Background & Purpose
In 2013, Markham Council authorized the Main Street Unionville Community Vision Plan study (originally Precinct Master Plan study), in response to a request by the Unionville Business Improvement Area Board to develop a strategic vision focused on historic Main Street Unionville. A consulting team of Torti Gallas and Partners Inc., Michael Morrissey and an alliance of independent sub-consultants were engaged to help complete the study. The overall objective was to create a community vision which would help guide future planning decisions by all stakeholders involved in the historic Unionville community, and to find the appropriate balance between protecting this unique heritage environment, while ensuring its continued economic vitality and prosperity.
The study explored a variety of issues, including:
- the need or desire for additional development;
- the need for more parking, and how to achieve it;
- the need for additional public infrastructure to serve both local requirements and visitors;
- the desire for less restrictions on certain land uses in the area;
- the opportunities to further utilize the floodplain area;
- the opportunities to assist the local business community along both Hwy 7 and Main Street;
- potential future partnerships with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, the School Board, adjacent residential groups, festival organizers, sports organizations and the Unionville Curling Club;
- how to balance the desires and requirements of visitors and the business community, with the needs and expectations of local residents;
- how to continue to protect and enhance an extremely unique and fragile historic village and all its attributes within a thriving and ever-growing City of Markham.
Stages of the Study
Stage 1 – Existing Conditions Analysis and Consultation
The study team reviewed existing conditions and other documentation, as well as conducted numerous meetings with key stakeholders - including community representatives and Markham staff members - to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the Main Street Unionville community. A local market analysis and examination of population and demographic characteristics was also undertaken.
Stage 2 – Five Day Charrette
A charrette is a combination of an on-location design studio and an old fashioned town meeting that allows interaction by all involved. The study's charrette happened over five days in the first week of June 2013 in the Crosby Memorial Arena on Main Street Unionville. This process allowed the public and staff to watch concepts being developed, and to participate and engage with the study team throughout the event.
Stage 3 – Preliminary Concept Master Plan
Based on feedback from the charrette, the study team worked to test and refine specific master plan and design concepts, and more detailed work on some of the ten key focus areas identified, such as Hwy 7, the commercial core and the Arena sports area. These refined concepts and detailed area work were meant to explore retail and streetscape enhancement in the core area, demonstrate potential improvement opportunities for both private and public lands through public/private partnerships, and produce a renewed, comprehensive vision for a mixed-use and pedestrian-centred Main Street Unionville.
Stage 4 – Final Concept Master Plan
Based on feedback from presentations on the key focus areas, the study team prepared the final concept master plan, the Main Street Unionville Community Vision Plan (MSUCVP). On January 13, 2015, Markham Council endorsed the MSUCVP (subject to modifications) to inform a future Secondary Plan for the area, and to serve as a guiding document for affected parties and stakeholders (public and private) when initiating or reviewing proposed changes in the Unionville Heritage Conservation District.
The Vision Plan & Current Status
The overview section of the MSUCVP explores the groundwork upon which it was created, the top issues that it aims to address, as well as its goals and vision statement - proclaiming that “Main Street Unionville shall become a vibrant, thriving and successful heritage village that is a regional destination, but serves local needs", with a desire to sustain Main Street Unionville socially, economically and environmentally. All of the key focus areas are explored in-depth as well, with each one having its own challenges, issues and stakeholders (including “champions” who can help to realize specific concepts or parts), while recognizing that any of the Vision Plan's individual proposals will still require further planning approvals and public consultation to become implemented.
Below is the complete Main Street Unionville Community Vision Plan, presented as a series of PDF documents:
- Vision Plan, pages 1 to 13
- Vision Plan, pages 14 to 33
- Vision Plan, pages 34 to 53
- Vision Plan, pages 54 to 73
- Vision Plan, pages 74 to 93
- Vision Plan, pages 94 to 113
- Vision Plan, pages 114 to 133
- Vision Plan, pages 134 to 153
- Vision Plan, pages 154 to 165
The City continues to work with the private sector and the Historic Unionville Community Vision Committee to implement the Vision Plan. Regarding progress with implementation of the Vision Plan to date, see the following staff reports and presentations:
- MSUCVP - Progress to Date - Presentation to the Unionville Villagers Association (March 11, 2019)
- Council resolution adopting the MSUCVP (January 13, 2015)
Please direct any questions and requests for further information to Heritage staff of the Planning and Urban Design Department.