City Projects & Initiatives / Major City Projects

Learn about City Projects
The City of Markham is one of the fastest growing municipalities in Ontario and the most ethnically diverse community in Canada. The City has earned distinction for strong economic growth and enviable livable facilities and spaces.
Markham has been identified as a growth centre in the Greater Toronto Area by the Ontario Places to Grow Act, and their projections indicate Markham’s population will increase by 35 per cent in the next 16 years. The City of Markham is well prepared for this growth through our strategic plan – Building Markham’s Future Together. The plan’s four strategic priorities – Exceptional Services by Exceptional People, Engaged, Diverse and Thriving City, Safe and Sustainable Community, Stewardship of Money and Resources – will ensure a balanced and sustainable approach to the growth of our community.
Current Projects
Here are the current projects:
Completed Projects
Here are the completed projects:
Council Approved Master Plans
Master Plan and Other High-Level Plans and Strategies
- Asset Management Plan [PDF]
- City of Markham Emergency Response Plan [PDF]
- Citywide Flood Control Implementation Strategy [PDF]
- Conceptual Master Plan for the Future Urban Area [PDF]
- Conceptual Master Plan for the Future Urban Area – Transportation, Water and Wastewater Master Plan Class Environmental Assessment[PDF]
- Corporate Energy Management Plan
- Cycling Master Plan (2010)
- Development Charges Background Study "Plan" [PDF]
- Digital Markham Strategy [PDF]
- Diversity Action Plan - Everyone Welcome [PDF]
- Gateway Master Plan [PDF]
- Greenprint, Markham's Community Sustainability Plan [PDF]
- Integrated Leisure Master Plan (2019) [PDF]
- Integrated Leisure Master Plan (2010) [PDF]
- Library Strategic Plan 2015-2019 [PDF]
- Markham 2020
- Markham Sport Plan [PDF]
- Master Fire Plan [PDF]
- Municipal Energy Plan
- Official Plan (2014)
- Older Adult Strategy [PDF]
- Pathways and Trails Master Plan
- Salt Management Plan [PDF]
- Shared Spaces, Our Places - Markham's Public Realm Strategy [PDF]
- "The Best of the Best - Markham's Roadmap to 80% Diversion" Strategy [PDF]
Markham Civic Centre
101 Town Centre Boulevard
Markham, ON, L3R 9W3
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM