can also buy another Green Bin at any Markham Recycling Depot. Visit the Recycling Depots & Drop Off Centres Homepage to find your closest Recycling Depot.
My Green Bin is damaged. Can it be replaced?
Only Markham-branded bins that are broken or damaged, can be exchanged at any Markham Recycling Depot. $5.50 fee applies. Visit the Recycling Depots & Drop Off Centres Homepage to find your closest Recycling Depot.
Should I take my Green Bin with me when I move?
Be courteous…Green Bins should stay with the house when you leave.
Where do I get a Green Bin?
Green Bins can be purchased at Markham's Recycling Depots. Visit the Recycling Depots & Drop Off Centres Homepage to find your closest Recycling Depot.
- Recycling
When is my Blue Box picked up?
Empty and clean recyclables are collected every week on your regular collection day.
Can shredded paper go in my Blue Box?
No. Shredded paper goes in the Green Bin. Excess can be put in a clear bag and placed beside Green Bin.
Do I put my recyclables in plastic bags?
No - keep recyclables loose in your blue box. Plastic bags full of recyclables cannot be opened at the sorting facility and will be sent to the landfill.
Can I recycle Styrofoam?
Styrofoam is a recyclable material, but not accepted in Markham’s Blue Box program. Clean it! Bag it! Bring it! Visit the Recycling Depots & Drop Off Centres Homepage to find your closest Recycling Depot.
What should I do with my old computer or TV?
Unwanted electronics should be taken to the York Region Household Hazardous Waste & Electronics Recycling Depot on Rodick Road just south of Miller Avenue. To learn more about the Hazardous Waste Depot, visit the York Region Household
Hazard Waste Depot Homepage.My Blue Box is damaged. Can it be replaced?
Only Markham-branded bins that are broken or damaged, can be exchanged at any Markham Recycling Depot. $5.50 fee applies. Visit the Recycling Depots & Drop Off Centres Homepage to find your closest Recycling Depot.
Should I take my Blue Box with me when I move?
Be courteous…Blue Boxes should stay with the house when you leave
Where do I get a Blue Box?
Blue Boxes can be purchased at any Markham Recycling Depot. Visit the Recycling Depots & Drop Off Centres Homepage to find your closest Recycling Depot.
- Yard Material
When is yard material picked up?
Leaf and Yard material is collected every other week on your regular collection day from April to October. Weekly collection November to Mid-December.
Can grass clippings be put out as yard material?
No. Markham does not collect grass clippings. Use a mulching lawnmower and leave grass clippings on your lawn. You can also recycle them in a backyard composter.
Can branches be put out as yard material?
Yes, as long as branches and brush are placed out in string-tied bundles (no wire); each branch is 15cm or less in diameter and no longer than 1.2m; and, each bundle weighs less than 18kg.
What containers can be used for yard material?
Place leaf and yard material out for collection in biodegradable Kraft paper bags, open rigid containers or bushel baskets. Do not use any type of plastic bag.
Is sod collected at the curb?
No. Small amounts of sod can be broken up and placed around the perimeter of your yard. Large amounts can be taken to the Richmond Hill Compost Facility at 1351 Bloomington Road, Richmond Hill, Ontario, L4K 2N7. For information, call 1.866.665.6752 or visit the Richmond Hill Compost Facility Homepage.
- Assisted Collection Service
How will my application be processed?
Once we receive your application, you will be contacted within one week. If your application is approved, a Markham staff member will then visit you at home. That person will confirm your information and work with you to find a safe place to set-out your materials. At that time, you'll need to sign a liability waiver.
Why do I need to sign a Liability Waiver?
A City of Markham employee or contracted agent will need to enter your property. This waiver gives the person permission to enter your property. It also shows the legal responsibilities between you and the City of Markham.
How long can I receive the service?
You application will be reviewed every 12 months.
We will end the service if you no longer meet the conditions of the service. You must tell us if you no longer need the service by contacting us at 905.477.5530.
What will the collection contractor pick up?
The collector will pick up the materials you would normally put at the curb. This person will pick them up at your pre-arranged location. Materials include:
- Blue boxes
- Green bins
- Clear bag garbage
- Leaf and yard material
- Bulky items like furniture
When will my materials by picked up?
By 7 AM on your regularly scheduled collection day.
What if my collection is missed?
If your material is not picked up on your collection day, please call the City at 905.477.5530. Ensure your material is in the same place every time and visible from the street.
What happens if it snows?
The path to your collection spot needs to be clear of snow. Please have someone remove snow during the winter months.
What are my responsibilities?
- Put your green bin, blue box, and clear bag garbage outside in your pre-arranged spot by 7 AM on your collection day.
- Clear snow from the walkway to your collection spot.
- Call the City at 905.477.5530 if:
- you move from your registered address
- you have someone who can help you on a regular basis
- you don't need this service anymore
- you want to cancel the service
- If you have a temporary disability, City staff will re-evaluate your application on a date that you agree to. Staff may visit you again at your home to discuss the service.
If you have questions, please call us at 905.477.5530.